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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Good idea. With my eye-sight and fine-motor skills are lacking may well have been accompanied by cognitive decline, as is usual.
  2. Saw a big expensive Indian wedding at the beach nearby recently. Seen quite a few business conventions at the hotel whose gym I was a member of. Weddings and conventions are a big business TAT: ANF refuses to acknowledge, however, as it contradicts the bigoted narrative and beloved myths.
  3. Oh, perhaps she was actually with one, who was at the moment among his friends, and, your having watched a lot of porn, your fevered, bigoted imagination imagined a big gang bang! OH YEAH. Or were you in the room as well?
  4. Then you needn't resort to clever (hee!) indirect trashing, right? Previous shows, after being trashed as usual here, got good reviews from some members who actually went, including one of our best mods.
  5. Hey--where's the paranoia? We wanna talk about Plan Bs now and Cambodia. Get with the narrative. Everybody's been heading for exits for the last 20 years to escape the rampant xenophobia and horrible mistreatment here always getting worse. Those remaining are of course already stuck.
  6. Yeah, let's all see how many ways we can think of to trash the event. That's what we do.
  7. Because your eye-sight and fine-motor skills are lacking, you should just have a nice long nap and then buy another phone that you can just replace if you can't force an upgrade when you imagine you "need" an upgrade. That's not in the job description of salesmen. Your problem, not theirs. Don't bug the salesmen and be a PITA farang. Google for info about the OS, specs, and rooting, it's all out there, m'lord, no need for spoon-feeding. Yah, yah. Google for smaller phones, see if they're available in Thailand, check on Lazada or a nearby shop, then Google for how to root the phone of choice and any other of your "technical" questions. Surf the technical forums that mention the phone or similar models, and ask the gurus there if you don't find the answer. Sorted.
  8. Well, yes, but you'll note the earlier knee-jerk that it applies worldwide. The UK is the center of the universe on the forum and the only standard of reference, esp. in matters of (to mention a few) Economics, Tourism, Police Oversight, Thai Regulations, Crime Solving, Construction Engineering, Culinary Judgment, Beauty Contests, Spelling, and Driving Instruction. A few other countries are sometimes recognized for occasional condescension, a penal colony, another large non-English-speaking former colony full of hillbillies and bumpkins, a pizza factory--that's about it, far as the Western world's concerned. So (pro tip), when you want to quote a Credible Authority here, choose one in the UK.
  9. No one's ever seen any. Just one of those bigoted forum myths we love so much.
  10. Same as Thais do when they don't understand English. Fancy that.
  11. A bit outdated. More like 80% now. Starbucks influence, no doubt. ???? https://britishcoffeeassociation.org/coffee-consumption/
  12. . . . loads of other carbs as well, including those from junk foods. Extra calories from any source are then unhelpful.
  13. Seems to me that's how @thaibeachlovers helped give himself pre-diabetes.
  14. Not much a dragon mom, are you. Here ya go, kid! Drink up.
  15. Somebody said that the card gets disrespected here, too unusual. 'Course, talk's cheap on the 'net. It also costs. How much is it? $50?
  16. Such a PITA that when mine was stolen, the local bike testing outlet told me just to carry the receipt, not bother trying to get a new one. So I did; was never stopped to test the validity of that advice.
  17. Can't, obviously. It's the hope, and survivor's bias.
  18. True. As I mentioned earlier, I'll have a cuppa before I work out. My gf even has an espresso first at her gym.???? Helps.
  19. Got it! Paper and phone. I got a color copy of the tax sticker rolled up in a standard holder on the bike showing only the number & date. This, after a real one was stolen once. But I also carry the receipt in my wallet. They ain't gettin' ME!????
  20. Oh, it's totally relevant, just as it is with you and me. Now you've merely resorted to hot air. Oh, maybe this, maybe not. Some do, some don't, yada yada. Anyone coming in on a tourist visa may or may not do the same. Finished with the "refugee" non-issue?
  21. "Officer, an ANF Poster decided that only this should be sufficient. Now: buzz off." I'll cover all the bases, thank you. Don't need no laminate, just cut down copies of the PP page, visa, and extension stamp, fold tightly, compress into small plastic ziplock used for medications, and carry in my back pocket. Run off a new extension stamp copy yearly. Also have the phone copies, Thai DL, and pink card. Cops only ask for a DL at a checkpoint; often a glance is enough, don't even need take it out of my wallet. "Thailand! Thank you."
  22. Oh. Do they have special refugee visa stamps? Can their visas be like, extended, as if they're what you think of as real tourists? I don't intend to return to my country either, BTW.???? Especially now. You might call me a long-term refugee.
  23. Oh, my. They gotta stay in refugee camps and eat gov't-issued MRE? Can't check into hotels, eat & drink at restos, hit the bars, shop in the malls and the markets? No swimming & sunbathing? Bring 'em on.
  24. Open your eyes. Look for the lovely daughters. Won't be many of those this time. No draft worries on their part.
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