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Posts posted by mooncake

  1. Surely you must have had something to moan about whilst living in another country??????

    Not really besides high taxes, and 3 ft of snow sometimes. Most things are cheaper than in thailand, more varities, and I can get them at a click of my fingertip...wait few days and whah laa....

    I don't miss thailand much, as my parents come and visit me quite often ever since I was at the university, and there are also webcam, skype, internet to communicate to each other.

    And I'm fairly adaptable to most things and people in the west. This's why sometimes I find it hard to understand of all the moanings of farangs in thailand about their home country. Just don't understand what are they so bitter about? :)

  2. Personally i find Thai men more attractive than Western men also, but that doesnt mean i no longer have decent manners towards western men,

    It's quite diff than me. But I like thai men as uncles and my father....they are soo easy to please esp if you are a girl, you can get anything you heart desires.

    However I like western men better ...as a partner that is, thai men just don't do for me. I'm too assertive and out spoken for many thai men to bring back to their parents even for an inspection stage..LOL

    I have found that thai men tend to be too clingy and muted at times when he needs to speak up. Sometimes it's just too much feeling into their thinking, before he acts what I thought should be the simple straight forward logical solution. :)

  3. That is a good one, as we are all smart on other fields. Generally i just look for someone who is logical (ok hard to find logical woman :D). I just talk a lot with the person and hope to find out that way if they are smart or not. I know its not easy but cant hand out IQ tests :D . Also i look a lil bit at their education and their job. I prefer to find someone not too far off from my own intelligence, when i was real young 20 or so i was with a dutch girl and there was a big difference in intelligence and that kinda ended the relationship after the love was gone. But i must say that was a big difference. (not that i am that smart).

    I think in general after some long conversations you will know if someone is smart or not, but it of course depends what you talk about.

    Yes I feel the same way too. I want to be with someone who is very logical on things and thinks before he speaks. A good listener as well as good talker, that is diff than a talkative person. I like a man of substance....not fishy flashy bla bla bla....but the ones who can walk the walk, talk the talk, and do the do.

    I think having the similar intellegence and sharing values will ultimately outlast everything else when you both are on the walking stick.

    Bed hopping men/women and whirlwind romance is not my cup of tea also, and it says alot about the core personality of the person. I think love blossom with time and time will ultimately reveal what is in the shadow.

    But from reading TV here, seems some do not want to take the time for whatever reason that might be, while some don't really have much time left. :)

    Best wishes in your relationship, Rob

  4. ok since I'm still here, I may as well say a bit more wha's also in my mind, just in case I won't be here by tomorrow :)

    Another thing that gets me and my friends fire up is "the sinsot" thing.

    For those who don't want to pay, why pay anyway and come over here....kicky, screaming, and moaning about IT!

    Acting like a little child when most of you are over 40!...LOL

    In my group, no farang husband has ever paid any sinsot. They are all educated from the west....helloo, and some in thailand too. Most of us have been moving with the time alrealdy.

    Why don't you all stand your ground, if you don't want to pay?....ask them why is a one way culture only?...SPEAK UP!!

    What are you so afriad of ...by voicing your opinion?

    ok back to on going topic...


    yea....AHOY CHIP CHOY to u 2!

    meh why so late in showing up jaa

    If you don't want to read, then mind your own business too.

    Me still think this is such a quality thread we have had in a few pages here!

    THIS-IS-THE-ONE-TO-BE IN......for now anyway :)

  6. I have no figures to back this up, but my gut feeling is that there is a significant percentage of men here in Thailand who are quite happy with their partners, and this happiness is not based on the age/attractiveness of them.  

    Why don't you post the same thing on your post above, and see what responses you will get from this forum?

    I was talking about men on this forum mostly. Who are you guys mostly, and why complaining soo much?....at the point similar to endless whining!


    I know many thais do read here too, but don't want to voice their opinions,...don't know why

    and some of the things we have been reading so far about thai women......well well well...

    and seems like we do have a brothel in every sois here in thailand, and we all are that EASY.....only with a few notes slapping on the head. :D

    Just voicing my own little opinion here.

  7. Just out of interest what nationality are you and Mr. Mooncake? It would appear from your posts that you are not a native English speaker (yet you suggest you communicate in English with your husband), so perhaps you are also in a bilingual relationship and thus should be aware of any linguistic difficulties facing such relationships.

    I am 100% thai, female with boobs and all that

    .....born, raised, schooled in thailand - thai schools, did my university in the US

    Mr. Mooncake......dutch/french/among others

    We communicate in English 100% of the time - no problem for either of us whatsoever.

    That's why our relationship runs quite smoothly :D

    That's why I do have some questions in my earlier posts...of

    How do some of you manage it, w/ 2 languages and neither of you good in another's? :)

  8. 2) There are some things in life that do not need to be analyzed, love is one of them.

    Me think you must be living in a pink bubble. Don't you want to know why she loves you?

    So you just get married if you feel "right"?

    You're pulling my legs if you seriously did not do some analyzing her out before you marry her.

