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Posts posted by blackdug

  1. As far as the Law is concerned, they are still married so the visa would still be valid IMHO.

    With the info we are aware of, the visa would have been granted on certain criteria dispayed within the application, one of which would have been 'a continuing and subsisting' marriage,

    The husband obviously didn't agree to the continuing and subsisting part and so part of the reason of the issueing of the visa is no longer valid, hence the refusal.

    Interesting viewpoint. So one party says the marriage is over and the Border Police say, "OK, miss, he says it's over so you're gone." No contest.

    Now imagine Joe Bloggs from Scunthorpe returns to Suvarnanbhumi from a visa run and the Thai Immigration officer says, "Your Thai wife just filed for divorce so your 'O' visa is now invalidated. Get back on the bus."

    The skirtmaker has a few bob and is reasonably well connected, he knew what date she was coming, probably flight and time since he was 'too busy' to meet her. So he calls in a favour with some people and miraculously she is detained at that very attempted entry.

    Drummond's subsequent post reveals a "she said, he said" pissing contest developing. But I still think the wee doork of a Lowlander should put his money where his mouth is, lawyer up and grant her the divorce he seems reluctant or 'too busy' to proceed with. He was also too busy and didn't have enough money to change the plane ticket that he had given her. He must have know the expiration date of her "Resident Permit" when he bought the ticket no?

    We also now have the 'cheating' scenario thrown in and her visit in February where she did not contact her husband. She admits to being there, staying with friends and being angry. Anyone read her book yet?



    nan laew this is the 3rd time you have replied on this thread and every time you have had a sly dig at the scots ,,,WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH THE SCOTS!!!!!!!!!my bet is one has been up your wife before you !!!!!!!probally a skirt wearing lowland jock!!!!!!! keep your sly digs to yourself as you come across as a bitter man

  2. Buy a series of cashiers cheques from Bangkok Bank (larger branches) made payable to self, denominated in Sterling and drawn on Bangkok Bank London, make sure each cheque has a value equal to less than USD 20k and nobody will ask any questions. Courier the cheques to your UK bank for deposit, DHL courier cost is around Baht 1,200 and they'll be there in about three working days - deposit cheques into own UK bank account, they will clear in three working days or similar. Note: exchange rate used by BB in Thailand to produce the cheques is the same as the TT rate hence it is the best you can get, I think cost of each cheque is around baht 150 or so.

    ...thanks a million for that information .....you really have explained it perfectly .....cheers and all the best

  3. it is a personel property owned by my thai wife ,,sadly she has only owned it 4 years ,,,,,,i am selling it fully furnished as well so maybe i can work something in there ,,,but it is getting sold to another thai and i think it could end up being to hard explaining to them about 2 prices 1 for the house and 1 for the furniture.......what is the deal with owning the house for more than 5 years does the tax get cheaper ,,,,,thanks for the replys

    If you own the property for more than 5 years you don't pay tax!

    just my luck then ....i have a meeting tomorrrow with the lawyer then hopefully complete the deal friday ,,,,i am going to post the final outcome on here so others can see what sort of tax was paid ,,,one thing the lawyer did say was that if it was a private sale and not a buisness sale then i could not charge for the furniture seperate is this true!!!!!

  4. it is a personel property owned by my thai wife ,,sadly she has only owned it 4 years ,,,,,,i am selling it fully furnished as well so maybe i can work something in there ,,,but it is getting sold to another thai and i think it could end up being to hard explaining to them about 2 prices 1 for the house and 1 for the furniture.......what is the deal with owning the house for more than 5 years does the tax get cheaper ,,,,,thanks for the replys

  5. you could use Sam at Saturday Night Accounting

    he is at the Jomtien end of Theprassit Road on the left hand side.

    curiously there are only about 5 visible staff on the ground floor but thousands of shoes outside.

    when you enter you will first see a young english man called Jordan, he is very helpful

    Sam himself is quietly spoken, gets on with the job and understands and speaks english well

    he should bring it home without a hiccup

    good luck with the sale

    thanks once again timekeeper ,,i will pop in to them in the morning ,,,,,cheers

  6. i am looking for someone to house sit my house while i go back to the uk ....the house is one minute from jomtien beach and is fully habital with television and all mod cons ......all i am after is an honest person that will pay for his water and electricity that gets used and who knows how to clean up after themself and can change a light bulb etc ,,,,, it will be from the start of december till about febuary next year but could be for longer so maybe suit a retired person that lives here full time ....forgot to mention the house has a lockable front gate and car port so your car or bike would be safe ......cheers

  7. i just got your pm rab c ..cheers yes it is wireless i had to turn it off completely last night as it was bleeping every 5 minutes and it was driving me nuts ......i am going to try the link you gave me but how successfull i am is another thing..something tells me it could be getting a damded good thrashing if it does not behave it,s self....cheers.........

