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Posts posted by rakman

  1. Clean your shocks well so they are clean and dry, then drive down a dusty road for a while, then recheck to see if there is any oil leaking.

    It is an old trick to get people to change shocks by putting a little oil at the top and tell the customer the shocks need to be replaced.

    The TRD shocks (in the US) are Bilstein that last quite a lot longer than 88km

  2. A large part of the problem is the initial actuarial assumptions made by the pensions and US Social Security.

    Back in the 1930's, the life expectancy of a white male was 64, but payments started at 65 years of age. To collect on Social Security, one had to win life's lottery. As life expectancy has grown, the start of SS payments hasn't changed, but more people are living longer, and getting paid more than they put in.

    One would expect the same situation with other pensions.

    Net result, something has to change.

    Might seem reasonable on the face of it, but, nope, unexpected longevity is not actually the problem. At least, not most of the problem.

    First, Full Retirement Age has indeed been pushed higher in recent years. For my cohort that is 66 years. For those younger it's now 67 years. Longevity has increased among those with more education and higher income, but not so much for the working class.

    The largest component of the funding problem for Social Security, to the extent that there is indeed such a problem, is that less income is liable for the payroll tax than in the past. This change came about for several reasons:

    1. the cap on payroll taxes currently at $118,500/year. Above that, income is payroll-tax free.

    2. the increase in using stock options as employee compensation, also payroll-tax free.

    3. the greater portion of income from capital gains, dividends, and interest than in the past, all of which is payroll-tax free.

    In the past Americans' aggregate income subject to the payroll tax was around 90%. Currently, its' around 83% IIRC. This radical change accounts for about half of the shortfall for SS funding, under the most pessimistic assumptions about future payroll growth in the US.

    As should be apparent, the benefits from the exclusions above fall almost entirely on the higher income groups. These features, along with tax cuts for the rich beginning with Reagan, are what have enabled the top 1% in America to claim nearly all of the productivity gains in the last 30 years.

    Eliminating the cap on payroll taxes would go a long way to assuring SS funding into the future.

    The reason the payroll tax is limited to $116,500 is the max that one can receive back in payments is also limited, at early retirement (62) the benefit is $2,102/mo, if you wait for 66, full retirement benefit is $2,639 / month, but if you wait to a later age (70) the max amount is $3,576. Only 6 percent of workers earn more than the maximum taxable amount, but are still limited in how much their benefit will be.If you earn less, your benefit will be less.

    Now if you paid in the full amount (12.5%x 116,500x 40 years) your fictional account has $577,840 and if you get the full benefit of $2639 per month, you will break even at 219 months or 18.2 years.

    But that doesn't happen. The percentage and max taxable income has varied over time. If you go back 40 years, the max taxable income was $14,100 and the percentage of the tax was much lower, This means a lot less money in your fictional account, and your break even date is much, much shorter. Too complex to give an accurate amount without spending a huge amount of research.

    In addition, Social Security also pay out much more in funds than just retirements, such as disability and child survivorship.

  3. A large part of the problem is the initial actuarial assumptions made by the pensions and US Social Security.

    Back in the 1930's, the life expectancy of a white male was 64, but payments started at 65 years of age. To collect on Social Security, one had to win life's lottery. As life expectancy has grown, the start of SS payments hasn't changed, but more people are living longer, and getting paid more than they put in.

    One would expect the same situation with other pensions.

    Net result, something has to change.

  4. One answer from an IRS person does not make a final answer. You could resubmit the question and probably get a different answer.

    Ask some of the various people who have (wealthy) spouses in foreign countries and have given up their US citizenship because the IRS wants financial information on the spouses. Tina Turner is married to a Swiss resident and now she's Swiss too, giving up her US citizenship.

    A US woman gave up her citzenship to be with her Canadian husband because the IRS wanted detailed financial information from her husband.

    You may be able to stay under the radar, but eventually the IRS will be knocking on your door.

  5. He said "farang"" pilots are decent, anyone else is inferior. What about the French, German, Polish, Portuguese, etc farangs.

    They have the same language barrier.

    Perhaps only RP speakers from southern England should be allowed to pilot. Maybe all the ground crew from around the world should be replaced with Brits as well.

    A frog was involved in the crashing of the Air Asia flight.

    I'll not board a plane unless I know the pilots are fluent in english.

    And how do you establish that?

    Do you insist on interviewing the cockpit crew?

    If they don't pass your "test" do you leave and insist on another flight?

    What is a frog? I'm damned sure not flying with a toad at the controls.

    I demand to interview all flight deck staff 24 hours prior to the flight.

    Easy, just go to the bar they hang out in.