    Who wouldn't here, must be nutz. I think we "all" do, with more or less and to certain extent.

    The ones that do with less, seem to have the most problems later on, and many of those problems do get on thaivisa, if you care to read many pages back.

    So why didn't they take time in cultivating their relationship? Why in such hurry jumping in, and complaining about this & that, and everything & everybody else here later on thaivisa, except their own bad decision to begin with?

    Reading the geneal forum here many pages back, it seems most of you here think you are ALL THAT, and always the fault of thailand, thai people, and your girls........

    No your rebuttal #2 is too weak for me.

  9. After my first disaster i realized how important communication is, so that plus a good set of brains is what i go for.

    I totally agree, and good communication is very important in a relationship, esp very well in the same language would help a lot.

    But how do you know that she is a smart gal?.....What is your definition of the word "smart"?

    It's hard enough to have a relationship with someone who is speaking the same language as you, it must be a 10 folds difficult with 2 languages in it.

    I just don't know how many of you here can do it. I just couldn't. But ofcourse I can do everything in english, so it's quite easy for me and Mr. Mooncake to communicate w/ each other on our many wants/needs/ and problems to be solved.

  10. Someone has to say it..

    The reason most of us have a TGF or wife is to avoid women like you that subject a relationship to analysis to the point of death. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable on a purely physical level, if that is the case for some. Get in where you fit in, some men do not need the hysterics of western womens' ideals/paradigms jammed down their throat.

    nuff said.


    me.....a western woman? :)

    So you haven't come across any thai woman who can read, write, and think in your own native language?....hmm


    what's so wrong as a woman to be analytically on things? It shows we too have brain along with breast!

    Why couldn't you handle those with brain along with their famininity too?

  11. So are you “all that” too?

    I have read here bunches of …

    OH my thai gf/wife is… a good cook, BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG, SEXY, and she‘s taking care of me good….bla bla bla

    Howcome I seldom come across the words…..smart, funny, she’s my best friend…etcs? :)

    So just some questions…

    what do you think the gf/or wife says about you to her friends?

    What did you bring into the marriage, beside money mostly?…Because it seems you think you’re “a prize catch” and “all that”!

    And from my general impression here on TV - both directly and indirectly, that “most” of you just want… a bedmate, a maid, or a butler….and nothing else?

    Is that why you like “thai” women, because they are good at “servicing”?…don’t care much for a brain or good communicating ability or sharing the same values & belief or outlooks in life?

    This is the conclusion I get from reading thaivisa, esp in the “General Forum”, that most of you seem to have “many problems” dealing with your partner outside the bedroom and at many times…to the point of frustration.

    This is not meant to be a funny or sarcastic question, but a genuine enquire wants to know type of…..

    How do you define the word “marriage” and your view of the life partner?…and why with the thai woman, in particular? Even though some of you don’t seem to like Thailand much. :D

  12. While I understand the need for keeping foreign land speculators from buying up land through nominees I think that considerations need to be made for those in genuine marriages. Do you think anything can be done regarding this problem so that those in valid marriages can own land with their wives?

    "genuine marriages".....The definition itself will take years to be resolved by the Thai authority.

    and I very much doubt it that many farangs here even know themselves,..if they are in a "genuine marriage" or not...until years later :)

    The another problem that I have seen.. is not the land speculators,.. but many farangs had bought up some 50-100 rais chunk at a time after marriage, just bcoz they are cheap in the area.

    Many of these lands are or used to be farmable for something. But many farangs here just let it sitting there wastedly, doing/producing nothing out of it, coz no one wants to be in farming,.....but it's pretty to look at tho, that's how they think. The sooner or later, if there are more of such marriage and thought, the foods and produce prices in the area will sure go up, and the one that will get effected the most are the local thais. And this could fuel more resentment toward the "rich" foriegners.

    Just some of my thought here :D

  13. No we do not charge a foreigner more than a local back home.

    Think again darling,.....EDUCATION is the key word :)

    I disagree.

    In the US, residents of a state pay the "in state rate." People who are not residents pay the "out of state rate." Its not based on race, religion or nationality. its based on residency.

    blah!..he & I were talking about the "foreigners", not the ones with residency. Foreingers do pay atleast 2X more..

    Hmm anyway....you don't hear many farangs w/ the "thai's PR" complaining much here about double pricing. :D

  14. Duna duna duna

    duna duna duna

    doo da da doo


    This is harder than it seems; it's the Nightrider theme song. :)

    ya i reckon, that sounded more like the theme from Jaws :D

    blah! ...take your hand away from the bathroom bucket while singing along, will get you back on track. :D

  15. I can speak Thai fairly well and can read enought that I know what เก้าสิบบาท means. It says 90 baht, so when I see that and for fun I ask Tao rai (how much) and they answer 120 baht........<deleted> !!!!!!!

    If you can read thai, then why played game in the first place? :D

    Look.. just like Hurliburton was charging the US govn't some $300 a bullet during the Irag war, bcoz they thought the govn't wouldn't know.

    SAME SAME.......dogs eat dog world :)

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