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  1. Oh, so it's white women who are allowing these foreign men in ? Black men ? Yes, in London, there seems to be lots of black men walking around the place,with white women
  2. Force them to spread to avoid creating Ghettos ? The problem with doing this is, is that lots of the local people don't want coloureds living next door to them. 😆
  3. Trump is doing okay in the polls, and yes, he might become President again.
  4. Them Mexican women who work as servants or house-keepers for rich Americans in Texas. Are they going to be deported back to Mexico ? What about the ones working without a permit, picking fruit and vegetables ? And then there's them Mexican or Latin women who are sex workers in Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth. Are any illegals going to be removed ? I really doubt any moves to stop the new illegals entering. And I don't think Texas will deport that many undocumented immigrants or those who entered illegally. These people are far too useful for America's economy. I'd rather make all the illegals legitimate, but that's just my view, it will never happen. 🙂
  5. Yes, but the US might end up removing all their combat jets from Diego Garcia. Britain owns Diego Garcia, and the Americans have got a lease there. But the lease might end early. China might pay money and take over the remainder of the lease. But anyway, Diego Garcia might become irrelevant. The Americans surely can fire nukes from their navy vessels. These navy vessels can sail into the Persian Gulf, near Iran's coast. As long as the Americans don't send soldiers ( ground forces ) into Iran, they will likely be okay. Sending ground forces to Iran will be even more dangerous and disastrous than America sending soldiers to Iraq, back in 2003. It's been two decades, but the memory of the catastrophic invasion of Iraq is still there.
  6. And Iraq was invaded, the bad dictator removed, and Iraq given democratic elections. They can have the government that they actually want. Freedom. And now they're choosing a system that they actually want, we don't like this system. What now ? Invade them again ?
  7. So some people send their kids to private sector schools, and these schools charge a lot of money. and now we're seeing the charges or fees being bumped up because of VAT. Do people really feel sorry for those who send their children to such fee-paying schools ? The vast majority (over 90%) of all children in Britain go to government state schools. Why on earth feel sorry for the elite, who send their children to such schools ? Oh, rich people want to send their children to such places, give their kids a better start in life ? And now they're having to pay more money because of VAT, we're suppose to feel sorry for them ?
  8. Stop being absurd, Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives themselves would have, in the long term, given up ownership of these islands that are no way near Britain.
  9. Well, Britain owns it, and America has a lease and has got it's combat jets there. Is there anybody else claiming ownership of the Indian Ocean ? China, Russia and India/Pakistan are not claiming ownership. And nor is South Africa. 🙂
  10. You're right about Mauritius selling whatever island to China, but it's best to not mention China at all. Mentioning China and America having islands in the Indian Ocean undermines the point about China having islands in the South China Sea. America doesn't want a deal where China owns the South China Sea and America will have the Indian Ocean.
  11. What are you trying to say ? Army boots will remove Thaksin ? Well, you could be right, Thaksin has been removed by army boots a few times since 2001. But this time, the removal will be hilarious. See, ages ago, loads of Thais wearing Yellow Shirts did mass protests against Thaksin. These Yellow Shirts never managed to remove Thaksin by the ballot box, but the army boots did remove Thaksin for the Yellow Shirts. And this next possible removal of Thaksin by the army boots. Who are the army boots going to install as the new government ? Well, they can't install Abhisit's old party, the Democrats. The Democrats are a tiny party in parliament. What about installing Peoples' Party ? Well, that's unlikely, Peoples Party is the re-branded new Move Forward Party. PP are not pro-Royalists, and PP supposedly, want to remove the army boots in Thai poltics. Why would the army boots do a coup, and then install a party who wants to ban the army doing coups ? There is the other option, the army boots install themselves after they've removed Thaksin. But this time, this time, unlike previously, Thai people might, might not want a repeat of the army boots being in power.
  12. Thais have long memories ? You might be right. Do Thais remember the vast number of Thais with Yellow Shirts doing their protests ? Protesting against Thaksin. Where are them Yellow Shirts today ? Do the Yellow Shirts want to come out today, and do their protests all over again ? It's hilarious to note that, the Yellow Shirts were supposedly pro-Royalists. And today, what do we see ? The Move Forward Party have re-invented themselves, calling themselves People's Party. PP are the big opposition in parliament, PP are against Thaksin. Move Forward Party, was supposedly, not pro-Royalist. So, what now for today ? How about a load of Thais, former Yellow Shirts, they put their Yellow Shirts back on, and they repeat their anti-Thaksin protests ? Only this time, the Yellow Shirts are trying to install a near-enough anti-Royalist group ? How absurd would THAT be ? Very absurd !
  13. I'm not sure what you two are trying to say. So, what about 2010 ? I take it you're talking about loads of Thais with Red Shirts bringing Bangkok to a halt ? Why did the Red Shirts come out ? Simple, some Thai bloke called Abhisit was leader of the Democrat Party, he was prime minister. The point is, his party was in charge, but they did not get in via an election. So, lots of Thais in Red Shirts protested, they wanted Thaksin back in charge, and that's bearing in mind that Thaksin did get in power via the ballot box. MikeandDow, I'm confused by your point. Thailand is not a democratic country ? Well, I think I agree with you. Have you noticed that all the coups done from 2001 onwards have all been done to remove Thaksin ? Democracy ? Democracy is about the ballot box drafting in a government. It's not actually about a government that we all reckon is great. We've had a democratic vote in Britain. Roughly 60% of the electorate voted, roughly a third of all votes cast were for Labour. Labour are in power, and most people in Britain did not vote Labour, but, but, Labour still got in via democracy. Labour being wrong in lots of peoples views is irrelevant to the issue of Labour being in power. And a huge majority too. Back to Thailand. Delete Thailand's coups, if you only take into account the ballot box in Thailand, well, Thaksin would have been in power since 2001 to today.
  14. Thaksin was in charge ages ago, and the army and the Yellow Shirts did a coup to remove him. You have to bear in mind that Thaksin was democratically elected. What Thaksin needs to do, is a purge to remove all those involved in the coup(s). Thailand must never again have a coup. A coup makes Thailand look like a Third World Banana Republic. A coup ? Most foreigners in Thailand today don't know or don't remember what happened in Thailand previously. Between two decades and one decade ago, Thailand went through a disastrous era. Loads of people wearing Yellow Shirts, bringing Bangkok to a standstill with their protests, protests against a democratically elected government. And then red shirts wanting Thaksin back. At one stage, Yellow Shirts even took over Bangkok's airport, creating a situation where people couldn't fly into or out of Thailand. Look it up on the internet if you don't believe me. I really do hope that Thailand has now matured into being a democracy. No more coups, no more mass protests to bring Bangkok to a standstill, no more taking over the airport. If Thais have a problem with the Thai government, well, vote through the ballot box. And never forget, for us foreigners, in Thailand, our views don't count. As far as all Thais are concerned, our views on what's going on in their country don't count.
  15. In the name of the Father, yes, this is what it's all about. And let's not forget, Thaksin won a few democratic elections, earlier on in history. His sister, Yingluck, won a democratic election too. A coup by Thailand's military and Yellow Shirts ousted Thaksin. And today, Thaksin is back in power.
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