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Posts posted by mooncake

  1. Is this what a doctor or other professional person in thailand would pay as sin sod for her?

    Real examples would be helpful.

    Ok here goes...

    I make more money than a nurse and with the oversea education, Mr. Mooncake didn’t pay any.

    The only thing my parents wanted was for both of us to take good care of each other and wished us to be happy.

    We’re both under 30 …….first marriage for both of us

    Best of luck to you tho :)

  2. its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

    So much knowledge in such a short time. :) One could be forgiven for thinking that he well could be a returnee from Bansville. :D


  3. Ask yourself this... what will you do with that degree?

    Nowadays to be employable with a good pay, you need to have the right experiences and the related degree to go along with it.

    If you already love what you’re doing, sure the related degree will help advancing your career better than without.

    But if you want to switch a career, then think long and hard first on what do you like to see yourself in the next 5-10 yrs, and will that need the degree or not.

    Why go back to school to get any degree, if you don’t know what to do with it, or what you want to do in life? It’s an expensive investment in both financially and times.

    Only YOU can answer those questions.

    Education, esp the higher learning is still the best investment anyone can do for themselves, generally.

  4. This doesnt have to do with age at all. Age is not an excuse for anything. I've never cheated and now I'm 30 and still dont plan to. Depends on your ethics level or lack thereof.

    Or testosterone level or lack thereof. OK najman, next time I see a junior high or primary school couple I'll tell them they better remain faithful to eachother FOREVER or else! Such kids trying out other relationships and experiences is an abomination. :)

    experiences other relationships while you are with someone?

    U got to be kidding if this is the ok concept for you,.....as if the cost of pains/heartaches of your current partner doesn't matter to you....hmm

    I wonder what type of woman, you mostly will always end up with ...:D

  5. long sleeves, particular with cuff links are ok I suppose

    long sleeves w/ Cuff links??

    The university is modern and looking for open minded person,...not an overly consevative and stiff neck!... :)

  6. OK seriously, ....a smart casual...is the way to go

    but hmm this is a university setting......I would say, a trouser and a shirt - pressed. Short sleeves is ok in this case

  7. Anyway there are a lot of fat men who don’t really see themselves as fat, the way that women do.

    And sadly our society has double standard/ judgment when it comes to the overweight issue, ..and over weight males are treated a lot better than over weight women.

    But the bottom line is that , between two people, for some it’s not the fat that matters, but….

    ...what is in between those 2 ears…for some

    ...What is in the heart for some….for some

    ...What is in the pocket… for some


    Same goes as some men will only go for voluptuous women, not a walking toothpick women, or some have different fetish for whatever…

    Everyone is different ….just a matter of preference and matter only between the two people involved.

    The ones that complain the most tend to be those who are normal size.

    Just my take here

  8. Mooncake, I was just asking the question why soo many people make it out to be a big deal. My first assumption when I read peoples posts about this is that "oh, I guess overweight people aren't supposed to love or be loved or have any sort of relationship." I dunno, I had to vent a little today. lol

    I do have to say that I don't think that all fat people come to Thailand simply because it's easier. You ever see that white girl back at home that only likes black guys? It's almost like that for me, I am attracted to Thai women!!

    I know what you mean


    NO, I didn't refer to you, specifically.....just those gossip people in general jaa....BE COOL bigBro

    btw...don't fall in love w/ me na, I'm too lethal 4U :)

  9. Don't worrry about them, let them be.

    I'm sure they both are benefiting from each other for whatever reason that may be, that's why they are still together.

    Go feed a buffalo or mow your lawn or something...

    and there are other things in this word that are more important than gossiping about other people, as why they are together or don't seem to look good together, etcs.... :)

  10. You seem to forget how it all started. During the Vietnam war many GIs met up with Thai girls. The girl would suggest that the guy be her boyfriend but then the guy would say "but I have to leave soon" Then the girl say "just be my boyfriend for a short time"

    Aaah…but most farang-thai couples “around that time” were in the same or similar age.

    They married their girls, whisked them back home to their country, and built their lives together including economically, most cases from the ground up. Most cases,..never be seen back again until the next 30-40 yrs, except for occasional visits.

    Did you notice these too?

    Unlike nowadays… :)

  11. Sadly we will never get to hear from the “wife”.

    I for one would love to hear about…how they met, courting time before marriage, and why did he “really choose to marry her”-aka-what attributes that sealed the deal in the firs place….?

    It’s difficult for me to believe that…. he didn’t know some of these behaviors before he married her, or what may be the leading causes… :)

  12. Well for me….

    I like to be comfortable but yet stylish. In no-way you will catch me outside walking around look like an un-made bed, a bag lady, drapy like drapery or something similar.

    Casual comfort but yet stylish, without too much fuss and expenses…..is the look for me. I’m not a dressy flashy type, but yet still wanting to be in-style with the trend. I like simple pieces like jeans- any length- w/ white shirt , and sundresses. However I Love to add on accessories like ..necklace, scarf, cute sandals, or bracelet to jazz it up a bit.

    To me it’s very important to pay attention to yourself a bit while the world or whatever outthere is spinning around us. No matter how little time or budget you may have…..you should be able to find the look that enhances your best attributes but yet stylish and comfort at the same time. :)

  13. Mooncake, sadly I have no more to offer. The photos I posted just about cover the entire wardrobe! Except I do have 27 bikinis... no really it's true! :)

    No problem Kat,.. SADLY I do have more money to cover myself ...hmm bummer :D ............................................hehe :D

    ..and actually anything else will do for this thread tho


    Ok here

    Just bought "this necklace" for the yellow blouse, but found that it also works well for my purple minidress



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