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Posts posted by tonbridgebrit

  1. On 6/17/2020 at 2:48 PM, smedly said:

    seems they are at it again, filthy dirty animal markets spreading disease

    I think you should look at what's going on back home in Britain and America. A few hundred new cases in Beijing, and they've decided to shut down the city. But in Britain and America, new cases are greater than a few hundred, but the government is still going to remove the lockdown.

  2. The hypocrisy is absurd. So, it's okay for Trump to hate Muslims, it's okay for Americans to NOT want more mosques in America. But all of a sudden, China are trying to control their Muslims, and that's called 'human rights abuse'.

    What next ? How about the Trump government support "Muslim Lives Matter".  Yes, MLM, Muslim Lives Matter, and they matter all over the world.

    • Confused 3
  3. On 6/8/2020 at 2:50 AM, dexterm said:

    Netanyahu and Trump's annexation plan is the final nail in the coffin of a two state solution. The expanded Israel will completely surround a patchwork quilt of Palestinian bantustans, and yet the majority population from the Jordan to the Mediterranean will be Palestinian but without a say in how 100% of their lives are controlled by the minority Jewish population. Classic apartheid.

    The only eventual solution will be one man one vote in one state, and a welcome end to the racist supremacist ideology of Zionism.


    So I am secretly applauding Trump's blundering cheer leading of Israel's sleepwalk into a single truly democratic state, sadly probably after a painful period of overt apartheid. Even if Joe Biden wins, he may not want to roll back the changes.


    By using sanctions the USA, UK and the EU (Israel's largest trading partner) could have easily ended the impunity with which Israel has violated international law in an illegal occupation of 53 years, just as they immediately imposed when Russia occupied Crimea. Instead for decades they have mouthed platitudes about "strong disapproval" of settlement expansion while turning a blind eye to Israel's war crimes. I often wonder whether they are quietly hoping with their inaction, as I am, that Israel will continue to dig a one state solution hole for itself.


    To me it is quite simple and I am just amazed that no-one has done it yet. If you genuinely want a two state solution, just call Israel's bluff. Say: sure, we welcome the Israeli annexation of the whole of Palestine, provided that you also give equal rights to the majority indigenous Palestinian population you are annexing. Just watch Israel rush to the negotiating table!

    Yes, I think you're right. The creation of a single state with an Israeli minority in control, and Palestinians having no vote but living in this state, will not be tolerated by the rest of the world.

    Even the most pro-Zionists do know that creating this new state and then expelling the Palestinians (expel the Palestinians in Gaza to Egypt, expel the Palestinians in the West Bank to Jordan) will not be accepted by the rest of the world.

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  4. 9 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I can in one minute recite a dozen of forgotten, disenfranchised and decimated groups of people around the world that their lives are in mortal danger as we speak, i don't see anyone protestation that their lives matter, Hypocrisy is a trait people are not ashamed to practice everyday...

    Yes, in a perfect world, we should be protesting about a lot of stuff.  Canada and Brazil are two nations that were built on mass murder and mass theft of land. We should be protesting about the genocide that's been done to the Canadian Indians and Amazon Indians. But we're not.

    But surely, it's still okay to protest about that black man who was murdered by the police officer ?

    • Like 1
  5. I'd like to remind Thai Visa posters that we/you are a bunch of foreigners in Thailand.  If the Thais want to protest about a black man who was murdered by a police officer in America, well, that's their freedom of choice.

    And indeed, why not protest ? There's white people in Britain who are protesting. So surely, it's okay for a load of Thais to protest.

    For those who want to criticise the Thais who are going to protest, well, you can leave Thailand as soon as it's convenient for you. Thailand does not want a bunch of foreigners criticising Thais in Thailand. Go home to whatever country you're from, and criticise Thailand there. And don't bother to come back to Thailand afterwards. There's millions of other tourists who will be turning up in Thailand in the future months and years.

