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Posts posted by tonbridgebrit

  1. 7 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    China has no desire to invade any country nor to force regime change, unlike America. That’s why more countries globally are in favour of China.


    7 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    That is indeed the official CCP party line. Fortunately, not many outside of China buy into that obvious BS.

    But the point is there.
    Has China actually sent soldiers to foreign countries ? Well, no. And if so, it's been on a far smaller scale than what the US government has done.

    America actually sent soldiers to Iraq. America went and destroyed the Gaddafi regime in Libya. And looking back into history, America sent soldiers to Vietnam. And America armed the Contras in Nicaragua. Washington has done far more than Beijing. Surely, we can all see that.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Saanim said:

    Do you really mean it? (I am worried about you in case you would say something like this when visiting Vietnam)

    I was being a bit sarcastic, trying to be funny.
    I'm trying to highlight the silly attitude some people have. America turning up at various countries is regarded as "spreading freedom and democracy".  China turning up at various countries is regarded as "exploitation and colonisation".

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  3. 16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Great news. Anything to counter the extreme arrogance and lack of grace, with which China is wearing its new found power, in the South China Sea. They are becoming despised in that region. 


    News bulletin to Xi. The SCS does not belong to you, or your nation. You will soon find out. 

    I'm sorry, but the double standards, or hypocrisy, from people is certainly there.

    How about we accept that, America has already had it's turn to try and take over Vietnam and Afghanistan. How about let China carry out it's attempt to take over Vietnam, Afghanistan and Taiwan ?

    Also, China is not interested in taking over Nicaragua, Venezuela, and other Latin American countries. Latin America is closer to the USA than China, yes. Let America take over, or continue being in control, of Latin America.  Let China spread it's influence and control over the Far East.  And no, we don't want Japan taking over the Far East, we don't want to see America and China combining in a mass war against Japan. It will be disastrous for Japan, just like last time when it happened.

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  4. 12 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    Chinese media are state controlled, so they will publish any tripe the authorities tell them to. And China is not exactly very popular with their neighbors anyway, after claiming almost the entire South China Sea as Chinese territorial waters. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and The Philippines are certainly no friends of China.   

    Yeah, you're right. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Philippines are not friends with China. But, what about Thailand, what Thailand ?  That's what we really want to know.

    Will Thailand ever stop being a Chinese colony ?  I don't think Thailand ever will.  Vietnam might be wishing that the Americans had of won that Vietnam War, but Thailand will always be China's younger brother.    ????

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  5. 3 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

    If you were unable to read between the lines..


    I detest mass Chinese tourism 


    The fact that Covid kept them away from Thailand is a gold star for Covid in my book 


    You detest mass Chinese tourism ?  So if Chinese tourists made up just 5% of the tourists entering Thailand, that's okay ?  If tourists from North America, Europe, Japan and Australia, when combined, if they outnumber the Chinese by 20 to 1, that's okay then ?   ????

    Do you wonder why Thailand allowed the flood of Chinese tourists during the decade before Covid ?  So you reckon Thailand made a mistake doing this ? 
    Don't bother trying to tell the Thais this.      ????

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 3 hours ago, 2baht said:

    You need to broaden your horizon beyond Suvarnabhumi airport and Pattaya, maybe you have'nt noticed the aggressive expansionist policies of the Chinese Communist Party over the past 20 years, the debt traps they have subjected poorer countries to, the massive expansion of their military, the constant threats to democratic Taiwan, it goes way beyond tourists in Thailand!



    So, you hate China's foreign policy, and you don't like the Chinese tourists.

    The debt trap they've laid on poorer nations ?   You do realise China in Africa today is a 'diluted action replay'  of what Europe did earlier on ?  France and Britain sent soldiers out there, to carve out empires, and I'm not interested in blasting Britain for creating "the Empire where the Sun never sets".  ????  
    Massive military expansion ?   China joined the 'nuclear bomb club' back in 1960s, so you reckon only NATO and Russia should have nukes ?   You do realise the USA navy is massively greater than what China has got ?
    As for Taiwan, how about let the two Chinas carry on or, re-start, their Chinese civil war.  You do realise Chiang Kai-Shek is the Founding Father of modern-day Taiwan ?  You do realise he was also leader of main-land China for two decades, from the late 1920s onwards ?

    You hate the Chinese government, but you don't hate the people in mainland-China ???   I wonder.   ????

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  7. 43 minutes ago, 2baht said:

    ....and what is it you are trying to say???

