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Posts posted by tonititan

  1. Yet you hazard a guess about women enjoying sex when you have never met the women in question, or had any dealings with the places where they work.

    And now you're hazarding a guess about my background. How is that any better than the guess that I made? True, I have not paid a prostitute for sex in Thailand, not that that makes anyone an expert on the subject on how the prostitutes feel. But, as a woman, I know how easy it is to fake enjoyment, and I have met countless women in my life who have felt the need to do so for various reasons. Furthermore, I used to live in a place where prostitution was legal, and I was friends with several former prostitutes, one of whom was my roommate for a year. She was open and willing to talk about her past, including the fact that she got tired of having to fake her enthusiasm with guys she found repulsive and bad at sex. So while I may not have had sex with a prostitute, I have more understanding than you think.

    I put "my guess" in my original post because I recognized the fact that the experiences of my friends may differ from those of the prostitutes the other poster paid for. I, unlike some other TV posters, don't like to use statements like "it's a fact that...."

  2. I enjoy the same 'respect' from these low life as you do, I have used taxi's all over Thailand and I am sorry to say that from the start my tone and manner are aggressive, "Go to ******? Meter on?" I never seem to get the first cab I hail but when one finally agrees as soon as I get in I point to the meter, if that does not go on I get out (this has never actually happened)
    I do not give a f*+@k about being thought of as rude as it seems the only way of communicating to a 'breed' (taxi/tuk tuk drivers) who could teach us all something about being rude and obnoxious.

    Ok, I'm not condoning the behavior of the drivers who actually do try to rip people off. I've been here awhile and have had my fair share of bad drivers...."forgetting" to turn the meter on, wanting to reset the meter after dropping off the first passenger in a group, agreeing to use the meter then quickly pulling out of the airport and trying to negotiate a ridiculous fare while on the highway, driving around in circles when they think I don't know where we are, etc. I get very frustrated in those situations, and I understand why other people get upset too.

    BUT....I think it's very inappropriate and rude when people refer to all drivers in general as "low life" and a "breed." Yes, there are lots of bad ones out there, and those are the ones I tend to remember. But for every bad driver I've encountered, I've also used at least 20 perfectly acceptable drivers, and maybe 5 more who were exceptionally polite and helpful. Others may disagree, but I genuinely think that the majority of taxi drivers (at least in BKK where I live) are just trying to make an honest living for their families. Not all, but the majority. We just don't post about every good taxi ride that we have.

    You say that you get 'respect' from the drivers, implying that you don't actually feel that you are respected. Why should they respect someone who considers them a "low life?"

  3. Yes, I have also seen occasional examples of Thais being overly helpful and understanding about people with disabilities. But, my bad experiences far outweigh the good ones. :)

    I think you're right, though. The cultural beliefs about disability seem to be the root of the problem for the individuals living with special needs. My friend has also said that taxi drivers have told her that they won't driver her because then their future offspring could be born with disabilities, as if it can "spread." I have also heard people refer to disabilities as punishment or a curse. I am definitely not claiming to be an expert on Thai culture (obviously!), but this is just what I have noticed and heard since I've been here. I'd like to learn more about the Thais' view of disability, though, so if anyone can recommend any good books, I'd be appreciative.

  4. If I want a girl and she wants me, it doesn't much matter the reasons why, we'll both have a good time

    Do you really think that most prostitutes "have a good time" when they're working? My guess is that most of them just put on a happy face and pretend that they're enjoying it for the sake of business. And obviously, guys are falling for it.

  5. I've often thought that the baggage wrapping service at Suvarnabhumi id both a good and a bad idea. Good because it make access into your bags more difficult, bad because it clearly marks the bag as containing something of value.

    Yeah, me too. Actually, I'm still shocked when I see the wrapping stand, because it continues to surprise me that it's allowed. Do you know if the baggage handlers in Europe or Asia are allowed to legitimately open bags to search them? I mean, if you wrap your bag at BKK and fly to Europe and it's been cut open, can you complain about it or is it something the staff can do if they see anything suspicious on the x-ray?

  6. I'm not trying to be rude, just realistic. Your wife should be aware that it will not be simple to find clothes in size 16+. Yes, it is out there, especially in a touristy area, but definitely not as easy to come by in Thailand. Often times, the "XL" large Thai clothes barely fit a size 10 or 12 woman. For your wife's sake, I really hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't anticipate Phuket to be a good "shopping spree" experience for someone who is a 16+.

  7. and the presents I had bought for my family were unwrapped

    Everything that happened to you sucks. I too would be upset about the delayed luggage, broken items that had been removed from their boxes, and the scattered documents. And of course the response to your complaint was pitiful. I have heard, however, that it's never a good idea to bring wrapped presents because the security people may need to open them when searching bags. That might be a good tip for everyone, just in case. I used to bring wrapped presents home, but once I had a friend who had all of hers unwrapped, I started just wrapping when I get to my destination.

    Just lock your bag

    I'm just curious...you flew from BKK to Europe. Are there no regulations regarding locked bags? I'm from the US, and I believe that we must leave our bags unlocked or use special TSA-approved locks, because they have to be able to search any bag. If you use your own locks, they have the right to break the locks to get into the bag. Is that just a US thing, or does that apply to Europe too?

  8. CTO, first of all, I think it's great that you employ a person who uses a wheelchair and a person who is deaf. My Thai friends with disabilities have not been able to find jobs for years because of their disabilities, even when they are very capable of working certain jobs. Good for you for being open-minded, fair, and compassionate.