    • Like 1
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  6. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    wow my heart is pouring out with sympathy 


    If China doesn't offer the world compensation for this tragedy then I say we should block them, don't buy anything that was made in China - just completely boycott them and anything they are involved in 


    time to start a global petition (deleted) them

    There's no way China will offer compensation for this tragedy, and, why would they ?

    Are African countries suppose to pay the bill for causing all them AIDs deaths outside of Africa ? Is the Canadian government going to compensate the Canadian Indians (the indigenous people of Canada) for killing a whole load of their recent ancestors by diseases.

    Boycott China and don't buy anything made in China ? I think you will find that nearly all governments know that fighting a trade war with China will hurt them more than it hurts China. And what about Thailand ? Posters on ThaiVisa have already mentioned that, once this Corona Virus is over, Thailand will go all out to welcome back all the missing Chinese tourists.
    Probably with a red carpet. It's being said by those posters with resentment. But yes, Thailand will be welcoming them back with a red carpet.

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  7. 20 hours ago, car720 said:

    In this house we are very interested to know just how anyone plans to get compensation from the CCP.  It is concensus here that sanctioning the money of the top members is the way to go.  Most of them have their money in foreign investment.

    Getting compensation ??  An silly idea.  People who have got AIDS might as well try to sue whatever African countries, because AIDS started in Africa. Them Canadian Indians, the indigenous people of Canada, they might as well sue the Canadian government. Because they reckon that European settlers took diseases to Canada and killed loads of the indigenous people.

  8. 1 hour ago, ChouDoufu said:

    i'm sure there are some chinese officials that are blaming others, but you see that in every government.  i wouldn't say it's official policy, at least not yet.  think health minister. 


    this is from a longer reuters report, published 9 minutes after the original reuters item.  the byline includes se young lee, one of the writers of the op:


    "About 90% of all the imported cases are Chinese passport holders, Vice Foreign Minister Luo Zhaohui told a press conference, adding that 40% of those were overseas Chinese students returning amid rising infections abroad."




    link to the original article:




    Hello "ChouDoufu", thanks for putting this up, again.

    Right, so we are all in agreement ??  The Chinese government is trying to say that, a load of Chinese who are staying outside of China are returning to China, and they're taking the virus back to China with them. Does the Chinese government have the right to say this ?  Surely, they do ?

    If it was the Australian government talking, or any other government talking (the Canadian government, the South Korean government, etc ) off-course, they do have the right to say "we've now got the Corona Virus, it was brought here by Chinese from mainland China, or it was others who went to China and brought this disease into our country".

  9. 22 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    They can blame foreigners all they want, and if it was indeed whitey that brought it back to them. Well, tough ****! 

    This comment is so representative of the silly comments, and lack of understanding as to what was actually said by the Chinese government.

    They're not blaming the foreigners, they're saying that Chinese nationals who are in America and Europe are returning to China, and that these people are taking the virus back to China.
    They're certainly not saying that "whitey" has brought it back to them. Yes, the word that you have used, "whitey", Thais say 'fahlang', Chinese say 'gwei lo'.

  10. 45 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    I honestly cannot figure out what you are attempting to communicate here.

    I mean, sure, I understand that it is some form of virtue signaling, but the whole thing is quite a mess.

    A useful technique is, before you starting typing, work out what you want to say and try to imagine that you are saying it to someone who is unable to read your mind or understand your more obscure references. Jot all that down on a piece of paper and, then, wait until you sober up.


    Can you please look at the other poster's comment,  and your own comment, and think about it, and then type ?

    Okay, what is being said is this. The Chinese government is trying to stop all foreigners entering into China, but it is still allowing Chinese to return to China. It is these Chinese people returning to China, these are the people who are taking the virus back to China. That's what the full Reuters report is actually saying.

    The Chinese government is certainly not saying that Americans and Europeans are taking the disease to China. Do you get it now ?  Notice that when looking at the posts put up here, there's people who are claiming that the Chinese government is now blaming the West for taking the virus back to China.

