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Posts posted by patong

  1. We know what they are thinking darling, we just don't necessarily want to hear all the details :)

    being a handsome male, i would just like to say.

    i have heard what the opposite sex thinks, and the only differences are they mite no tell you with in the first five minutes of meeting them.

  2. i also knew a man, with two big water storage tanks so the rain water, would fill them from the roof.

    also a storage water tank underground which filled from the mains, so he had lots of water stored.

    when it would rain him and his wife would stand out side collecting rain water in anything they could find.

    they would only flush the toilet, on doing a number 2. he said they have not paid a water bill in years

  3. The vast majority of women in un-reputable occupations come from Isaan. If you think this is just a myth, check it out at your local bar.

    Plenty of 'Thai-Chinese' in the profession too. Mainly servicing the Thai market, rather than the tourist/expat one.

    Or so I am told :)

    that may be true, if so what dose that tell you, about the thai chinese women.

  4. with no previous experience, we first washed the baby bottles with baby detergent liquid and rinsed, than put them into boiling water.

    we was told the bottles only needed to be in the boiling water for a few minutes, having to do this almost everyday. we decided to buy a sterilizer,

    which was 2000 baht, and well worth buying, saving time and hassle. i also think sterilizing the bottles is a good idea,

    to prevent tummy upsets e.g reading this thread seems everyone thinks different.

  5. when comparing thai people, that come from similar backgrounds, i have come to the conclusion that maybe the person and not the background.

    As I said previously and still stand by, usually the people making the comments or generalizations by doing so are really making much more telling comments about themselves than the people they are attempting to slur.... I guess there are just a lot of KIA posters on TV that feel the only way to improve their lot in life is by demeaning others, a sorry state of affairs indeed.

    so what input have you contributed, to this topic. on the two occasions you have remarked there been no reason too.

    maybe this is hitting home to you, if you don't like it don't read it. straight back at you.

  6. Yes indeed. In some, or even many cases, their behaviour/attitudes/lifestyes etc. may be influenced from their cultural, socio-economic background, but to suggest, for example, that Issan Thai Chinese women are this or that, or Southern Thai Chinese women are this or that is a slippery sloped argument fraught with difficulties.

    Many like to generalize about certain groups, but there are too many inherent anomalies within the sub- groups to use blanket policy statements like Thai chinese all rich and educated, for example .

    If we believe generalizations as gospel truths, we are wading in dangerous waters.

    signed; exceptions to the "rule" rule

    as you have pointed out [in some, or even many cases, their behaviour/attitudes/lifestyes etc. may be influenced from their cultural, socio-economic background.]

    my wife just so happens to be thai chinese, and the question was [Whats The Big Deal With Saying Your Wife Is thai chinese.

    my wife comes from a poor working class background, with a basic education. she has a low pitch voice and speaks in a civilized manner.

    she is the sweetest girl i have ever meet, with no intentions to offend or harm others.

    when comparing thai people, that come from similar backgrounds, i have come to the conclusion that maybe the person and not the background.

  7. Whats The Big Deal With Saying Your Wife Is..., Thai Chinese?

    after hearing lots of bad stories, regarding isaan women.

    issan women are loud and aggressive.

    unlike the Thai Chinese

    ..the bottom line is no one can help WHERE or when they are born, in LOS or anywhere else, MOREOVER, no one can CHOOSE their parents, hence no one can CHOOSE their ethnicity. This fact in itself should preclude ALL racism in the world, stereotyping not withstanding..

    are you having a problem understanding, this is my opinion. there is no racism or stereotyping, in my posts, just awareness.

  8. i have a question,

    my son is one and a half years of age, what would be a good age for me to learn to swim?

    could not wait, just found out 3 to 4 years of age, to learn to swim. but good for the child to get use to the water before hand.

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