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Posts posted by Snark

  1. Err limbo, I got a -3. Can I bash my wife? Oop, cancel that. She's a sino-Tibetan expatriate, only Thai on paper. With that being the case, does this improve or reduce the probability of her laying me out around our 10th year of marriage? And then of course, because I am, admittedly, a real shitte to live with, such an act would be fully justified. We need to work these additional factors into the formula. Also, the showers per week factor, otherwise known as the gag reflex triggering potential.

  2. We certainly have a nice load of conclusion jumpers and wife bashers.

    WHY does someone wish to reach a conclusion regarding this persons wife?

    WHY are people expressing opinions in regards to the circumstances surrounding this incident without full knowledge of the facts.

    Please note, I am not talking about the incident itself, but unwarranted assumptions and conclusions, being expressed to be derisive, derogatory, and or defamatory.

    What possible purpose does this serve? What benefit to the individual or anyone else?

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