    What is it I'm trying to say ???
    Off-course, I'm trying to be funny. My posts are a "send up" of those people who don't like Chinese tourists.
    I myself, it makes no difference to me if I see loads of Chinese tourists at Savarnabumi Airport or Pattaya, or I see none at all.  I simply think it's hilarious that loads of people simply don't like them Chinese tourists, and such people are actually happy that covid has killed off the number of Chinese tourist in Thailand.

    Some people must really hate them Chinese tourists, in order to reckon that one of the benefits of covid has been killing off the Chinese tourists. Them Chinese were flooding into Thailand during the decade prior to covid. I say with laughter, I look forward to the day when the whole of planet earth returns to normal, and we get back to seeing all the normal tourists in Thailand, London, Paris, etc, etc.     ????


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  8. 11 hours ago, 2baht said:

     what absolute rubbish, there are more places than Suvarnabhumi Airport!


    8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Either we get sick or even die from covid or we don't, regardless. If Chinese lockdowns reduce the giant crowds of Chinese people at Savurnabami Airport when we enter there all good, IMO.????


    8 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

    Not to mention Don Muang....

    So, what lots of people are trying to say, is this. 

    "This covid thing has been a blessing in disguise. It's killed some people, and it's been an inconvenience for most people. Them vaccination jabs and all the rest of it. But it's all been worth it.


    It's cleared out the Chinese tourists at Savurnabami and Don Muang Airport, and also Pattaya, and all over Thailand" .     ????

    And,  "oh, they started this covid thing, and it's now biting them on the ___ ,  they're having lockdowns in China, nobody in Europe or America is doing a lockdown, and they're the ones who aren't allowed to leave their own country and turn up in Thailand" .     ????


  9. On 10/28/2022 at 10:56 PM, 2baht said:

     they are doing the world a favor by not letting their people travel, keep up the restriction! Great!!!

    And this, is actually how lots of people feel.   ????
    As in, "we don't really care if covid kills us or whatever other people, the important thing is this, it reduces the giant crowds of Chinese people at Savurnabami Airport when we enter there".      ????

  10. On 10/22/2022 at 1:15 AM, ubonjoe said:

    You need a vaccination certificate or a negative covid test to enter Laos.


    No proof is needed for entry to Thailand.

    You can get the Laso visa online if you want to. https://laoevisa.gov.la/index

    About the proof of vaccine. Do you really need an actual paper certificate ?  In Britain, there is the NHS Covis Pass that is sent by email.  Do you think it will be okay to just take a photo of the 2D barcode using a mobile phone camera, and show the photo of the 2D barcode ?

    Any comments from people who have entered any country with vaccine certificates will be welcome. Thanks.

  11. 16 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    All comments and actions against China are wrong?  You are aware of their hacking?  Treatment of minorities, especially muslim ones.  Blocks on media outlets.  South China Sea.  Sars.  Coronavirus.  Etc, etc, etc.  They've got a lot to answer for.

    If you listen/read Chinese media, they just bash the west.  All the time.  Same with Russia. 

    The wrongs they do are done by the government.  Not the average citizen.  And for sure, not by the ones that don't live there.  But they get lumped in with this group.  Hatred should be focused towards their leaders, not the average citizens.

    This anger is fueled by the fake news right wing media, and politicians trying to gain support by backing this BS.  The cop who did the initial press briefing even had an anti-Chinese T-shirt!

    The conservative right has gone nuts.  And is fueling this BS. 

    This is terrible and the cop should be fired.  Sadly, this hatred was fueled by our top politicians.  They should be censured.


    The comments were widely panned on social media, with critics characterizing them as callous and pointing to Facebook posts from March 30 and April 2 of last year by Captain Baker, in which he promoted sales of an anti-Asian T-shirt. The shirts, echoing the rhetoric of President Donald J. Trump, referred to the coronavirus as an “imported virus from Chy-na.”

    “Place your order while they last,” Captain Baker wrote at the time in one of the posts. He did not respond to requests for comment on Wednesday and Thursday.


    Okay, it's great to see that you hate people who are racist, and you're against anti-Asian sentiment.  And you certainly did not cheer on Trump when Trump referred to corona as an "imported virus from Chy-na".  Great.

    But, you wrote "You are aware of their hacking?  Treatment of minorities, especially muslim ones.  Blocks on media outlets.  South China Sea.  Sars.  Coronavirus.  Etc, etc, etc.  They've got a lot to answer for. If you listen/read Chinese media, they just bash the west.  All the time. "
    See, it's your right and free speech to say this. But I'm trying to say that, this type of speech does, in my opinion, it unfortunately encourages verbal abuse to be dished out onto Chinese people in America.

