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Posts posted by dundee48

  1. I wish there was some way to educate tourists into dressing more appropriately for their own safety. I've seen too many stories of foreigners being raped because they dressed provocatively and some local half-wit rapes her thinking she is "asking for it". Tourists come to Thailand thinking holiday, bikini, relaxing, drinking, not thinking they are in any danger at all. They need to be told of the societal norms in LOS so they can at least maybe cover up a bit more while in public, not because they should but for their own safety.

    Are you related to the PM?Are you the the PM?

  2. It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    It's called decency and sun protection. As a society we decided long ago to cover our body and move on from sex, hunt, gather to better things

    Walking around naked is not what society is about(especially in Thailand). Might be enjoyable for some when the woman is hot but most of the time its downright upsetting because its the ugliest whales that cover the least.

    The police are not using the word decency because the western civilization that mostly visits thailand have never heard of that word. Safety makes it easier for them to understand why they cant walk around naked and makes them a bit more scared to act out for attention by being naked in public.

    this response might be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard!

    The scariest thing is the 10 posters who `liked` the post.

  3. Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

    No mention or inference to moderation intended.

    The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

    If anyone understood that would you explain it to me.

    I understood it perfectly well(small typo not withstanding,`with` instead of `without`.Don`t think it is worth explaining to you unless you have an open mind.

  4. What is the significance of the yellow/blue arrows in the 'gait' photos, given most haven't seen the accused walking without chains or entourage & therefore are unable to understand the comparison?

    The yellow lines are the direction the feet are pointing at, the blue the overall direction of motion.

    The problem is that it's plain to see that both on the second and fourth still frames the left feet (which are planted on the ground) and arrow are not pointing in the same direction; in any case making accurate measurements out of short, low quality footage like that is quite impossible and the validity of that technique to positively identify people is questionable.

    That is why, as someone pointed out before, it's not a recommended method for identification.

    Wasn`t it you who pointed it out before?

  5. Fireplay

    When we stand we tend to have our feet slightly pointed outwards and even when we walk that happens to a degree. However when we run we tend to have our toes pointed straighter as its a more efficient method as the power is transferred up through the body directly . Try it sometime. Stand as normal with your toes pointing slightly out and bend your knees and they will go outwards slightly and you lose propulsion that way. If you stand with your toes and feet parallel to each other and bend your knees you will find the movement will be upwards and therefore more efficient propulsion up through your body. Same kind of applies when running. But AleG will know that of course as he's qualified !

    That's what it is! Thank you sir! Looks like our resident gait expert has questionable expertise!

    He might possibly be a gate expert but he is certainly not a gait expert.

  6. For me clearly Andy Hall = Solidarity Business.
    His interventions does not serve the interests of defense, on the contrary. His words are a general polemics jumble far from the requirement of a fair trial at which the observation must be limited to specific facts.
    Does also to always seek the spotlight and pose for a pic with accused families and Pornhip discredit analysis of this latter. One cannot claim himself expert and supporter.
    Really with this kind of friend you no longer need enemies ...

    At the risk of getting banned you sir are an absolute disgrace,didn`t take long for accusations to start did it,because that`s all you`ve got.

  7. Mistake after mistake,

    Blunder after blunder,

    Lie after lie,

    "I don't know" after "I don't know"

    "Didn't think it was important", after "Didn't think it was important."

    Chain of custody completely ignored.

    Ignorant statement on top of ignorant statement.

    Excuse after excuse.

    All this, blatantly and obviously "in your face" proof of a total screw up, and yet there are still "shills" (and you know who you are), who cling desperately to the lie that the RTP have a "perfect"case and the B2 are obviously guilty. How do you people sleep at night?

    In my opinion there is 1 definite troll,2 shills with vested interests,2 people `having a laugh`with no care for the victims families,and 1 `neutral` who can`t stop himself from `liking` shills posts.

  8. But the RTP said there was zero DNA on thr hoe because it had been washed. The defense found 2 DNA samples.

    Also, you really believe that the opportunistic killers and rapists were prepared enough to bring gloves with them but didn't use condoms, is that the current version of this story??

    This is Thailand who knows, shit happens every day, maybe there was no DNA on the hoe, then after they tested it maybe the RTP left their DNA on it who knows, it was not there when the RTP tested it, but who handled it after that before the Defence tested it, that's the question to be answered.

