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Posts posted by thaigold

  1. I see a Japanese sign on the gate.

    Probably his restaurant, but with thai 51% share. She may have snatched it away from him.

    A warning to all about the 51% control of business, even if said thai did not contribute one baht.

    Now they want 51% share and full control of board members.the noose is tightening around foreigners and most will move elsewhere.

    That is the whole problem in Thailand.. as a foreigner your easily taken to the cleaners as Thais just don't want foreigners to own things and make money.

    The Thais are correct in prohibiting direct foreign ownership. If this was allowed, prices would be bid up beyond the reach of 90% of the Thai populace.

    Mexico currently prohibits foreign ownership of land within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of the coast or 100 kilometers of an international border. The limits were written into Mexico's 1917 constitution because of worries about U.S. expansionary ambitions at the time. Mexico lost about half its territory to the U.S.

    Thailand needs democracy, but not foreign exploitation.

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  2. This latest farang assault, rape, and murder needs a university study. What is it the draws Kampuchean and Burmese illegals to Siam in search of western prey? In almost every case of violence against western tourists, it's always the Burmese or Cambodians behind it. Golly, since the Thais are obviously pure as the driven snow, why not close the borders with Myanmar and Kampucha right now. Problem solved.

  3. Because, my friend, most fathers are dead beats. In my business on Guam (a US Territory) I received letters from California demanding money from one of our key employees. It carried the full strength of the California Codes, and we were forced to attache his wages.

    However, my advice to any farang considering the application of western standards to Asian norms, is to be aware ... it's none of your business.

    I'm very happy that there is no contact whatsoever with his biological father. We have a life that is completely not compatible with that of him and regular visits would be extremely disturbing for sure. It would probably cost more than that he would ever pay.

    One wonders if the child would think the same now or later.....for the father to be kept out of his/her life.

    I am surprised to read that on this forum the thai fathers are ALWAYS portrayed as deadbeats.
  4. With regard to English skills I have met many young Chinese people here on vacation who speak English better than many Americans. In Vietnam, the speaking of English is quite common and clear. In Thailand, is is rare Thai who is conversational in English, and when spoken is almost incomprehensible. Some say the underlying problem is cultural. Both China and Vietnam are Confucian societies - leaning and achievement  are societal goals.

    In Thailand, it's sabai-sabai / think too much is bad / serious is worse yet. English in Thailand is a tool for the upper classes. I wish the Kingdom good fortune in this English endeavor - it's going to need it.

  5. In our condo we have a Dutch gentleman who has been living in the Kingdom for over a decade. He has no retirement visa, because, in addition to his Bangkok condo, has has property in Holland. He simply travels on a non-Immigrant visa and makes a trip to Amsterdam within every 90-days.

    I agree with many others - if you need border runs every 30-days, you are not a tourist - and if you are under 50 and not a student, what are you?

  6. We don't know all the circumstances behind these entry refusals. I really do doubt these visa holders were true tourists. As the NCPO advised earlier, the days of border runs to long stay in the Kingdom are over. At the outset of this "intervention" by the military I had my doubts and reservations.
    It now appears that disciplined military leadership may be just what the doctor ordered.

  7. Kinda strange isn't it? I'm a US citizen that paid into the US SSI and medicare for 50 years, but it's useless overseas. My Euro friends in my condo have full fall back medical care overseas, but not US citizens. In fact, I have some US military friends stationed on Guam that refer to the US Naval Hospital there as a butcher shop. They come to Thailand for salvation.

    • Like 1
  8. I would strongly suggest that 3BJ check with his American financial advisor on the ramifications of money transfers overseas, if he holds American citizenship. In fact, he will find that due to new US financial reporting laws, even the paltry amount of ($10,000) must be reported to Uncle Sam, even if you have only signing power on the account.
    This means if you fail to report, you expose yourself (and family) to hefty financial penalties. Many, if not most Thai banks are reluctant to open personal accounts in the name of US beneficiaries.

    On the flip side, as usual, these laws in many cases will have the opposite effect - because any fool with half a brain would simply shield the money by other means from an FBAR filing. Be careful.

  9. Many Thai men that live with a new Thai woman have no interest in the children born to her by the ex husband. Western men might learn a lesson here. American women are notorious for using the slanted US court system to ream the ex husband. As a business manager on Guam, I received letters of threat in incarceration for an employee who's wife had remarried to wealth, and still wanted child payments from the ex husband, 7000 miles away. (He paid).

  10. Go Hawaii / better beaches and clean.

    Well let's weigh the problems:
    You have to be in your hotel room by 10 PM (and can't even go out for a 7-11 coke, as they are closed also)

    Police and army presence after dark.

    Your travel insurance probably will not cover you for anything that may happen, especially if it's coup related. (because your country most likely put up a traveler's advisory)

    Possibility of a civil war.
    Rainy season (OK bring it on, but it is that time of year)

    Why would anyone choose Thailand after reading all the news?

    In the meantime, let's all enjoy the light traffic, good surf, and uncrowded beaches. (maybe even a bit cleaner water in the klongs, aye?)

    Coke in hotel fridge, curfew will not last much longer

    Army presence , great keeps the ratbags of the streets

    Travel insurance will still cover you for most things as long as you do not get involved in things you should not

    Now the army has taken over there is no possibilty of civil war, all the trouble makers are locked up or have gone home

    Love the rainy season

    Phuket is not Bangkok and in a week or so Bangkok will be back to normal

    Travel Insurance companies often use the Travel advisories as reasons not to pay out if there is an incident in the country/region concerned.

    Read the fine print.

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  11. The internet could, but cannot be turned off. All the banks, businesses, and the government use the internet. In addition to this, Thailand would be in treaty violation with many nations including ASEAN obligations. Thailand would become a pariah state - adios tourism and the economy along with it.

  12. This might not be the proper time for non-Thais to directly discuss or criticize any aspect of the Thai political impasse. But I will offer a simple clue to the situation by analogy and metaphor. In the United States, we had a President named Reagan. He passed away several years ago, but millions of Americans still praise and idolize him. If you are a member of the conservative/rightwing side of the American political faction, you cannot gain political office without vociferously supporting “Reaganism.” This belief “ism” in Ronald Reagan is part of the Republican Party’s DNA.

    Well, the Land of Smiles has another (ism) baked into its DNA, and the majority of voters are not going to relinquish this powerful “ism.” The only answer is the ballot box … and unlike the USA, Thai law says Thais must vote. Please work together, Thai people. We love you. Thank you.

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  13. I ask these moaner one question. Would you go to a sleazy bar in Soho; in Los Angeles; or Paris and fall in love with a bar girl? Would you pay her bills, her gambling debts, and rescue her mother's sick buffalo? Of course not.

    My Thai wife and I have been married almost 25 years now, and even she (in her Thai honesty) can't believe how stupid Farangs can be.

    I was born in California, and we had a saying about the Nevada State line - when a Californian crossed it, he or she left her brain behind. (Gambling Loses).

    Maybe the same applies to Asia - common sense? Checked at Heathrow.

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