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Posts posted by dundee48

  1. Yes. I am not a flag waving. anthem singing, "we are better than them" nationalist.


    Nor am I or anybody else I have seen in this thread.

    You seem more like a self loathing remoaner who is so bitter they lost the referendum they would rather the UK crashed rather than fight for the best possible deal.That is if you are actually a Brit,you still haven`t said,are you embarrassed?

  2. 1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

    QUOTE: I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.


    American bashing?


    And Malvinas? Never heard of? They are islands near the wreck of the Belgrano. Their contribution to the history of the UK was facilitating the reelection of Thatcher - you remember, Maggie was Pinochet's friend and called Galtieri a horrible dictator?

    Yes I have heard of malvinas,that is what argies and anti British call the Falkland Islands.


    Reason for edit-put capital M instead of m for the Islands the brave British troops defended during the Falkland wars.

  3. 4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Do you think that the EU will let in Parma Ham made in Torquay - after regulating the Appellation?

    You may like or dislike the EU regulations, but an "independant" UK will still have to follow them to be allowed to export to the EU.

    And as an outsider, the UK will not be able to influence the regulations.

    Maybe soon the EU will export Scotch Whisky made in Greece?

    Ah yes,Greece with their unrivalled export abilities.The only thing Greece can export is Greeks.

    BTW,are you Greek or argentinian or American?,you still haven`t answered that simple question.

    You are most definitely anti British.

  4. 1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

    Can somebody remind me of the logic behind


    >>> UK out of EU - self determination! National sovereignty!

    >>> N Ireland in the UK

    >>> Scotland in the UK

    >>> Malvinas in the UK


    I don`t think you are argentinian but I would guess you are American so some leeway is allowed.

    What is Malvinas? do you mean The Falkland Islands?

    Only an argentinian or someone anti British would use that term.

  5. 5 hours ago, Lokie said:

    Heard it all the other day when some bint was on the Beeb from 'Estonia' saying what they expect from the UK as per what was needed to pay to leave europe lol,  F F S??


    Get out and don't pay them a penny, let them do their damndest against us... bunch of hangers-on, just leave and SLAM the door on the way out, no pussy footing about

    Estonia-hahahahahaha.Shit little countries getting ideas above their stations.The begging bowl mentality of these countries never ceases to amaze me.

    Nice avatar btw,you always have to `love thy neighbour`


    Best regards,



  6. 15 hours ago, Morch said:


    It's more irrelevant than correct. Israel, as a member, can make such requests regardless of the Palestinian membership. Many of the Palestinian leaders and politicians which could be targeted by such requests reside either in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. I'd imagine that there wouldn't be much need for international cooperation if it came down to arrests and such. Usually, people targeted by such red notices are not unaware of the situation, and take precautions when traveling - even if countries are not obligated to act on notices.

    Irrelevant to you maybe but still correct.

  7. 10 hours ago, Morch said:

    Technically, the PA could. One should hope they wouldn't be complete idiots, though, as such a move would merely make Israel's point. At some point the Palestinians will need to make a choice between actually trying to become a sovereign state, as opposed to being a people defined by their struggle vs. Israel. Going for the above is more of the same, and might not be the best way to advance the former.


    As posted above, it is likely that most such requests would be ignored, anyway. They would be more of propaganda ploy and would accordingly reflect on the Palestinian membership.



    With regard to the knee-jerk reply above: Israel is already a member, so of course it can make such requests, regardless of Palestinian membership. But yes, if the PA was to start such a campaign, it would be almost certainly be countered by similar means. I guess that if a tit-for-tat thing evolves, the end result would be both sides' requests being dumped to the bins.


    So the knee jerk response was correct then.

  8. 6 hours ago, simple1 said:

    In a statement, Interpol said red notices are not international arrest warrants, but rather act as an alert to member countries, and are issued based on a valid national arrest warrant. Each member country decides how to respond to such a notice and Interpol can’t compel its members to arrest a wanted person who is the subject of a red notice.


    In the meantime USA and apparently other countries, has already stated it will not recognise Interpol Red Notices issued by Palestinian authorities.




  9. Absolutely hilarious,not a remoaner in sight trying to justify this.We got out at the right time.This drunkard Juncker has been saying this for years when he`s pissed,now he has said it sober(ish).Watch the whole house of cards come tumbling down very soon.

    BTW,this junket was in Strasbourg,the whole gravy train had to upsticks from Brussels to hear this drunken moron give his speech.

    You couldn`t make it up;.

  10. 1 hour ago, pitrevie said:

    No as I explained to LG I was asking a rhetorical question as like LG you appear to think that there cannot be any more referendums on the subject. So let me try and explain it to you. If you can have a second referendum then you can have a third and even a fourth. Do I support further referendums, the answer is no as I have said many times before, I do not agree with referendums it should be for Parliament to decide.

    However LG appears to think that this referendum is the final referendum just because David Cameron said so. I have stated it so many times, no government can bind its successor governments to any course of action. So there is nothing stopping the next Parliament from holding another referendum or even this parliament from holding another referendum. Once again I will say the obvious I do not support another referendum or indeed any referendum but what is not in dispute is that there could indeed be further referendums should parliament decide.

    For some reason LG thinks that if you say there could be further referendums then that must mean you support holding one.


    Stop digging,please.

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