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Posts posted by tonititan

  1. What kind of teacher are you? And what kind of teaching job are you looking for - ESL or a homeroom/subject teacher?

    You say that you are qualified - does that mean that you have teacher certification from your home country? If you're looking for that type of teaching job at another well known international school, the problem could be that most have done all their hiring already, and many don't like to hire from within Thailand.

  2. errm, maybe a way to sneak certain 'personals' past thai customs?? Have never considered it purely out of the image of a mean customs guy making an unwanted discovery. But maybe a cunningly disguised duck....???

    I've done it before, and i fully intend on trying it again this summer. No duck, though. Perhaps a rabbit instead. :)

  3. You seem to think that Thai people should appreciate and respect your presence here more than they do.

    At least when i am giving them my money for a custom or helping them out in something i am not obliged to, maybe is just me having these strange ideas uh? Tonititan i understand that showing gratitudes or expecting the counterpart to be fair and honest is such a old fashioned thing nowadays, however i will try to keep those habits till they are still legal at least, sorry if that upset you anyhows and just keep helping people that doesn't even understand what are you all about, that surely will help the society to progress in resemble what you believe in even more.

    It doesn't upset me. I just hope it doesn't offend you that I don't think I'm "God's gift to Thailand" just because I spend money here. :)

  4. Honestly, I always find this kind of attitude to be quite arrogant, thinking that we are doing a HUGE favor to Thailand by living here. And then to want gratitude for it. Geez. I think that they would be just fine without us. I guess I just try to live more under the idea that I am lucky to be living in their country, taking advantage of the low cost of living and the travel opportunities.

    Why "arrogant"? it's a bit like when you walk in a restaurant, am i arrogant in expecting the staff being polites and friendly? surely they will be fine even without my custom, but if they keep that attitudes with so many customers, perhaps they will not end up so nicely...in no way i mean to disrespect locals, just talking about what i came across first hand, different cultures and different ways to see things...or not? same same but different? :)

    I think that with that kind of analogy, you are disrespecting the locals. It seems that you are equating Thai people in general (and your expected treatment as a foreigner) with wait staff at a restaurant who are there solely to serve you. You seem to think that Thai people should appreciate and respect your presence here more than they do.

  5. ..... Being ThaVisa directed to help foreigners in a foreigner land, i would be much more willing to help a fellow foreigner, for which the local laws make life much more complicate and difficult to handle, in the end, we are already giving them a HUGE help by spending OUR money in THEIR land, helping one of us will automatically means helping the locals too with many more chances to see our help recognized as a such and perhaps showing some sort of gratitude or at least respect, no offence but that's what i think, good luck to you

    Honestly, I always find this kind of attitude to be quite arrogant, thinking that we are doing a HUGE favor to Thailand by living here. And then to want gratitude for it. Geez. I think that they would be just fine without us. I guess I just try to live more under the idea that I am lucky to be living in their country, taking advantage of the low cost of living and the travel opportunities.

  6. I think that there are a lot of people in the States (both men and women) who are still uncomfortable about a strong, successful woman who chooses to remain unmarried. I don't get it, but I think that attitude persists. Maybe people have feelings of being threatened, or maybe it's jealousy, pity, or something else. Maybe it's just that being unmarried seems "unnatural" to some people. There are a lot of people who still think that getting married and having children is the "right thing to do." It's a shame that anyone ever felt the need to bring her marital status into the debate.

  7. So how many TV members who live in Bangkok went out to join the big public cleanup the other day in order to get the city back to normal? Not many I'll wager.

    I know lots of people, myself included, who would have loved to go out and help. Unfortunately we didn't find out about the event until after it occurred. It wasn't a "breaking news" story that got emailed out to me, and I didn't see it announced anywhere else. There may have been a thread on TV about it, but not all of us are able to keep up with the forums every day.

    To the OP, I think that a lot of us living in BKK would be willing to contribute if there was an actual organized collection with a clear goal and transparency in where the money goes. To me it seemed that your message was directed toward the TV administrators, which may be why you got few responses. If you can organize something specific, people might be more likely to get involved.

  8. It re-opened today (Sunday) but closed at 7 pm because of the curfew.

    No, MBK did not re-open today. In fact, it has been open every single day of the year so far.

    So really it did re-open today, after it closed last night. Yes? :)

  9. It's the sentiment bro.... I know HUNDREDS of Thais who are loving this.

    Take a chill pill, relax, enjoy.

    Out of all this horror at least people are still putting on a brave face.

    & YES - I am A-political as far as Thailand goes. I do not have the right to vote, I do not express support for either side. Only my friends and family.

    Chillax dude :)

    Of course they are loving it....the only words they probably truly understand are "fuc_k you." :D

    And if you read my post again more carefully this time, you will realize that I said the video was political, not you.

