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Posts posted by Snark

  1. In light of recent events, perhaps a little 'heads up' for expats might be in order.

    Thailand is very much a police state. Thailand's government offers few rights to the general populace and none to foreign visitors.

    Far too many tourists travel to Thailand under the impression it is a free and progressive country. This is very much the impression the Thai government wishes to give. Those who have ran foul of a governmental, with few if any exceptions, agency will tell you a far different story.

    In regards to Matt McDaniel. We each, in our own ways, try to right wrongs and improve the world. Some limit the scope of their efforts to their own personal life and environment. Some make greater, broader efforts. There are few epople in this world who can claim to be free of all criticism. Thus is the way with human nature. We each have our own unique viewpoints. Matt is an irascible volatile man. He is by no means a statesman. Judge him, if you must, by his heart, not his words. He cares. Need we say more?

    What this all means to the expat, is what happened to Matt can happen to anyone. You have no safeguards and no assurances. Thailands next door neighbor to the west is on record as one of the most vile in recorded history. You will find in many stories, current events and in the recent past, that the present Thai government is in full support of the Burmese junta. Let this be a character note kept in mind of all who have chosen to make Thailand their home. The new immigration laws very thinly disguise this. You, the expat, have only one thing going for you that seperates you from the oppressed hilltribe peoples and the Burmese refugees: money.

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