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  1. 💯 and just love those labels . Here’s one for him . <deleted>## That started with a w btw and then had an a, n , k, e, and finally an r 👍
  2. Yeh the UK should just export the daily arrivals it receives off the SE coast to Thailand and we could swap for lbfm’s , that would be perfect. But then again what do I know sat here drunk in Benidorm in my 50’s. And why do none of these Sapanish saaapeaka the Anglais fcs!
  3. There’s a clue with you also . So why do you not like Tom Tom??? Is it because he’s supposed to be a wacist? Or are you in a gwooming gang?
  4. Starmer has nothing left of his reputation , so imo he should start brown nosing Trump immediately. We Brits have far more in common with the Americans than any country in Europe. Let Europe crack on and we just invest in defence of our Islands. I know it can sometimes come across as a joke with how we Brits view the French but it’s mostly true. I have had many run ins with the French and on that basis alone for me (let alone historically) , they are bloody rude c###s. On a side note we should also concentrate on strengthening our military ties with the like’s of Norway and Finland. The French and the EU are one and the same. Germany should grow some back balls as well and stand up to Macron who btw, I have no idea why is still in power!
  5. I was skint but that was definitely what they wanted. I had a mark on me as there wasn’t too many white faces apart from sweaty backpackers, I stood out like a sore thumb and I soon realised I shouldn’t of dressed so well or especially wore my watch!
  6. That’s exactly what I did , and even the Thai end immigration were real nasty with some of the young backpackers trying to get in but they didn’t help themselves by answering back, whilst I was all smiles whilst being treated like a piece of 💩. But I been here long enough to know what Thais in authority esp immigration officers are like
  7. Tbf she needs a good slap anyway 😂. But yeh I’m a real noob when it comes to visa runs , I think in future I will stick to what I know 👍
  8. This was my first time extending my Thai visa with a land crossing. Over the last 25 years of coming and living in Thailand, I have usually just flown in and out or had the appropriate visa but this visit I came in on the 60 day at short notice and figured I will just do a border run on its last few days on my own to extend it . After entering POI Pet with no issues , and paying the visa fee all seemed well . I spent around 3/4 hrs there then decided to come back across. After going through Cambodia immigration , I was told to just go straight to the Thai immigration border, which I thought was weird, the Cambodian immigration official was very dismissive and brushed me away. Then after getting to Thai immigration I was told I needed an exit stamp , so I went back to Cambodian immigration, again no exit stamp and told to go to Thai immigration and again same result at Thai immigration. After another attempt I was stopped by the Thais/Cambodians who all hang around inside no man’s land between borders asking if I need an exit stamp….I asked (in Thai) how do you know I need an exit stamp?? He replied “I can do for 10,000 baht blah blah blah” , then it all clicked. Obviously the Cambodian immigration officials are in on it with the visa runners! I had walked in with just the clothes on my back , no bank cards just a few thousand baht 😂. My wife and kids were on the Thai side waiting for me to come back where all my belongings like money/ cards etc were. In the end I just kept rejoining the queue on the Cambodian side and they were getting real pissed with me and shouting me away every time I got to the front. Eventually some big wig came out of an office and nodded to one to call me over and I thought here we go (if only they knew I didn’t have a pot to piss in ) and thankfully he gave the go ahead and they gave me my exit stamp! I smiled and thanked them politely and crossed back into Thailand. So if you are someone who is taking advantage of the 60 day extensions on land border crossing just be aware if you do it on your own without one of those visa run services . I will just in future go to Thai immigration here and get my appropriate visa as I really didn’t save any time doing a border run 😂
  9. If they have been using the old Muslim victim card and throwing bombs then kick em out. But if this is not the case then you still got to remove them if they are here illegally. Simples…..oh yeh the human rights thing , well visit London and see how that’s going…… I mean why does China want them back in the first place, if they are causing problems? Or is this a case of China being Chinese and Han only
  10. Are you smoking spice mate? Or is this some mad sarcasm on another level and it’s gone straight over my head??
  11. I’m talking about him making missteps on illegal immigration policy for us in the UK . Would be very much welcome.
  12. It’s just Jew hatred…put simply. This pro Palestine nonsense is supposedly the cool crowd right now , until some other deluded cause rears its head
  13. Maybe he can come over to the UK and make some missteps, preferably the coast
  14. That’s it then , no more tourist visa bank account openings or having large sums of money go through your bank without transparency. You know Thailand and its government officials , they are stickler for the rules and when they say they are going to do something they 💯 do it. It’s crazy to think all these Western banking rules coming here now and the City of London launders 40% of the world’s illicit money ….ridiculous
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