  10. The floral bath I took was a milky bath, full of flowers. It was actually a huge tub...intended for two as part of a couple's spa package. :) I don't know what was in the water, but it smelled amazing and made my skin so soft. It was an outdoor tub at a spa, and the atmosphere was amazing. Ahhh...now I want to go back there!

  11. I like baths, but I really hate taking a bath in any bathtub other than my own. It just seems "icky" to me. :D I'm sure that most hotels and other places wash out bathtubs well (well, maybe NOT so sure!), but I can't get over thinking about someone else's "funk" stuck to the sides of the tub. IF I take a bath in a hotel, I make sure to thoroughly clean it first. Maybe I just have issues. :)

    I probably wouldn't pay to just take a regular bath at someone else's house. However, I have paid for a "floral bath" at a spa, and it was fabulous!

  12. He sounds just like the actor Seth Rogen when he's trying to be serious. :)

    I think this is a great idea. Personally, I would like to see any footage from what's going on downtown. I live far enough out that I can't see what's going on, and I don't have t.v. to watch the news on. It's been hard to find real footage online. Also, perhaps you could run stories that either confirm or refute some of the many rumors going around the forums and the whole city (internet being cut off during curfew hours, hostages being held at various stores, etc.).

  13. You're talking about Thai Airways, right? If you look at their website, you can see that the president's name is Piyasvasti Amranand. I don't know that you'll ever get his personal e-mail address, but good luck! And yes, tell us....what did you see? :)

  14. I was on it for about 30 minutes before it kicked me off (too many users) when I switched to a different window for a moment.

    From what I did see, it was a shame that people were clogging the discussion with what I would consider "silly" comments/questions. People were complimenting the embassy staff, saying they were proud to be a part of the community, etc. Also people were asking questions that to me, did not seem relevant for the current context. For example, a man asked a question about whether he could still apply for his wife's visa at the temporary Embassy site (fair question), but then he also went on to explain how he doesn't think it's fair that he can't accompany his wife to her interview. Another guys rambled about how he should get special treatment for his wife's visa because he is a US citizen an taxpayer, and they shouldn't wait in the same line as other Thais waiting for visas. He wanted to know if the Embassy was coordinating with Homeland Security in order to expedite her visa. Another guy said he wanted to travel around the north of Thailand and wanted to know if people there had hostility towards Americans. Why did they even allow those questions to come up? IMHO, those people were wasting the limited time set aside to discuss the situation in Bangkok.

  15. Also, I know I've seen a few stores in Bangkok, like at MBK or in various neighborhoods. They are very blunt with the names of the clothing shops - I think I've seen one called "XXL Lady" and one called "Fat Lady." I really don't think they mean to be offensive, I think they just considering it labeling the store for what it is. I don't know what kind of selection they offer, but perhaps you can find what you need there.

  16. I think you might actually be referring to one of my comments. If so, then there are several inaccuracies in your post that I should point out. First, I was not the OP. Second, I did not say that Thai people are not interested in European history, I said that the Thais I know personally don't have a lot of knowledge about European history. Knowledge and interest are two very different things. Third, I did not ask "why should they?" I asked "why would they?" [have a lot of knowledge]. I was referring to the fact that these Thais I was talking about (my friends) don't have a high level of education and haven't had the same worldly opportunities that many of us have had. They come from rice farming backgrounds and have lived most of their lives on the farm. Why would they be "experts" on European history? Also, in an Asian country, I think it is a reasonable guess that European history might not be emphasized in school as much as Asian history is emphasized. Growing up in the west, I certainly learned a lot about European and American history, and very, very little about Asian history.

    Please be more careful when interpreting my posts in the future. :)

  17. A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

    Yeah, that shocked me too the first time I saw it too. My Thai friends have since told me that it is a symbol for something completely different here. I can't remember exactly what the meaning was, but I believe it was some sort of spiritual symbol for good luck or long life. It's an ancient symbol that does not appear to have a malicious connotation until the Nazis began using it. You can google it for more details.

    Of course, we "all" know the connotation it has now, and it's still surprising to see someone displaying the symbol proudly. But the Thais I know don't have a lot of knowledge about European history (and why would they?), so they have no reason to view the swastica as a disgusting symbol.

    Edit: You all beat me too it!

  18. Why are you doubting a parent? The website must be out of date. My own son is just about to enter year 4 and I will be paying nearly 120,000 Baht per term next year.

    The school's website says that a Year 4 student pays 111,500 baht (or 100,350 if it's a subsequent student) in tuition fees. That sounds about right if your child is paying nearly 120,000. If that amount isn't accurate anymore, then perhaps a parent should draw that to the attention of someone at the school.

    And yes, in case someone asks, I do realize that the oldest students (Year 11) pay significantly more than the other grades. It just goes to show that the financial situation of a school is very complex, and a simple "one size fits all" formula isn't enough to calculate how much profit a school might be making.

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