    • Like 1
  11. So, Thailand is saying that 37 people have got this Corona Virus, and loads of people are saying that this number is not true. Okay, so let's put a nought on it, and say it's 370. Now, 370 cases, and let's say ten deaths. Let's get real, does that really mean Thailand is now a more dangerous place than previously ? Off-course not.

    It's actually no big deal, bearing in mind about 50 to 100 people die in Thailand every day from road accidents.

    Thailand is trying to say, that all tourists should simply carry on turning up in Thailand. Thailand has not become more dangerous because of this Corona Virus. Those of us who are in Thailand know that the virus has not made Thailand a more dangerous place to stay in. Anybody who is avoiding Thailand for a holiday, because of this virus, is mad.

    • Like 1
  12. 45 minutes ago, Ireland32 said:

    Boycott China , Support The brave Hong  Kongers...Freedom Fighters Hate CCP

    Boycott China ???    When turning up at the shops, half the stuff you see is made in China. Mobile phones, flat-screen tvs, other electronic stuff, and other stuuf as well. And you want people to boycott China ?

    There's more and more Chinese tourists turning up in London, are we suppose to try and reduce the number of Chinese tourists turning up in Britain ?

  13. 5 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Jingthing, I spit my coffee all over my keyboard when I read that.  Not so much because of the sycophantic description of Hillary that you wrote but because of the naïveté required to write it.


    Brits don't take kindly to foreigners advising them on their affairs.  Hillary is out of line.  But not out of character.

    "Brits don't take kindly to foreigners advising them on their affairs."

    That's putting it lightly. A load of people who have got their country because we actually made that country. Them Americans, they forget that they're mainly a load of Brits who went over and lived there. They want to look back at home, and give us a lecture on what we should do ?     _____ off.

    The British in Northern Ireland, their case for being British is less than the claim that America is actually British.


    • Haha 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Free speech is not meddling. You feel free to tell HRC to shut up. Interesting. I'm sure she's listening to some random person that obviously hates her. Maybe consider not being such a drama queen about this. Triggered much? Struck a nerve? Sounds to me that you KNOW the Russian info would be damaging to Boris. She's just a famous private citizen now anyway. I also think the Russian information should be released before the UK election. I'm also not meddling. Just expressing my OPINION.

    No, I don't hate Hillary Clinton. I'd rather Hillary was in charge of America, instead of Trump. Hillary in charge would hopefully see a continuation of Obama's policies for another term.

    I'm against outsiders sticking their noses into what is an issue to do with Britain, and Britain only. I say again, if Russian meddling was a genuine issue, then Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party would be raising the issue. They're not, that's because they know that Russia meddling in British politics is a load of nonsense.

    Hillary is famous, you and me are not. What Hillary Clinton says is reported in the media, it does have some impact on the views of people, and how they might vote. Fortunately, most of the media in Britain is not giving serious coverage to Hillary Clinton's views. Or, they're not making a big deal out of Hillary's comments. Still, the intent is there, Hillary Clinton is attempting to cause a problem out of thin air. That's wrong, outsiders should stay away from issues to do with us only.

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  15. Hillary Clinton, do shut up. Shut your mouth.

    We can sort out our own issues. We don't need an outsider like you to intervene and meddle with our politics. Has Jeremy Corbyn raised any of this nonsense ? No, he has not. So, is it okay if foreigners like you keep your American nose out of stuff, stuff that's only to do with us.

    Go and look at your own country. You've got something against Trump. That's because he got elected, and you didn't. Go and use your time and effort to try and remove Trump. But just leave us alone. Be a good girl and do it.

    • Sad 1
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/14/hong-kong-protests-foreign-students-start-to-leave-as-unrest-shifts-to-universities

    The above report is from the Guardian newspaper in Britain. So, foreign students are starting to leave Hong Kong. The report is mainly about Nordic students (from Denmark and Norway) leaving Hong Kong, because it's dangerous in Hong Kong.

    From the article, "Several Nordic students at Hong Kong Baptist University were being moved after anti-government demonstrators moved on to its grounds, and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) urged its 36 students in Hong Kong to return home."