    if the master control unit is beeping then its a battery problem somewhere in the system

    it may well be the three piece rechargeable battery unit in the panel itself but unlikely

    its easy to remove and you will need to go to Amorn and they will make you a new one

    you can turn off the battery backup on the back, unplug the power and it won't beep anymore

    BUT you may have to reprogram the whole system again if you leave it off for a long time as it will deplete the power in the memory battery inside the panel

    then it forget everything and you will have to replace that battery and start as though it was a new install

    its more likely to be a detector unit, so wait until its dark, turn the house lights down and then :

    if you walk around the units whilst the alarms not set and look at a detection unit (wether it be PIR or door detection)

    if it flashes red at you this is the unit that needs new batteries and is the one creating a system alert on the panel

    the PIR have 3 AA batteries, the doors are flat watch /hearing aid batteries

    the alarms sounders may need a battery change too

    when setting the alarm it normally chirps twice, if it chirps three times it needs new batteries

    i hope that helps

    thanks for the replys and after reading the above i am going to pass on it as i am not technical at all ,,,,,more chance of me building a nuclear bomb,,,,,is there no one that wants a good bottle of whiskey or such on me and who can come round and help me out ,,,,,as i got a bad feeling that this could be to much for a local thai to work out as well......pretty please anyone

  8. i just got your pm rab c ..cheers yes it is wireless i had to turn it off completely last night as it was bleeping every 5 minutes and it was driving me nuts ......i am going to try the link you gave me but how successfull i am is another thing..something tells me it could be getting a damded good thrashing if it does not behave it,s self....cheers.........

    if the master control unit is beeping then its a battery problem somewhere in the system

    it may well be the three piece rechargeable battery unit in the panel itself but unlikely

    its easy to remove and you will need to go to Amorn and they will make you a new one

    you can turn off the battery backup on the back, unplug the power and it won't beep anymore

    BUT you may have to reprogram the whole system again if you leave it off for a long time as it will deplete the power in the memory battery inside the panel

    then it forget everything and you will have to replace that battery and start as though it was a new install

    its more likely to be a detector unit, so wait until its dark, turn the house lights down and then :

    if you walk around the units whilst the alarms not set and look at a detection unit (wether it be PIR or door detection)

    if it flashes red at you this is the unit that needs new batteries and is the one creating a system alert on the panel

    the PIR have 3 AA batteries, the doors are flat watch /hearing aid batteries

    the alarms sounders may need a battery change too

    when setting the alarm it normally chirps twice, if it chirps three times it needs new batteries

    i hope that helps

    thanks for the replys and after reading the above i am going to pass on it as i am not technical at all ,,,,,more chance of me building a nuclear bomb,,,,,is there no one that wants a good bottle of whiskey or such on me and who can come round and help me out ,,,,,as i got a bad feeling that this could be to much for a local thai to work out as well......pretty please anyone

  9. i just got your pm rab c ..cheers yes it is wireless i had to turn it off completely last night as it was bleeping every 5 minutes and it was driving me nuts ......i am going to try the link you gave me but how successfull i am is another thing..something tells me it could be getting a damded good thrashing if it does not behave it,s self....cheers.........

  10. i have just got back to my house in jomtien after a while away and the yale alarm needs to be reset,, only problem is i don,t know how to do it and i have lost the cd that came with it that explained how to reset it again ,,any fine fellows out there that know how to do this can you please help me out and i will buy you a bottle for your troubles ...cheers...

  11. I personally killed 2 dogs as of now that roamed free. They were dangerous in pact , they would chase anyone walking down the street even while the owners were with them. The owners seem very mad but they can't do anything about it. They're not gangsters and when you find 2 beheaded heads on your porch, it kind of scares the shit out of you. (im no psycho, i had never even hurt an animal before and it wasn't fun , but biting dogs are no better than rapists and pedophiles)

    I couldnt careless about the nice dogs, i actually enjoy the few that come to me and are playful,cleaned and groomed

    .....................are you mental or something .......i got a big problem with a <deleted> next door to me who keeps her 2 dogs in the house with her and lets them shit in the terrace next to mine but to cut there heads off ,,,you are really got to be joking or as mad as a BRUSH
  12. happens all the time ....this is a common thing in thailand and it is a running joke in my family about their overpayment when you settle up a bill......last holiday my 1 month motor cycle hire bill came to 700 bhat... when i finally worked it all out it took me 15 minutes to get the hirer (who is a friend)to understand that i still owed her 2300 bhat :lol: ...... ..what a kiss i got of her for my honesty.........the lass works to hard for a living for me to even think of pulling a flanker on her but i still can,t understand how she could not notice such a huge potential loss..........

  13. tell him to get a hold of the passports asap,,then get his bum of to a good family lawyer in the uk .....my personel thoughts are to offer her a pile of cash as 9 times out of 10 they will grab it !!!!but she could be winding him up as single mothers do really well in the uk and get loads of hand outs ,,,my ex loves the uk for this reason (money for nothing):angry: .....