    Yea shit happens every day, lets all presume the the DNA was put there after they tested it first, great the RTP will love you, any other bright thoughts

    Yes and 1 of the usual suspects(shills) who professes to be neutral once again `likes` a post by a fellow shill.Far too common an occurance,in his posts he tries to be neutral but can`t help `liking` all the fellow shills posts.

    No credibilty.

  9. If I was thay guy on the picture posing ,I would be quite upset actually having to deal with social media gossip .

    Yes he could be a bad guy , but maybe just a normal guy, looking tough and posing on pictures.

    It will only lead to endless speculations until someone actually can dig up som "dirt" on this guy.

    Correct Balo. the B2 conspiracy theorists here have named and shamed so many people is actually quite embarrassing. To be truthfully, at the end of the day, what they say actually makes to difference, no one really cares what they write, there is a bigger picture and they are 0.00001% of this, i.e irrelevant. They think they are making a contribution but in reality nothing, zero, ziltch.

    I suppose it is difficult for you to understand that until the B2 are found guilty then the prosecution case is what is considered a conspiracy.

    But that may ne too much for you.

    Don`t feed the troll.

  10. The good part about being transferred to an "inactive" posts would be they can sit on their freckles all day. The not so good

    part for them is that they will probably be removed from any tea money distribution lists.

    I thin that's the whole point. Inactive posts have no access to tea money. They sit at a desk in an empty office all day and play with paper.

    Yes,as opposed to sitting at a desk in an empty office all day,playing with paper AND getting some tea money.

  11. So the lady who tipped them off, gets nothing, the landlord gets nothing but the incompetent and openly corrupt Police Force gets 3 million for doing the job they are already paid for. NO WONDER every foreigner on here thinks the Police are incompetent, bad and downright greedy as well as being too quick on the money. Not even a conviction OMG This is Thailand. The PM should be cheered for showing that even the Police understand THAINESS .

    Not every foreigner,unbelievably there are still some RTP apologists.You only have to look at the Koh Tao thread to see it,they are very quiet on this thread though,it almost makes you think they have a vested interest.

  12. I shall give you an example of so called American Justice- In Saint Louis County which is a county with a majority of people of color- when tickets for speeding or other minor infractions are given out- the cost of those tickets are very high- between $250- $500. Since the majority of people are low income they cannot come up with this amount of money. The local government then issues a bench warrant for their arrest and cancels their drivers license. The people still have to get to work. They are then stopped or asked for identification and arrested because they could not pay an unfair fine. This is a common practice in America as local governments are using the letter of the law to make their local budgets. Is it any wonder that minorities in America are angry. I am angry just hearing about it. You take away a person's hope and what is left. Many turn to the gun or do something illegal because they can't make it the legal way.It does not make it right- but it makes it understandable.

    Or they could just drive sensibly and not get the tickets in the first place.

  13. Everyone knows the ones that want this thread closed .

    But how about for justice we completely stop replying to them .

    Keeping this thread open is much more important than being trolled in.

    I'm surprised you feel that way .

    Nobody wants this thread closed I think . What we want is a fair discussion where you can have an opinion about something without being called a troll just because you do not agree in that theory or so called facts.

    If I say to you that I think B2 are guilty I would probably be called a troll.

    Now my personal opinion is that there is a chance that they could be guilty , or just witnessed the murder, but they could also be completely innocent. Just let us keep this thread going and just ignore anyone you disagree with.

    This thread is open and should continue to be so until we have a verdict .

    So would you care to explain why you `liked` the post that closed down the previous thread on this trial?

  14. OK, let me try to rephrase this as "personal cause" and "self interest" seem to have totally different meanings in your dialect of English.

    You said it would be justice if he "lands in jail" for his activities. Why do you feel his incarceration would be in the interests of justice, and what are the motives you ascribe to Mr Hall for these crimes?

    After all this time and all of the Koh Tao threads being shut down so far, do you honestly not realise what these shills and trolls are doing here?

    Simply ignore them and discuss the case with real people, or this thread will go the same way.

    You`re absolutely correct.The last Koh Tao thread was closed down and the majority of the `likes`when it was closed down were from the `shills`.

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