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Posts posted by Erawan

  1. Yeah, I've been hearing a lot more about this lately. I read that getting a tan is bad for you, it's a sign of skin damage :o. I was looking forward to trying to get a bit of a tan myself, I'm as white as a ghost.

    So tell me, am I destined to get skin cancer if I spend a lot of time in Thailand, outdoors in the sun? I think it's a bit unrealistic to stay completely covered up in Thailand's climate. God, I worry myself sick about it.

  2. So pornography in any format is illegal in Thailand? I did not know that, I had better refersh myself with their laws (any website links?). A little odd to get busted for something which is legal over here.

    So what about Penthouse magazine that is sold in shops? That's got exposed breasts in it - so I've heard :o.

    Any other odd laws I should know about?

  3. I've come across quite a few mixed race peoples, I'm one myself. At the end of the day though, it's a lottery on how kids will turn out, they can be at one end of the scale or the other, or somewhere in between. My cousins for example, one of them has white skin and looks English. His sister though, has Thai skin and looks Thai.

  4. Stroll, what's wrong with going towards Lumpini Park once it's closed? I've got a few ideas, but now you've twigged my interest, I won't rest until I discover this little nugget of information.

    Can anyone tell me what RCA stands for?

  5. That seems a bit odd, the part where someone mentioned that if you failed a fiance visa, you could get married and apply successfully for a marriage visa?! Surely they'd view that as merely another attempt to bring your partner over and deny it?

    Ok, so what happens if you got married in Thailand, applied for a marriage visa and it got turned down? I'm going with the 'unable to set up residence with your partner because of work commitments in the UK' card here. I think you're pretty much screwed, am I right? You can appeal... but from I've read here, it doesn't sound too hopeful.

  6. What's the deal with this anti-Thai sentiment? I don't get it, especially when (I think I'm correct in saying) you are married to a Thai woman yourself? I might be thinking of someone else though... in fact, I may be... Well, the question still stands, perhaps some people have had their fingers burnt once too often.

  7. Ok, quite recently this topic was all over the news, what with the British government cracking down on sham marriages, trying to stem the influx of foreign nationals. I read that the foreign partner that comes to settle in the UK needs to be here for two years to before being able to apply for British residency... or maybe citizenship. I forget the difference.

    Anyway, what power do the British government have against those who slipped through the net, then sure enough divorce as soon as two years comes round and the foreign partner applies for and receives their British citizenship? Surely they can say "Ah hah! So it was a sham marriage after all, we're gonna boot you out now." Do they have no power if the couple see two years out?

    Or is this just a case of the same, old, inept British government merely putting on a show for the public. The government needed to be actively seen as trying to cut down asylum seekers and such? Much like the figures published today, dictating that the number of asylum seekers had fallen :o That's a good one! What was the line... the asylum figures were "in most respects reliable," LMAO.

    Must learn to condense my sentences.

  8. Lol, I read a comment made sometime back about waking up next day to what was thought to be a new girlfriend, only to find that she was asking you for the fee for her time :o.

    I'd just like to clear this up, surely this is a joke, right? I mean, this... it doesn't happen does it? Surely she'd ask up front, or you'd know from the get-go? If it's for real, can anyone tell me how to be tact and ask whether she's on the game or not without getting a first-hand demonstration of muay? It might come in handy one day... Lol, I can't believe I'm asking this :D.

  9. Oh right, is this need for a degree a new thing? I thought in Thailand you'd be able to find a school to work at that doesn't require you to have a degree pretty easily. Have things changed or am I missing something? From what I recall from scouting out teaching jobs in Thailand, it looked pretty straight forward, do the course, get the certificate or whatever, get a job.

  10. I have a friend (UK resident) who has a Thai girlfriend. They've been in contact for sometime and he's managed to go see her in Thailand once. What he wants to know is would they let her come over here to see him and *shock* possibly marry in the near future? I tell ya, it shocked me when he said this.

    I hear it's easier if they marry over here, rather than in Thailand, right?

    The thing is, she has already tried to come to the UK before they met, on a student visa and a tourist visa and was turned down on both occassions. What are the chances of them letting her over now?

    He wants to know about the proof of relationship bit (he's got photos, e-mails and letters). He's a bit nervous about producing some of the letters though, they're a bit personal, so he's wondering just how closely they're gonna look at this stuff. Oh and is there any specific amount of time they have to have been together for, before they can apply for a fiance visa or such?

    Oh one more thing, he still lives with his mom (bless) and should they marry, would it be ok if they lived with his mom? Hopefully not forever, lol! :o

    Thanks for your input and advice.

  11. I've noticed that a few of you have jobs that have taken you around the world a bit. I would like to do some travelling before I settle down, and I've been scheming of ways of how to achieve this. What I'd like to do is spend a good amount of time in each country, maybe a year here and there. I'd like to get a real taste for the country, see the sights and hopefully pick up the lingo too.

    So far, all I've come up with is being a teacher, finding some 'magical' multinational company and volunteer work. The countries I'm interested in visiting/staying in are: Thailand, South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong (I know, not a country).

    So chaps, what job do you do that takes you far and away?

    Oh and one more thing, could someone please tell me what LOS is short for? I'm sure it's a location in Thailand, but I can't figure it out.

  12. I've done a bit of research into this field since I'm trying to get my cousin to come here too, but on a more permanent basis.

    After browsing around the net, I found that you just have to able to support the fact that she will just be coming over here to study/visit and not stay. That means things like showing that she won't be sponging off the government. How much they earn, that they can support themselves financially for the duration of their trip, that they won't be largely dependent on you for funds. I believe you'll also have to apply for 'entry clearance'. The following links should be of help to you:

    Sponsoring visitors


    Family visitors and their sponsors






    Best of luck, hope that helps.

  13. I have, she only scores 30, maybe 45 :o. You need at least 65 to qualify.

    She has a Bachelor of education technology and communication, they ask for a Bachelors Degree, does this count? Or will they only accept BA/BSc?

    She works for AIS, a big (so I'm told) mobile phone company in Thailand. I think that's a job that would require a graduate.

    The only other place she would be able to pick up the needed points are in earning power. Last year she earned over 150,000 Baht (£2104), which I thought was a good wage. However that gets her NO points on this programme. She needs to earn at least 602,267 Baht (£8450) to get any points, and thankfully (or not) that this amount will give her the 20 points needed. But as I said, she doesn't so ######!

    I think it's rather unfair, she's not exactly going to come over here and sponge off the government, she wants to move here and work. It's looking bleak... :D

    After this... I don't know what else I can do, but I'm trying to scare up something. After this, you're just left with the illegal options. Apparently they've stepped up their efforts to crackdown on sham marriages - I wonder... what would you have to do to pull it off?

  14. Can you guys help me out? One of my cousins would really like to move here, I've been checking out the options and thought I had it solved with the HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrants Programme). Unfortunately she falls short of the mark and doesn't qualify for it. Can you guys come up with any other ways of bringing her over here, short of marrying an english guy? I've heard something about sponsorship or something, but I'm not too clear on the matter.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

  15. Anamore, of course I would abide by the laws and Thai tradition. I would never think otherwise.

    dr_Pat_Pong, I'm well aware of the national service factor, in fact I would actually love to serve my country (call me crazy). I think it would be a great experience and getting this passport is more of a means to do so, rather than getting the passport first and being lumped with the military service.

    Hopefully, the military folks will be completely unforgiving, so they'll still take me and whoop my ass regardless of my basic ability to communicate in Thai, lol.

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