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Posts posted by tonititan

  1. It was open today! :) But Meridian was right...it was insanely crowded! There had to be at least 20 - 30x more people there than the last time I went (on a random weekday). I would avoid it this week if possible, but my visitors wanted to see it before leaving.

  2. I have visitors in town and was planning to take them to the Grand Palace/Old City tomorrow (December 31st) or Friday (January 1st). I just realized that this could be a problem due to New Year's. Anyone know if the GP will be open? Another visitor tried to go 2 weeks ago and it was closed for a ceremony...legitimately closed, not just the tuk-tuk drivers telling you it's closed for the day! :) I'd really appreciate any information so we don't make the trek all the way to the other side of town when I have limited time to show my guests around. Thanks!

  3. Lation government restriction on International travel I assume.

    Hmm...I'm not so sure about that. There ARE international flights from Vientiane. The OP was specifically asking about budget airlines between BKK and Vientiane. AirAsia flies Vientiane-KL, and I'm assuming that other airlines do as well. There are definitely international flights from Luang Prabang, including those heading to BKK.

    My best guess would just be the lack of demand/profitability?

  4. Then of course the attendance record should be checked. But the language "test" they do..what are they basing that one? Are they drawing up various levels of testing depending on how many months/years a person has had a ed visa for? Some people understand Thai but have trouble conversing, some people can converse well depending on the topic/subject matter and vocab they have learnt. There are so many variables it seems a ridiculous concept. If they want to check up on those on an Ed visa, seems fair enough to me, but the idea of a test and those who judge you if its not regulated in some way seems a bit stupid. Each school has different methods, vocabulary etc. Who draws up the "test" and how is it marked/measured?

    I agree that the testing would need to be planned, designed, and administered carefully. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and learning Thai as a 2nd (or 3rd, etc) language is much more difficult for some than others. Personally, I attended a Thai class twice a week for 6 months - not for an ED visa, just for "fun." I worked hard, participated in class, and did my homework. After the 6 months, I still had much weaker Thai than some friends who just "picked it up" through daily living. Learning additional languages is just not one of my strengths. As others have said, attendance seems to be a more fair way to check the legitimacy of an ED visa. One guy could walk into immigration and be able to converse semi-fluently in Thai because he spends all his time with bar girls and various Thai girlfriends instead of going to class. Is he more deserving of an ED visa than someone who actually goes to class and puts in the classtime? No, not in my opinion. Of course, I'm not saying it's a bad idea to monitor all these ED visas, I just don't think an on-the-spot, informal conversational test is the best monitoring system.

  5. Did you have an agent when you got the place? I was worried that my old apartment was going to try to "forget" about my deposit, and they hadn't called me like they were supposed to. I contacted the agent who helped me find the place. She called them repeatedly, threatened them, and got it sorted out. Maybe you have someone like that who can help?

    By the way, they are supposed to be depositing the money tomorrow...wish me luck! :)

  6. Actually, right now is THE time you want to be looking into jobs at the international schools! The positions don't start until next July, but if you wait until March or April to apply, it will probably be too late. The recruitment process is just getting underway for the 2010-2011 school year.

  7. It is neither gay nor nudist. It is a common style of wellness in Europe. People go there for relaxation and health. Maybe you've never been to Europe or you are just as prude and lacking confidence as some (I write 'some' because I do not want to over-simplify like you) Thais if you really want to call such low-class and a lack of dignity. Or you just don't know that taking off the towel is more relaxing and hygienic. As far as you don't have to be ashamed of a small penis :)

    Maybe it would help if you could be more specific. Which countries in Europe are you referring to? I lived in Europe for many years and visited large spas in many countries (Hungary, Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, etc.). In all of the spas, there were large common areas in which swimming suits were required. Some spas had separate mens/womens areas that allowed nudity, but they were never mixed. Which countries have mixed, nud_e spas?

  8. I agree. If you are a certified teacher with 10 years of experience, you could be making a lot more than that, with more benefits (airfare, health insurance, shipping costs, etc.). But, it's not always a quick or easy process to get those jobs. If you're just wanting to come to Bangkok now to have fun and see a new place, then it might be a good job. If you want to make/save money, you could look for a different type of job, but it might not happen right away.

  9. when I called EVA on the Friday before I was due to travel i exp;lained to them I may not be travelling an dthe ailrine rep stated to me to call when I knew. I told her my flight was on a Sunday and so that is the reason why I wasw calling the Friday before.

    All EVA are saying is that I can refund the ticket with no surcharge fee but I must rebook with them before 15 Dec 09.

    They have confirmed in writing to me that they did not communicate the correct fare rules to me.

    You told them you MAY not be traveling on Sunday? So you expected them to just keep your seat for you, just in case? You were told to call when you knew for sure. You obviously knew on Sunday that you weren't flying (or you would have been heading to the airport), so why was it so hard to pick up the phone and call them on Sunday to let them know that you weren't flying and wanted to reschedule? Since you were really a "no show" and you never officially canceled your flight, I think you're lucky they are willing to even give you a refund. If you had just missed your flight, would you expect to rebook for free? Basically that's what you did, since you never officially canceled. You just said you MIGHT not be there.

  10. I agree, you just never know and it depends on the driver. There have been several instances in which I accidentally hand the driver a 1000 baht bill instead of a 100, or a 500 instead of a 50 (usually because it's dark). The drivers have always been very worried and made sure to hand the money back right away. One even got out of his car to holler at me as I was walking away.

    But, I too have had a negative cell phone experience. Last year my phone fell out of my bag in a taxi. When I got to my destination and noticed it missing, my friend (who speaks fluent Thai) called the phone. The driver answered, and said he would give it back, but he would not agree on a time or place. Repeated calls over the next couple days were unanswered, and I never got my phone back.

    I think the safest bet is to make sure never to leave anything in a taxi. I'm working on that one! :)

  11. Well ask yourself how they got to the UK in the first place?

    Used goods are usually nutters to begin with.

    I love how guys brag about all the girls they're with (like the one on this thread who said he was "banging" a Thai girl). But if a girl has had a previous partner(s), they're suddenly "used goods." Disgusting.

  12. Yeah, bodybuilders and guys who obsess so much about their bodies are a turn off. I don't expect perfection, and I don't want a guy that expects perfection either.

    Also, that "hawking" up stuff in the back of the throat is a big turn off. I cringe every time I hear it. It's even worse when guys then spit it out in public.

  13. I used to have lots of pain during procedures as well. I kind of just got used to the horrible pain. I thought it was normal. Then I moved and went to a new dentist. After he "numbed" the area, he did the cold test ("Tell me if this feels cold."). I almost jumped out of my chair it was so cold (whatever "it" was)! He was surprised, so pumped me full of more of the medication (basic novocaine, maybe?). Ten minutes later, he checked again - still freezing. After a couple attempts, he figured out that I was somewhat "immune" to that type of medicine. He said that happens sometimes. He tried a different (and I think more expensive) medication to inject, and I didn't feel a thing the whole procedure! It was the best trip to the dentist ever. I had no idea that cavity fillings were supposed to be painless! He made a note in my chart of which injection I needed, but of course I've moved again and don't remember the name!

    The point of my rambling is that maybe before going to an expensive sedation dentistry clinic, you can ask about alternate injections? Maybe your tooth CAN be numbed, but they just aren't using the right injection for you.

    Good luck!

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