    In your case, you are against the Chinese government, but you're not against people from China. But there's a whole load of people out there who hate both the Chinese government AND Chinese people. And those who hate Chinese people, the bulk of them also don't like Vietnamese, Koreans, etc. They might be concentrating their hatred on Chinese only right now, saying that they're not against Vietnamese and Koreans. But they're only saying that, because it suits them, right now.

    • Like 2
  12. 6 hours ago, placnx said:

    In the US the free speech principle does not allow the government to prevent people from making critical comments about Chinese people, so get real. In China free speech doesn't exist, unless it is Xi speech, so as a result the whole world got Covid.


    I would assume that the problem of attacks on Asians is largely found in urban areas where Chinese visitors in groups are likely to attract attention and resentment. Keeping them out for a while might help people recover mentally from the ravages of Covid. Anyway, it's questionable that people with Sinovac vaccinations would be admitted to the US unless there are well done, transparent Phase 3 trials.

    You want to raise the issue of Chinese people visiting America, and about whether they have the correct vaccination jabs ?

    Surely, you realise when you see a Chinese-looking person in America, there is only about a 2% chance that the person is a tourist/visitor from China ? Chinese-looking people who are in the USA. Some of them were born in America. There's also loads of people who look Chinese, but they are not. They're actually Vietnamese, Koreans, etc. 

    And these people, Chinese and those who look Chinese, in America, some of them are being verbally abused and attacked.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, suzannegoh said:

    The statement to which he was replying was "all comments and actions against China and Chinese people are wrong".  Maybe comments like that are wrong, and maybe the woke will find a way to outlaw them, but it's patently absurd to say that it's off limits to criticize China and the Chinese.

    "all comments and actions against China and Chinese people are wrong".|
    What I meant by that was, was I don't agree with comments that condemn China for stuff that goes on in China. If we are going to condemn China for such stuff, we're going to have to condemn other countries for similar stuff.
    Also, I certainly don't agree with comments like "China gave Covid to the world, China must be punished for this", and all the other silly anti-China comments linked with Covid. Slogans like "China lied, people died" .

    Do I feel that such comments should be banned from the internet ? Well, bearing in mind free speech,  these comments will not be banned. Yes, it's wrong of me to stop people saying what they want to say. But I'm trying to say this. This type of speech encourages attacks on Chinese people in America. And surely, all or most of us here on ThaiVisa are against any verbal abuse or physical atttacks on Chinese and Chinese-looking people, in America. And those who do attack Chinese people, they will attack people who are Chinese-looking.  Hence, Vietnamese and other Asians are being attacked and verbally abused as well.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Don't say anything bad about China or we'll have another shooting. 

    You're saying this out of sarcasm, same as some of your other comments.

    I will simply say that all comments and actions against China and Chinese people are wrong, and it's best we see a big reduction in such hatred. For people who want to dish out anti-China comments regarding Covid, I simply say, you're encouraging attacks (intentionally or un-intentionally) on all Chinese and Chinese-looking people.
    Why should Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, Thais, Chinese from Taiwan and Singapore, why should these people pay the penalty for Covid ? Surely, people who hate China reckon this ?

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  15. So there's been a huge increase in crimes against Asians in America, during the last year.  Surely,  Covid has caused a huge amount of hatred towards China and Chinese.  People who carry out attacks on Chinese are not going to know if they're Vietnamese, or Korean, or Japanese. Some of the Thais also look the same as Chinese.

    I think we should accept that a vast amount of anti-China sentiment has been shown on various internet forums. Unfortunately, there's anti-China sentiment on Thai Visa.  Do expressions of hatred towards China and Chinese people encourage attacks on Chinese people ? I think they do.

    If you're thinking about taking your Thai girlfriend or wife to America right now, it might be an idea to wait for the current hatred towards China and Chinese people to slowly subside, and then take her.

    And hopefully, we will see a reduction in the amount of hatred towards China and Chinese people here on Thai Visa.

    • Like 2
  16. 25 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


    Nope, the fatality rates are for the entire population per quarter, but the 59% increase was only in one district, not for all of Wuhan's 11 million inhabitants.