  6. A disaster is a series of events that lead to a catastrophic ending.

    It was unfortunate the base cause of the Air Asia crash was the bad joint on a circuit board, followed by poor crew anaysis and troubleshooting. Followed with the most frightening aspect that the pilots rely on automation too much and don't know how to escape a stall.

    AF447 basically encountered the same scenario, the flight computer went to "Alternate Law" where the normal control protections are removed and the pilot is truely flying the aircraft. The result of constantly pulling back on the stick, caused the plane to stall and just fall from the sky.

    There are many first world aircraft crashes with "experienced" pilots who did the wrong thing at the worst time.

    Doesn't matter the if you fly the high cost or low cost airlines, if your number comes up, it may be on any venue, even your bed.

  7. Yes, the windows installer will need a windows partition, so it will probably want to reformat the drive. This will overwrite the linux o/s.

    But in strict MS licensing, if the win 7 was purchased for a new PC that you bought, then yes.

    There isn't any "windows special hardware" in any pc. Look for the laptop manufacturers support site to see if win 7 drivers are available. If not, you might not get certain drivers to take advantage of all the hardware. For example, while most motherboards are supported out of the box, particular drivers run the ethernet, wifi video, etc. This could be very limiting.

  8. Just spent 2 days with my brother's Toshiba laptop he upgraded to Win10. All was good for some time, then the mail and calendar widgets quit working.

    Did several unintall an reinstall of the Mail and Cal app, but it would not work. It appeared the re-install saw some of the files but didn't reinstall the whole program suite.

    Net result was we put 8.1 back on. Mail and Cal worked perfectly nad resynched itself.

    Since we put 8.1 back on, we put in an SSD drive and it re-vitalized the laptop.

  9. Yes, as the laptop has wifi and ethernet, the fundamental function of a router is to route traffic across 2 networks. Just turn on ip forwarding and DHCP service (covered in windows by internet connection sharing) and you got a hot spot. Defining the default gateway to the ethernet allows the wifi to be a hotspot.

    The software listed makes a few things easier and provides more options.

  10. I thought VPN's and encryption would be the next things to be banned?

    They can ban the actual providers offering these services.

    But as far as I know, once you are using a fully encrypted VPN tunnel, then even using deep packet inspection, there is no easy way to discover it.

    I could be wrong, its been a lot of years since I last worked in the industry. I try an keep up to date though, so I think I am correct.

    So the smart way to do it is to forget about companies offering VPN services.

    Rent yourself a Virtual Private Server (VPS) in whichever country you would like to appear to be in.

    Set up the VPS as a VPN gateway.

    Connect to your VPN from here.

    This means you have a static IP address in the geolocation of your choice, by using a VPN tunnel which should be almost impossible to detect.

    I have friends doing just this in China and they drill straight through the great firewall no problem.

    If you are really worried, grab a TAILS distro, and install an OS that is entirely routed through the TOR network.

    All it take would be a packet filter to look at the payload. If encrypted, drop it. If clear, examine for unwanted references and drop or pass as desired. Not hard ot do.

  11. 1. Under the hood:

    Engine off, check inside oil cap - any light tan 'foam' or bubbles, go to your next car choice.

    Pull the dip stick. Oil may be pale yellow to dark brown. The darker the oil, the longer the car has run between changes. Does it smell strongly of gasoline, pass.

    If that passes, open radiator cap, coolant full and color greenish or red but mostly transparent ok; check cap. Any goo, go to your next car choice.

    Look at the battery connections. Clean or dirty. Probably going to need a battery depending on age. Just an indicator of maintenance.

    Open air cleaner. Any oil inside, go to your next car choice.

    2. Fire up the engine, listen to the engine for smooth idle, and any noise from the transmission. Depress the clutch and listen to the difference in transmission noise, cycle the clutch a few times. Check the brake pedal feel. Spongy pedal is not good. Solid firm pedal is good.

    3. Check the A/C. not working, go to your next car choice.

    4. check tires. even wear ok, you'll probably need to buy new ones. Uneven wear, particularly on one edge, you might consider another car choice.

    5. Road test. Sound of the mechanicals, engine temp, odd knocks from the engine, body rattles.

    6. Visual check of the body panels, fit and finish of paint and even fit on body, hood, doors and trunk.

    As mentioned, have the compression checked, preferably cold and hot.

    Once you buy the car of your dreams, change all the fluids and filters, especially the brake fluid.

    Enjoy the ride.

    If you think this is a lot, there is a bunch more.

  12. The only thing I'd be wanting to add to the fuel would be a water absorbing additive since diesel fuel is hygroscopic. Deisel fuel and water can make for some nasty alge growth. And SEA has a lot of humidity.

    Most diesel vehicles have good fuel filters and usually a water trap some where along the fuel system.

    Injector spray patterns can become clogged at some point. Injector cleaner additives probably don't do much.

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