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Posts posted by tonititan

  1. You should be able to buy a ticket when you arrive. I believe that there is an "Advance Reservation" ticket office that closes at 4:00. But the regular windows are open til late, and you can buy a ticket there. I have even used the regular windows to make bookings for way in advance when I went in the evening after the reservation office closed.

  2. I have no idea about the cultural aspects of this, so hopefully someone else does. I think that unfortunately there are going to be rude, impatient people in any culture.

    One other thing it could possibly be...perhaps the Thai person who interrupts your conversation does not speak enough English to identify a natural pause in the conversation. That happens to me a lot actually. I frequently have meetings with non-English speakers and interpreters. I often think that the person has completed his/her thought and I start talking again, when really I was interrupting in the middle of a sentence. Oops. :) It's hard to know when is a good time to jump in when you don't understand what the other people are saying.

  3. And 2nd class isn't bad at all. :) If you're looking for an experience, taking the 2nd class sleeper cars is pretty cool. It's neat to see how they change the seats into beds, and you're more likely to meet some interesting people. I have never taken a 1st class private cabin, but I would guess that it wouldn't be nearly as unique as taking the 2nd class. Either way, have fun!

  4. This is just a guess, but I would think that the terms of the treaty (and what it means for you) would vary depending on which country you are from.

    For me, it basically means that I am not expected to pay income tax in 2 countries at the same time (tax on the same income), for the first 2 years of employment in Thailand. I pay tax in Thailand, may have to pay tax in my home country (depending on my income), and can attempt to apply for a refund for the tax paid in Thailand. It seems to be a fairly complicated process. My employer provides a legal advisor to work out the details because it apparently is too difficult for employees to pursue on our own. Some friends of mine hire lawyers to try to get the refund. From what I've heard, it's difficult and not black and white. Not everyone gets the money back.

    Now I am not claiming to be an expert in this by any means. This is just what I have experienced/heard so far. I have no idea if countries "exchange" tax data. Good luck!

  5. What is the ball park figures for having the convenience of your own vehicle, instead of using public transit and taxis and how much money one would have to set aside?

    I think a lot of that depends on how much/how far you are traveling every day.

  6. It just so happens I emailed the ladies news agency and told them to check out this thread for some good ideas because we are all tired of the same old go go girls gone bad stories.

    Speak for yourself. :D

    I actually have an interesting idea for a story, but I think I should email the news station directly. I would probably start a riot on here. :)

  7. Will I be able to work part-time in Thailand with a Tourist Visa, assuming that a school will give me a work permit? (I don't think a school will want to help me get a Non-Immigrant B visa if I only want to teach there part-time -- but I'm not sure how this works.)

    I know nothing of the legality aspect of your question. I just want to point out that it may be difficult to find a part time English-teaching job from only about July-September. That will be in the middle of the semester, so it's not an ideal time to be job hunting. You might want to have a plan B or some backup cash just in case. Have you checked out the Teaching Forum on this website? You should be able to get a lot of helpful information there. Good luck!

  8. I have been pi55in' myself laughing for the majority of this topic. why would anyone get so up-tight trying to defend an internet company if they genuinely have no business interest??? it's hilarious. :):D:D

    Why would anyone get so up-tight about trying to argue against an internet company? It's hilarious. :D

    I tried to offer a reasonable solution to our disagreement but PP continued to argue his case with me and others.

    Again, he has the right to present his case as long as he wants. And from what I read, it didn't appear that he was "arguing," but simply discussing. I bet there are people out there (myself included) that enjoyed reading the continued dialog and comparison of different websites. If you don't want to continue reading opinions that differ from yours, then stop reading the thread. It's not like anyone is harassing you and sending you bunches of private messages about hotel search engines, right? :D

    anyway, what's your motive? have I offended your bf? :D

    My motive? A motive for what, having an opinion?

  9. FYI I made the comments you are referring to AFTER trying, and failing, to keep the peace. I suggested agreeing to disagree on a number of occasions and added genuine smiley faces but PP just couldn't accept another point of view. other members have tried to get the point across too.