  14. Hi Blackdug, i`m going through a very similar situation at the moment and i was wondering if you could possibly update me on your progress???.Much appreciated,


    i have been to see a thai lawyer who told me i have equal rights,, 50-50 on my house in event of a divorce ,,all i needed to do was show that i transfered the money over in my name to a thai bank account to purchase the house (which i can)..as for trusting advice on here you cannot beat experience and there are loads of lads on here who have been there and got the t-shirt ..and i know someone on here can help me a bit.... being in the uk it is not easy to access a lawyer and i am not going to thailand till the school holidays and i would like to be clued up if i can before i arrive...cheers.....ps the only reason she is signing the house over is she is getting away from all the debts occurred during our marriage and is still getting a cash payment !!!!!no favours done!!!!!

    sorry for not giving you an update i never noticed your request.....i never got to thailand to sort out my mess as i could not get my future ex wife on the airplane .....but amazingly she contacted me last week to offer to finally go over to thailand to sort it out,,,,,it all boils down to me refusing to give her anymore cash till i get my house back and i get a divorce paper in my hand and she is finally skint also i think she panicked with falling house prices in the uk and she knows i can go after her for half of all the debt ..she really is a nasty bit of work and her only offer of help has been to advise me to go bankrupt :annoyed:..she is a total mug................ as for what i do with the house in thailand i don,t know as the more i researched the more i found out ..1...a 30 year lease does not make me feel safe as it leaves me open to further crap off her later on i,e taking out loans etc on the property ....2.getting a usufruct and putting it in my daughters name but again i feel this maybe is not for me as i think thailand is going down the toilet and it is time to off load property there i also don,t see much differance between a lease and a usufruct as i will always be seen as a farang in thailand so last in the line:angry: .................................... sadly i think it is time to off load the house and move on with my life and just give her a few quid to get her to <deleted> away from me ,,the only saving grace in the whole crappy affair is i bought the place a while ago at 70 bhat to the pound and i am willing to sell it for cheaper than i paid so i shold break even just about ................keep in touch if you want as i should have an answer to my worry,s by xmas.............

  15. i have been to see a thai lawyer who told me i have equal rights,, 50-50 on my house in event of a divorce ,,all i needed to do was show that i transfered the money over in my name to a thai bank account to purchase the house (which i can)..as for trusting advice on here you cannot beat experience and there are loads of lads on here who have been there and got the t-shirt ..and i know someone on here can help me a bit.... being in the uk it is not easy to access a lawyer and i am not going to thailand till the school holidays and i would like to be clued up if i can before i arrive...cheers.....ps the only reason she is signing the house over is she is getting away from all the debts occurred during our marriage and is still getting a cash payment !!!!!no favours done!!!!!

  16. i am looking for some advice ...i bought a house in thailand about 5 years ago and put it in the thai wifes name. We are now getting divorced and so far she has been good about everything ...she has agreed to give me the house in thailand and i trust she will, no problems. As a uk citizen i know i cannot own the house so were does this leave me.... can i get it transfered into a company i form without any cash changing hands (possible),,,another option i have is my daughter is half thai, born in the uk, but holds a thai passport and is registered as a resident of pattaya. Can i put the house in her name as this would be enough to make me relax about the ex not selling it at a later date..in truth i just want to know how to get my house back before she changes her mind!!!all good advice welcome ,,thanks

  17. Have you been served with divorce papers from Thailand or the UK? This makes a difference! PM me if you need a Lawyer here. They are not all bad...............i was served them in the uk as she thinks it,s win win for herself somehow i.e she gets half in the uk and 100% in thailand ..i tried to pm you for the lawyer but can,t for some reason,,thanks for the reply :)
  18. well after 10 years of been married to the misses it looks like it is over,,got the divorce papers the other day in the post in the uk ..i tried to talk to her a month or two ago to resolve our split without the lawyers making a killing but she is having none of by the looks of it ...she has made out to the lawyer i am loaded and i am conceling assets and that she is skint but the truth is there is a house in thailand worth 4 million bhat in her name (bought and paid for) which she did not tell the lawyer about..and i am in 50 grand negative equity on the house in the uk and in about 20 thousand pounds in debt with various banks ..i tried to explain to her were she stood but as usual she has taken the thai mode of thinking which is she gets to keep the house in thailand and i get to keep all the debts in the uk..plus continue to pay her money monthly for the kids.. good deal eh..so before she could strike first i jumped on a plane and have now arrived in pattaya so i can try and rescue something from my property ...so i am after a good lawyer or some good advice from someone else that has been through something similar ..all i want is an equal split 50/50...i paid for the house in pattaya and can prove it as the lazy boot has not worked a day in the uk since her arrival 10 years ago and i still have all the bank details from when i sent the cash over to buy the house....any (GOOD) advice will be warmly welcomed.. :)

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