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Posts posted by thaigold

  1. Get real guys. When I was in my twenties I went in to a Mexican bar in Los Angeles and got a little too big in the macho department. I ended up being lucky to get out of the place alive. I've still got the scars to prove it. Alcohol; cultural void; and little macho = blood. Elementary, my dear Watson.

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  2. Restart (cold start) and then do a speed test. Then, let uTorrent run its own test and allow the perimeters to set. Also, be advised that some ISPs' limit bandwidth in the afternoon when the babies come out of school. There's not a teen girl NOT on the phone at this time of day. Also, be sure you firewall exceptions are set to the proper permissions. Enjoy.

  3. These re-enactments of the crime are a real and effective part of the Thai justice system. Unlike the west, Asian cultural punishment is based on shame, not guilt.

    I support these representations of crime 100%. As a point of interest, the Thai prison population (as a % of total population) is a fraction of the United States. There is a reason.

  4. .


    I wonder why he has the potential for the no-fly list?

    Got me stumped ... rolleyes.gif


    IS this his REAL pic?

    If so, I guess would spook many.

    spooks my 5 yr old. We were in a shopping centre yesterday in Chiangmai (airport plaza) and there were a couple of families, the men dressed like this guy and the women in the full black burka. My 5 yr old son has never grabbed hold of me so tight and was petrified. He doesn't listen to the news and we have never mentioned muslims to him but still scared out of his skin by their appearance. The hajab doesn't worry him at all.

    My heavens - look at his eyes. This dude in on a mission. He's scary.

  5. I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

    Because in most cases actions (appearance) speak louder than words. This man, by presenting himself as a poster boy for religious extremism, is just asking for problems. Oh I know the rebuke this; but if a padre or monk flies, we can be reasonably certain they won't blow themselves up.

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  6. I wonder if Thailand's statistics are comparable with the USA?

    On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country (USA) every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides accounted for 30% of the murders of women and 5% percent of the murders of men.

    (Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S. 1993-2004, 2006.)

    Golly ... Please don't publish stats like these. We Americans don't want to lose face.

  7. With no small knowledge of Nevada gaming protocols, especially in Keno, the rule is - if human hands can touch the balls, there will be cheating. Thailand, years ago, had the opportunity to go to what the Thais call (on-line) ticketing. The street sellers rumbled and it went away. In California, you can go into a 7/11, pick your own numbers, and receive a computer generated play slip. The drawing is televised, as the balls tumble in a metal cage. Because balls can be weighted, shaped, magnetized, or the tensile properties of the surface changed, special agents guard the balls.

    Were I a swindler, I'd love to get into the inner circle - you could get rich real quick.

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  8. I have two sons, Thai American. Their English is very good, but I only speak to them in English. They both go to Thai schools, not international schools. One son is in regular class and the other is in HM the Kings class at the same school. The quality of teaching is different. in the Kings class the English teacher is from the USA. In the regular class they are Philippine or Indian.

    When I came here in 1966, I was in the US Army and worked with Thais. Some of them were very fluent in English, but they were trained by the Army.

    The problem with the English language usage in Thailand is oral communication and comprehension. The majority listen to the English and than translate it to Thai in their head. Professor Brown at AUA taught the total immersion program, learn by listening.

    I'm sorry, but have to disagree. I have yet to meet any students from AUA who have successfully acquired Thai language in total. Now there be exceptions, but one has to consider the hundreds who enroll and then drop out. Some say the only way to learn Thai is by learning to read and write too. Case in point, the Defense Language Institute in Monterey California. At DLI, unlike AUA, the teachers are bilingual. Most US Government and military personnel who go to DLI, become multilingual. Actually, language fluency is not easy - there is no shortcut.

  9. Thailand is truly amazing in all matters of human enterprise and relations. It must be the air or the water, because Thailand bemuses men's minds, because, with all the open evidence, the men keep coming and throwing their life's fortunes away. Men making both business decisions and life commitments to farm girls that barely speak English. Western men underestimate Thai ways at their own peril.

    This little country (a bit smaller than France) sided with Japan (really no choice) during WWII, and declared war on the US; Britain; and France. Then, when Japan failed in mastering Asia, Thailand was able to engage the Americans to keep the British and French out of The Kingdom.

    Thailand and its people are probably the nicest you can find - but betting the farm on nothing is just throwing your life away.

    And this "onion Farmer?" A week from now, another one will bite the dust. Save your sympathies for the truly needy, not silly men losing their hair.

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