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Posts posted by mooncake

  1. That's funny...as I have different experiences from your group or people that you know.

    Most of my farang friends when they think of thailand ,...all they can think are

    - hot weather

    - good foods....eat eat eat eat

    - beautiful southen beaches....where they can tan themselves like a cooked lobster

    - afforable shopping paradise...yay yay!


    sadly to say......NOT about the culture and temples tho :)

  2. To the OP,

    Oh wait, come to think of it…

    Would you be able to handle these educated and/or successful girls?

    Can you be in a relationship w/ a bit more of equal footing? These are not always a “YES” girl, u know.

    I assume they would have slightly different personalities than those of umm-entertainment girls-?

    Are you ready for a bit more self-assured, more assertive, and not necessary wanting to walk a few steps behind you or spend all their times topping off your beer glasses…etcs?

    Btw….generally most girls here are still quite conservative, shy and non-drinker.

    And..they don’t go out of their way to meet farangs,.. or throw themselves at the first farang that happens to be within 1 meter of them,.. or jump into your bed after the first/or second date, ..or follow you around like a puppy dog…etcs

    And.. those who frequent bars are mostly called “a party girl” by the thai general viewpoint, whether a uni student or successful one w/ real job. If you know what I mean. So be careful w/ the bar scene also.

    Like they say….Nothing in this world comes for free and everything has the costs attached to it.

  3. haha I stole them for ransom!.....wouldn't give them back unless you post more pics!

    err...to show how serious I am of this thread, Kat

    hehe...just kidding....DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED either, but I saw them all.......niceeeeee

    Post some more si :)



    Boo Just stole them back ... :D

  4. ^ahh....but most hi-so have found their farang bf/husbands from their oversea study....back in farangland where they happened to be studying there.

    That's partially the point. Farang often think word hi-so means anyone who's not a prostitute, 7-11 clerk, or rice picker, and say all women but these are out of your grasp. A university student isn't even remotely out of his reach. Sure, he may have trouble getting real hi-so chick with a $50 million dollar bank account, but students and young professionals not at all.

    If you care to notice, "many" hi-so girls did not married to rich farangs to start with, most of them just former college sweethearts but overtime they have been building their lives together. Of course some with her parents helping out, but as for the rest…you will be very surprised …. :)


    Not only hiso who can study oversea, many normal kids that smart have also gone there under the government grants.

    But again the later group wouldn’t be spending that much time off-campus. So you really have to be there studying in the same uni also.

    I’m just saying that not all those oversea are hi-so.

    But the "main problem" here for the OP, is that he wants a whirlwind romance and marriage in 1 month!!!...to a regular NICE girl WITH GOOD JOB & GOOD EDUCATION!!!

    I think he can keep on DREAMING..... :D

  5. ^ahh....but most hi-so have found their farang bf/husbands from their oversea study....back in farangland where they happened to be studying there.

    and most of them were colleage sweetheart with similar ages and educational backgrounds. The BONUS is.. they both can commucate very well with each other in the same language which mostly is English....eleminating many guessworks here while fighting!

    So I would suggest, the OP go back and look around in your own country....if you say....you're young and successful, you will definitely have more time to spend in cultivating the relastonship back from that end. You might be more successful, given your time constraint during your trip in thailand. :)

  6. YaY!!!....Thxs muches Kat,........NGO would be proud of you....for being here :D

    Hope you will be back for more show and tell pics

    Like your...stretching, casual comfy style.....

    esp the green dress on the boat, I probably like mine in diff color to go with my darker sunkiss tan :)

    Ok here are more..... I like my a bit more casual w/ blue and white

    1- a bit more casual anywhere, w/ colorful scalf as a belt




    2- Love this one 3/4 jeans, esp with some red sandals.....can't wear highheel




    3- ok this one saw from some magazine, would be great to have one for the next trip to the beach....crocheted-CUTE totally :D


  7. Hmm…I would assume 1 month is not long enough to find someone that you think you like for a serious relationship,... importantly a decent girl who would be willing to move to your home country after 1 month fling/romance…period.

    Cant you find someone in your own country?…..or you’re aiming for thai girls particularly?

    I would imagine those you’re looking for…. would be working while you’re tourising around Thailand?

    Strange question really, if you don’t know this by now -- at your age

    Btw….do you think that all thai girls are that EASY?__ :)

  8. PatsyCat

    Wow u r good then, the RETRO fashion is poise for a comeback!





    Hmm…seems this pilot program for woman empowerment is not working that well so far..:)

    Either we can change to …..show & tell, Mooncake’s style…..in which no one probably cares much anyway. :D


    We have to scrape this NGO project….sigh sigh

    Oh well…..Cya ladies around..:D

  9. Mooncake - don't hesitate to show yourself modeling some of your outfits so we can comment on how they look on you :)

    lol...Is that some kind of double meaning, 007?

    Ok then…u can join in

    Feel free to paste a topless pics of yourself ….as we sisters here like THAT STYLE too……err on men that is

    C’mon wat say u :D

  10. Anyone else out there a 007 besides me? :D

    ..moi here……Agent 99 reporting

    I won three straight Lamont Cranston Awards for Shadowing, have you won anything? :)

    Agent 99 report immediately to the office for a de"brief"ing. I need to show you a new device and how to hide it. :D

    No need I’ve seen it,

    and no one will suspect anything that small... if you just ZIP UP the case. :D

  11. No problem,..If I may say so for both of us, Boo :)

    Thanks Ian, .....for trying to bond with us, by showing your "sense of style"

    err...What magazine are you reading? ....any OTHER examples? :D





    ok here IS another one I like

    esp the combination of the..... olive shirt and turquoise necklace.....*HIP*CHIC!!


  12. ---Ya STYLE ---


    calling calling …for all you SISTERs!!

    Time for SHOW & TELL thread

    Show us your STYLE at the moment or what u like

    Fashion, make-up, shoes, tatoo, g-string or whatever …

    Bros too, if u r lurking & want to share.…hehe

    Bonding Moment time :)

  13. Yup I agree…..it’s his money he can do whatever he wants.

    He can blow it up, or he can suck it down…..up to him really.

    There are many farangs that had lost much more “than that” in Thailand to their girls who eating and sleeping with them everyday. It always come down to ….how dumb and desperate the guys are.

    But don’t get involved if I were you….period.

    And tell him …NOT to bother you w/ it also. It’s his life he should take care of it himself, he’s full grown man already.

    Just my take here.

  14. Wikipedia has an interesting definition of Caucasian race.

    Oii..forget about WIKI... :)

    Just listen to ME, ...am from the ground-zero reporting here.. :D

    So what does ME have to say about this? 'The concept of a Caucasian race is highly controversial today. It is rejected by many academics and political activists who view any system of categorizing humanity based on physical type as an obsolete 19th Century racism'

    Sigh…why do some people think only negative things? :D

    How about.. you face it and realize your not going to like lots of thing in this world or probably anything that other people call you!

    Personally I and many thais don't see what's so offensive about being called a “farang”.

    You don’t see many ½ farang kids complaining too much about the word , or when they are being called a farang becoz of there are more farang genes in them. And just about all of them in Thailand do understand the thai language and the thai people more than you. They seem fine with it.

    I personally think the more we talk about racism, the more we promote it. Better accept the differences and enjoy and learn from each other !!!

    Because there are the world out there that discriminate against people worse reasons than race….such as weight , disabilities, and disfigurement…and so on. And that where you should be spending your valuable times focusing on.


    Nothing further that I say will justify it, because I have a feeling that you’re already made up your mind. :D

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