    The information is all massaged nicely in the attached report, to match the official propaganda line.

    bmj.n415.full (1).pdf 524.62 kB · 1 download

    Actually, you're correct. Thanks for putting up the pdf.
    From the pdf   "Nationwide evidence about trends in total and cause specific mortality during three months of the initial outbreak of covid-19 in China shows that in Wuhan city (especially in central districts where the outbreak was particularly serious), the death rate from all causes was about 50% higher during the first quarter of 2020, with the excess mortality due to not only pneumonia but also several other major diseases. Outside of Wuhan, no evidence was found of any significant increase in overall mortality, suggesting the success of the rapid control of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in addition to appropriate maintenance of healthcare services during the nationwide lockdown. "

    So, the total number of deaths in Wuhan (in central districts where the outbreak was particularly serious) was about 50% higher than what was expected. Obviously, what was expected was based on figures during previous years.
    Now, from the pdf  "In Wuhan city, the most recent official figures released on 17 April 2020 suggested that 3869 deaths were directly attributable to covid-19.13 20 24 Based on more careful and comprehensive analyses, our study indicated that during three months of the covid-19 outbreak, about 6000 more deaths occurred in January to March 2020 compared with the same period in 2019, including 3653 deaths from covid-19 related pneumonia and 920 excess deaths from other types of pneumonia, primarily unspecified viral pneumonia. "

    So, basically, the study shows that the total number of deaths in Wuhan during the first quarter of 2020 was about 6000 greater than what it was during 2019.  So, we can say, sort of, that Covid killed 6000 people in Wuhan during the first quarter of 2020.  This new figure of 6000 is not massively greater than the official figure previously brought out.

    The report also says, that there was no increase in overall deaths outside of Wuhan.  Surely, no increase in overall deaths outside of Wuhan shows that the Beijing government managed to stop Covid leaving Wuhan ? Or, they managed to massively reduce it.

  17. On 2/24/2021 at 2:17 PM, ExpatOilWorker said:


    Right, so 45,320 people died of Covid in Wuhan.

    Finally the Chinese came clean.


    (1,147-735) x 110 = 45,320 Wuflu deaths


    Population of Wuhan is 11 million. 

    I think when they said that the death rate was eleven hundred and forty seven per one hundred thousand well, they meant the following. For every 100,000 people who actually got Covid, right, eleven hundred and forty seven died.  Yes, about eleven million people live in Wuhan, but not all eleven million went and got covid.  Maybe about three hundred thousand out of eleven million in Wuhan actually had covid. So yes, that's about three thousand and five hundred deaths in Wuhan.

    I really do think we should look at the views being put up by people, and what these views actually say about people.  The Chinese government carried out a thorough lockdown on Wuhan and other areas, and this actually massively reduced the Covid infections and deaths. It was actually in 2020 last year, I think in June and July, that covid in Wuhan had been stamped out, and the lockdown was removed. Supposedly, most of China has been 'normal' for about six months now.

    Normal, as in people going out to eat, and travelling inside China for holidays. The issue of most of China having no lockdown since summer last year has been covered by foreign media. As in Amerrican media outlets reporting about big outside events and social gatherings in Wuhan and the rest of China, since six months ago.

    From this, I think we should accept that most of China did actually stamp out covid six months ago.  How comes China managed to do it ?  Well, surely it's because they carried out the correct lockdown ? And why is it that lots of people on Thai Visa believe that covid killed millions in China ?  I think it's because people are simply refusing to accept the truth. The truth being, China carried out a thorough lockdown, it was thoroughly enforced.

    The US government, and various European governments, they were slow and reluctant to carry out the lockdowns. And they were reluctant to enforce it. Reluctant to crackdown on people going against the lockdown.

  18. On 2/12/2021 at 7:21 AM, blazes said:

    It's difficult to feel sorry for the BBC when its domestic broadcasting is so thoroughly Woke.

    But in areas where opinion/bias is less important (football, cricket, coverage of China), they do a fairly good job.

    China hardly needs to erase the BBC when it employs so many "assets" in Western countries that ensure Chinese propaganda is thoroughly aired.


    On 2/12/2021 at 7:31 AM, JonnyF said:

    Lucky Chinese.

    They won't have to suffer the Woke, Left wing lectures and opinion pieces masquerading as news. Or children's educational programmes teaching 6 year olds that there are over 100 genders. 

    UK citizens are unfortunate enough to have to pay for this tripe under the threat of jail sentences.

    So, what we're trying to say is, is that Britain should also have the BBC news barred ?

    • Haha 1
  19. 11 hours ago, BKKBike09 said:



    It would also be more accurate to say China has steadily lifted their people out of poverty while simultaneously emphasising the superiority of the Han culture to the detriment of all other indigenous cultures, and also exerting widespread controls over all aspects of their citizens private lives.


    Cooperation is usually better than confrontation, but it is naive to assume that Chinese intentions in Asia-Pacific are altruistic and for the greater good of the region. 


    But what's best for the Asia-Pacific nations ?  China or America ? 
    And what are they choosing ?  Surely, Thailand does have freedom of choice. And surely, Thailand is actually choosing China ?   ????

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