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Posts posted by Erawan

  1. I've heard mention of these 'other forums', Ajarns, AA, BA. Can anyone tell me what/where they are? I'm intrigued.

    You might not be able to post it out loud as it were, so a PM would be fine. Anyone... anyone at all willing to enlighten me... anyone?

  2. Ooooh! VIP! How do you get access to this forum? I know I'm probably not eligible, I probably have to be given the wink/be knighted or something. I thought it was for moderators. So what is it gentlemen?

  3. Hmm... I think I recall reading somewhere that once you reached a postcount of 50, you would be able to customise your title (directly below one's avatar). So, is this case? I can't seem to find the setting in 'My Controls'.

  4. Lol, so you don't want to work hard for your money? Lol, don't we all, but I think you may have to work hard if you want to see some returns... Actually, you're just investing not setting up a business right? Then I guess you have the luxury of having your money work for you. Cash it in somewhere, sit back and relax. As easy as that :o. I'd be interested in easy money (who isn't) - wish I had some money to invest.

  5. Lol, wow, you seem to know your stuff Darlek - dare I ask? :D I'm sure it's innocent enough, word of mouth, I'm sure (I'm genuinely being sincere, no sarcasm).

    Actually got some figures, but I forgot to ask how much farangs pay since I don't know, so I've nothing to compare those figures to :o.

    You said that the prices are cheaper (not sure if you meant just in the karaoke bars or overall - boy they sound like a hoot from igotworms post :D), but the Thais are pickier about their girls. Surely that would be incentive for higher prices? So that means... farangs are paying over the top for lower quality 'goods', just another area where they are getting extorted :D.

  6. Do Thai men frequent go-go bars/strips clubs as much as farangs? Do they go to the same places/venues? Do they pay the same amount?

    This isn't highlighted as much as the farang side of things, but I've read comments here from other users that it does it exist. Surely it can't be that widespread or widely practised though? Or maybe it's just overshadowed by the tourism sector... or people turn a blind-eye to it. I dunno, that's why I'm asking.

    Oh and what's so bad about Thai men?

  7. I think you've misunderstood Axel. When I was talking about round pins and slot pins, I was referring to the Thai plugs/sockets. If I'm not mistaken, both socket types are employed. I think round pins may be more predominant though.

  8. Thanks for your swift reply. With regards to the plugs, am I right in saying that it's the two-pin variety, but both round and slot shaped??? How does that work? If your appliance has the wrong plug, you have to change the plug?

  9. At what point had the world 'not gone to shit' exactly? Fair enough, I can understand why you don't like it, but there are a lot worse things going on at the moment.

    The human race is a far from perfect race, and I don't honestly think we, as a whole will ever attain the ideals you have for us. Everyone's different, and with that you get the good and the bad, and a lot of people could care less unfortunately about a large amount of pressing issues.

    Don't let it get to you, but in saying that, I know things which wind me up. Ah well...

    I await my cremation.

    (Cheese and rice! How can I say... "Try to not let it get to you", does that make sense?! I've been writing, and re-writing that sentence so many times, that it doesn't make sense!)

  10. If you read more closely, you would see that I said "almost appears". And I think it's fair to say that people could get that assumption based on what you said. However, I know, or would like to think you'd be a lot smarter than making such throwaway comments.

    Oh and I wouldn't consider it a 'visit', well not in the classical sense. I'm going to be back in Thailand for a year - minimum. I have no idea how long I'll be there, my purchase of a one way ticket should go someway to showing the uncertainty of what lies ahead of me. Quite exciting when I think about it :o.

    I would like to think I'm now vindicated of your unfair judgements and comments. And thank you to those of you who posted constructive comments and information.

  11. So I'm getting stick for wanting to be vaccinated against Hepatitis A and typhoid (look 'em up)? Well excuse me taking up the doctor on his suggestion. I will be spending a lot of time 'upcountry', hills, jungles and that, so I would of thought it's a wise move. We're not talking about suburbia here.

    What's the big deal guys? Over here there's no need to go to a hospital for all your medical needs, as I'm sure they've more pressing matters to attend to. This is why smaller clinics are around, to deal with little things like this. I went to the travel clinic which is an offshoot of the GP clinic. I was wondering whether or not the same applies there.

    And some of you instantly jump to conclusions, the GUM clinic no doubt, and that too is a separate institution, but I'm sure you're well aware of that. I do not appreciate being made out to be someone who is returning to Thailand with sex being my agenda.

    And dr Pat Pong, it's wise to choose your risks carefully, from your comments it almost appears as if you are advocating unsafe sex.

    I don't know why you feel the need to jump all over my case as soon as I've said my piece. It's a shitty personality trait of the British, to be negative and to feel the need to bring others down. All I was asking for was a little info and help.

  12. I'm planning to be in Thailand next year, round about February and I've already been to get my injections for my upcoming trip. These vaccines are comprised of multiple injections spread over a period of time. So I'll have to get another dose in a month or so and another after that.

    Now, my problem is not to do with getting the injections done in time (quite fortunate to be honest), but that I won't be able to get the blood test done at the end of it all to check whether or not I have indeed built up an immunity to the viruses.

    I have two options:

    1) Put my trip back about a month, meaning I won't get to Thailand until about mid-March, so I can also get the results back. If I'm not immune, I'm gonna have to schedule a further and final injection :/.

    2) Get my blood test done in Thailand, and if I'm not immune, hopefully get my needed booster injection there if possible.

    Now, I'm looking to option 2 as the topic indicates, so tell me where/who do I see to get my blood test done? And hopefully, it'll be these same people who'll be able to give me my booster injection, should it be needed, right? Oh and the area/s we're looking at is Ayuttaya/Lopburi/Bangkok.

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