    You suggested agreeing to disagree? But then you got upset when another member continued to post comments supporting his opinions? You didn't seem to mind people who agreed with you continuing to post, but rather only those who had a differing opinion. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you don't get to decide when other people should stop posting. Practice what you preach...you are not a mod either. :)

  10. looks increasingly likely that the pound and Euro will buy a lot less in los the next few years and as I assume others here will have to adjust there spending accordingly.

    to put it all into perspective one might like to ponder over this site :)


    The stocks and shares are doing well and the property market is improving so no problems for me and many others.

    Why do people always think that because the thai baht is strong all of us are having a terrible time.I have had 4 .5years on 74.9 and 70 so why should this bleep send me in hysterics.Any one that has bought property here when the baht was weak have done well also.

    Yeah, it's actually great news for me and for many other people who work in Thailand and get paid in baht, but still have expenses in our home countries. If we transfer our money back home, we get a lot more dollars/pounds/etc. out of it!

  11. myself, and others, have remained diplomatic and explained ourselves clearly to you, but you still come back for more punishment like some punch-drunk boxer!!

    Game4shame, are these comments (of yours) your idea of remaining "diplomatic?":

    "PattayaParent is like some yappy little dog who keeps biting away at someones heels, no matter how many times he gets booted in the face!! :) "

    "if PP genuinely has no business interests in agoda then I can only imagine he is one sad, sad desperate little man!! :D "

    "you're clearly not going to take your medicine so I now suggest you go get yourself laid - providing you can find a mate. it'll put things in perspective."

    "PattayaParent has got a bee in his bonnet and just can't take his medicine."

    After reading this thread again, it seems that PattayaParent has been the more "diplomatic" one who clearly stated his ideas instead of resorting to insults to make himself feel better. You, on the other hand, cannot say the same.

    I thought that personal attacks were not allowed on these forums?

    Last week you said:

    I'm done with this thread - I've tried to remain diplomatic and agree to disagree so let's just leave it at that.

    Perhaps you really should have just left it at that!

  12. Is breakfast included when booking through Agoda??

    I can't find it in their terms and conditions.

    I believe that it depends on the hotel and on your reservation. Sometimes, you have the choice between booking a room only, or a room with breakfast.

  13. Another aspect. I don't really know about Arab culture and their massage culture. However, consider it from his point of view. This attractive young lady is rubbing him very close to his genitals (that is standard in Thai massage). A sophisticated European may realize this is a clinical situation, but I am sure in many other cultures, that reads SEX.

    I was not arguing against your theory. I was sarcastically pointing out that you sounded pretty certain of yourself, when in fact, it is just your theory.

  14. It sounds to me like a case of cultural misunderstanding. It is very easy for tourists to assume that "massage" in a prostitution zone city like Pattaya equals sex. The 30K punishment for this mistake was way over the top. The customer should have simply been banned from the establishment. Take note, this is going to become a new scam. Beware.

    I realize feminist types will say this was attempted rape, but it was nothing of the kind. It was a misunderstanding in what to the customer was a sexual situation.

    Really? Were you there? Did you witness what happened?

  15. not sure how much taxi drivers earn but 8-15k might not tempt them.

    I'm sure there's a huge range of incomes out there, but I actually think that this would be a pretty nice deal for many taxi drivers. The ones who I have talked said that they earn (after gas and taxi rental, if applicable) anywhere between 100 and 1000 baht/day. The 1000 baht would be on a REALLY good day. I imagine that a guaranteed income of 8-15k, plus the ability to earn extra on evenings/weekends would be quite appealing.

  16. I would be bitching too. What a way to ruin someone's vacation - sticking ONE day of work in the middle of it! And a Friday, nonetheless. I don't know what type of work you are in, but unless there is a reason why your office REALLY needs to be open that day, I think that's pretty sucky of your boss. :)

  17. My situation sounds similar to yours (no spouse/kids/house, pay Thai taxes). I've never owed US income tax since I've been working in Thailand. Using the 2555, my income was low enough that all of my foreign earned income was exempt. I don't know the exact cut-off, but I think it's something like $90,000/year. Props to you if you are over that threshold! :) Would you ever consider hiring an accountant?

  18. Why do people call it Going home, when they probable abandoned there Country for what ever reasons, for the land of not smiles,

    ...because not all of the expats in Thailand have "abandoned" their home country. There are a lot of us who came here with every intention of it being temporary. :)

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