    Interesting was the secretary when doing errands was often helped by staff and people at Fortune and other places. The general public was very kind, the building owners and town planners who plan and allow buildings on footpaths etc are not so nice.

    I am happy for your secretary, but unfortunately, I have not experienced the same thing when I am out with my friend in a wheelchair (who is Thai). She is a beautiful, friendly, articulate woman who just happens to be in a wheelchair. While some might be helpful and considerate, many others stop to gawk whenever they see her. They get annoyed when she needs to ask them to please move so she can get through. They bump into her as if she does not exist. They jump in front of us in line for the elevator, leaving us to wait for the next one. Some point and whisper, and even laugh occasionally. Taxi drivers often tell her that disabled people should not be going out, but rather staying at home all the time. Sometimes they refuse to drive for her. It really makes me sad and even angry at times.

  9. I have a couple drivers who I regularly use on weekends to go on day trips outside of Bangkok. For an 10-12 hour day of driving me around, they usually ask for about 2000-2200 baht, but that includes the gas for a what is usually at least a 2 hour trip each way. I would expect to pay quite a bit less when staying within Bangkok. There may be some exceptions, but in general I have found the taxi/"limo" (ha!) companies to be much more expensive than just negotiating a deal with a regular taxi driver. However, if you just ask some random driver on the street, you probably won't get as good of a deal as you would if you could pre-arrange with a driver. Unfortunately, the drivers I use are usually busy during the week, but hopefully someone else can give you a recommendation.

  10. In the yeeear 95 95 (Thailand) You can only buy beer from 12:30 to 1:00 PM

    Visa on a arrival will be for 1 day. You have to go on a visa run to

    Cambodia every day - but you can only go on 2 visa runs (not three any more)

    Then you have to get a tourist visa from across an entire ocean.

    No tourist visas from the same side of the planet.

    (crackdown on back to back tourist visas -only one tourist visa per decade)

    No girls. No girls period in Thailand any more. 97% male population.

    Christmas lights outside the bar are illegal.

    25,000 Bt International departure fee.

    Hope you enjoyed your stay - come again real soon

    No prostitution does not equal no girls in Thailand, and it does not mean no girls for you. That is, of course, unless the only way you can get girls is by buying them.

  11. Hoteliers who allow guests to bring in prostitutes are aiding and abetting prostitution and therefore the hotel owners should also be arrested and charged.


    Duh! Wrong! What sort of cold war police state are you proposing? does my wife have to carry a copy of her marriage certificate wherever she goes? do es a de-facto relationship stop you from staying at a hotel? remember, quite a lot of buddhist marriages are not registered. if we're not legally married, but I give her housekeeping money, does that make her a prostitute?

    Try telling a bar-girl that she's a prostitute (so-pee-nee) and you will get an interesting result. In her mind, she just has a lot of boyfriends.

    Ummm...sarcasm, I believe.

  12. Despite the serious nature of the charges, there was no mention of any criminal charges filed against the venue owners.

    And how about the male customers? Were any of them rounded up and fined? That's crap.

    Agreed. Even more: I think that only male customers must be fined. Girls should be punished by whipping

    Ok, ok, good point. I forgot that there technically could be female customers too! :)

  13. I don't know for sure, but my guess is that the star rating is an average of everyone who rated you. So, if enough people rated you as a "1," that could drag your average down to a 1-point-something. If it got low enough (maybe under 1.5?), it might change your rating to a "1." But, that's just a guess...maybe someone else knows for sure.

  14. Yeah, like everyone said, stupid mistake. You said maybe your new acquaintance didn't agree on the price before leaving...didn't you ask him what deal he had negotiated with the driver so you knew if it was ok with you before you got in the taxi?

    It really surprises me that some people (and maybe not you, if you truly thought your friend had negotiated the price) just assume that they'll pay a certain rate because that's what they paid before, without bothering to ask. How is the driver making up the arbitrary price of 1500 any different than you making up the arbitrary price of 1000 baht? Yes, you may have paid that each time before, but maybe he was able to get 1500 from other customers each time before? Is your previous experience any more valid than his? I've heard others say that they just refused to pay what the driver was asking once they got to their destination. They just said, nope, I'm not paying. That is not ok, in my opinion. Then you are screwing the taxi driver over just like you think they're screwing you over. And no, I'm not defending the shady practices of many drivers or the high asking prices. I'm just saying that I have no sympathy for people who don't use the meter or negotiate a price before getting in the taxi (unless they are 1st time tourists who have no clue how taxis work here).

  15. OP ("Farat"):

    can understand what makes one of moderators, to take the nick name "ijustwannateach". Perfectly match to all of this chaos in educational system in Thailand. Their system is more then ready to be reorganized. Before is too late for children.


    In my text i said now i understand why you chose your nick ijustwannateach. I have same feelings. My text was also about it.

    YOUR text? Or "Farat's"?

  16. First of all, I was responding to Farat. Are you Farat? If so, I thought you were banned?

    Yes, that's what I've been thinking...are you really the same person? Your writing is amazingly similar to Farat's, in both content and in style. You are fiercely defending any comments directed towards Farat. In all the PMs you keep sending me, you said that you have to message me because "Farat" is banned. You said that you know why Farat was banned. You repeatedly tell me what Farat was trying to say and how "Farat" feels about things. Hmmm...sounds a little suspicious to me....

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