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Posts posted by mooncake

  1. Ok here is my thai's viewpoint and what I have known from others all these times

    Farang is not the automatic “F” word, unless someone dislikes you so… for some reason. You can also tell by the tone of their voice/looks/leering/smirk - if it’s being used as such a derogatory term or not.

    Just like my family likes to call me “princess”, but when they’re mad at me for something they would call me “PRINCESS!!!!” or “Prrrrrrrrrinceeeeeeess“, or accompanied by certain looks………blah this’s when I know I should be in hiding or pai-hongnam or something quick!

    Do you get my drift?…..SAME SAME

    So don’t think too much, nothing into it really - just a generic term when addressing Caucasian appearance person.

    Nothing degrading like when you call some immegrants "name the name" in the west.

    Actually the word “farang” will automatically put you as the “upper class” status in thailand generally/most times,.....and everyone wants to serve you, UNTIL proven otherwise by your own actions.

    Hope this helps a bit

  2. Or the girls can think twice about getting pegnant while still at school and wait until they have finished school, or is that too sensible an idea?


    I agree


    Why should a school change their "existing policies" just because of your short-sighted activity? Most other female students seem not to have problem with the issue.

    Like "most" things in this world, most favorable policies were made for the "majority", not a few minority ones.

    That really should teach you... to think "carefully" before u do something that may have the negative fallouts later on.

    Or, of course, they are allowed to continue their education which can only benefit themselves and child, whilst hopefully giving them the opportunity to get a reasonable job and contribute to society.

    I agree we are all responsible for our own actions Brigante7 but where should the line be drawn? If I drive my car without wearing a seat belt and have an accident, should I be denied medical treatment because I wasn't sensible? Society is judged on how it treats those less fortunate than ourselves.

    I think the schools are thinking along the line of…

    What if something is to happen to you while you’re in the class, sooo “everyone” has to stop their session just for you?…and how many times can this be tolerated by others?

    Isn’t that you will be disrupting other people’s lives and their learning times too?

    Have you...I mean "she" thought about this also? :)

  3. Or the girls can think twice about getting pegnant while still at school and wait until they have finished school, or is that too sensible an idea?


    I agree


    Why should a school change their “existing policies” just because of your short-sighted activity? Most other female students seem not to have problem with the issue.

    Like “most” things in this world, most favorable policies were made for the “majority”, not a few minority ones.

    That really should teach you... to think "carefully" before u do something that may have the negative fallouts later on.

  4. Don't you think that the "surprise" of paying sin sod would probably come as obstacle to the groom? If he's OK with it then fine, but it's not western culture. And, if they got married in Britain I doubt very strongly that he would want to pay...but, he might, depending on how much he loved her, how much pressure she put on him, and how rich he is.

    Oh and for your records, there is NO "farangland" just as there is no Asialand.

    I agree with you that this type of thinking by Thais is old fashioned and they should get with the times.

    Yep I would imagine he will be hearing of this little surprise soon enough, I have a feeling. I know, neither my parents nor I, will demand it.

    If she loves him too, she shouldn’t put any pressure on him…esp on this nonsense issue.

    Good marriage/relationship is also a two ways street…not just her street only.

    Why would you want to be married to someone who will boss over you ….to do THAT & THIS ….just in the name of tradition sake. Absurd and ridiculous

    Unless he doesn’t mind, then it’s his choice….up 2 him.

  5. If they love each other, why throwing a roadblock or adding another obstacle between them? And esp this is in the farang land now.

    You should spend time wisely… advising the couple how to make “the will be” married life works better. I think this should be the main role - as parents.

    Sometimes I just don’t understand some old fashion people nowadays…on this sinsot thing. Why don’t they just go.. wasting their times on some other good causes.

    Unless they have nothing else better to do.

    From another thai’s point of view here

  6. Unless you can give us more infor about yourself and what is the amount that you considered as “cheap”…… :D

    As a single guy, I would say…..try a local temple?

    FUN FUN - meditation session w/ - free foods, & lodging :)



    assuming U r not here for ..drinking and whooring? :D

  7. Hmm...am I happy in thailand?

    Well I like the foods, but other than that NO.

    If I have to live all year round in thailand---I will go NUTzzzz

    So a few months in a year is just right for me.

    coz at the moment I'm in the better environment which give me more satisfactions...."physically, emotionally, socially, and financially"....in the WEST.

  8. Which thai girl would be following around some guy she just met, esp for the whole month,.... except those "morally corrupted and jobless" MOST LIKELY.

    Unless it’s part of her job, if you know what I mean.

    And you don’t have to be a prostitute to act like one.

    Com’n don’t act so innocence and clueless about what’s going on. :)

  9. Do you think guys just like stupid girls with big tits ? Maybe for a night but not for in a relation. At least i would not like to have a gf without a brain tried it once too boring in the long run.

    I don't think anyone is stupid. We might see things in diff perspectives, or... depending on one's angle of perspective.

    on my serious side here

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