    And "Anders Overgaard Bjarklev, the head of DTU, said the decision to move came after some of the riots shifted to the campuses and “some of our students have been forced to move from their dormitories because they were put on fire”. "
    So, the students have been forced to move from their dormitories because they were put on fire.

    Now, who are the people who looked at the dormitories and put them on fire ? Was it Hong Kong riot police ? No. Surely, it was the rioters/demonstraters ?

    Do we all accept the following ? If ONE Nordic student is harmed by the fires, Hong Kong must pay the penalty. Those who started the fire must be punished. If Hong Kong doesn't punish them, then we, Europe, we've got to take action against those who harmed our people.

    • Sad 1
  17. https://ph.news.yahoo.com/hong-kong-protesters-trash-mapletree-mall-christmas-tree-051541117.html

    From the above article,   'Hong Kong protesters have caused “extensive damage” to the Festival Walk shopping centre, including torching the mall’s Christmas tree'.

    And "Glass panels at the mall’s entrance were smashed, and the office lobby and balustrades on various levels of the mall were also damaged, Singapore-based Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust Ltd., which owns Festival Walk, said in a statement Wednesday."

    And also "Shares of Mapletree North Asia Commercial fell 4.9% in early Singapore trade Wednesday to S$1.16, the lowest in 10 months."

    Let's ask, what is the point of  vandalizing a shopping mall ? What on earth is the reason for doing this ? Vandalizing this shopping mall, and setting fire to the Christmas tree, is surely, nothing to do with Hong Kong's freedom. Below is a photo of the burning Christmas tree.


    Yes, the protesters/rioters are creating a scary situation in Hong Kong.

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  18. 4 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    They could always stop the protests by meeting the reasonable demands asked for, just have to pick up the phone and tell lam to do it.

    The Extradition Bill has already been, near enough, sorted out.

    An amnesty for those who have thrown bricks and Molotov cocktails ? An amnesty for those who set fire outside metro stations, and who also go into the metro stations and trash the place ? An amnesty for those who spray graffiti outside banks that are from mainland China, and they also destroy ATM machines ?

    An investigation on riot police trying to stop all this vandalism ? The riot police have been pretty restrained so far.

    As for Hong Kong becoming independent. That was never part of the deal when Britain handed Hong Kong back in 1997. Freedom of religion, freedom of the media, and other stuff was part of the deal. But independence was certainly not.

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  19. 1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

    I expect there are plenty of CCP agents stiring up trouble, one could be responsible for setting the bloke on fire. The CCP have taken the hooligan/rioters/western puppet line right from the start and flood the internet with negative coverage of the.protests. Some of the so called journalism on GTGN is laughably crude.

    What, the people who set the bloke on fire were secret agents from Beijing ???
    It was deliberately done to make the rioters/demonstraters look bad ??

    And the people turning up at train stations and the Underground, trashing and vandalizing the place, are they also people that have been paid by Beijing ? Beijing is paying people to set fires outside the metro stations, it's being done to make the rioters/demonstraters look bad ? And those youngsters wearing black clothing and helmets, with their faces covered in black cloth, tearing bricks from roads, and throwing the bricks, have they been paid by Beijing ? Beijing is paying the youngsters to destroy Hong Kong, because Beijing wants the demonstraters to look bad ??

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  20. 7 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    I for one am more than a little surprised that forces behind mainland China have been so patient regarding action against the protesters. It won,t be long before the heavy hand appears ????


    24 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Not as easy to murder a few thousand as it was in 1989, everything is filmed these days and stuck straight on the internet. They are not legally allowed to intervene anyway until they take over in 2047. Of course they have been pulling the strings for years and put Lam in charge.

    Beijing won't take the bait, Beijing won't send in it's own soldiers to remove the rioters. And what does this mean ? The riots/demonstrations will continue. Hong Kong's train stations will continue to be vandalized, shops and banks that were set up by main-land Chinese companies will continue to be vandalized.
    Tourist numbers in Hong Kong will continue to be low. Hong Kong's economy is sufferring, and will continue to suffer.

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