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Posts posted by Dublin01

  1. Hi ,

    I have :

    Host Name: ZyXEL Model Number: 1 Port WiFi MAC Address:

    ZyNOS Firmware Version: V3.40(BGN.6) | 08/27/2009

    Not sure if its the same model but I definitely have the same problem. The most irritating thing about it is that each time the modem resets [3-4 times a day] then the TRUE stupid firmware redirects you to True online . Its a pain in the a$. Otherwise, I'm very happy with True Internet though , I have consistently fast service from them.

    The modem may be resetting on any current break [ Power in Bangkok not the 99.99999999999999999% uptime we westerners are used to :-) ] . I do not generally have issues with IP addresses as I disabled router function and use it as modem only [ I use my Apple Airport as mu router , far more reliable, give faster wireless and doesn't have conflicts like you mentioned].

    I'm guessing all routers from True will have this annoying firmware mod so won't be changing,



  2. Hi,

    Some Phones need to be "discoverable" ..... You can check Phone settings if this is an option.

    Turn on discoverable then recheck notebook

    Also some HP laptops have physical switch [usually under front of laptop' turning on/off bluetooth and turning on/off internet

    Other than that,

    I would be lost.

    Hope it helps,


  3. Kasetsart, Mahidol and Chulalongkorn are all Veterinary Universities, and so far I've heard from several people that have been there and had their pet treated, they are (very) good.

    Chulalongkorn University

    Faculty of Veterinary Science

    TEl.: 0 2218 9771, 0 2218 9773

    Mahidol University

    Faculty of Veterinary Science




    Kasetsart University

    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


    Tel. :0-2942-8756-9

    I have been using Kasetsart for a while now and am very satisfied, My mutt is old so problems starting to occur more frequently. Fees are very reasonable but as everywhere Drugs cost a lot . Very happy with service there although you have to be prepared for a long wait. Going at 7am is best , I often get out by 11am then.

    If someone needs driver, I have a umber you can call. Kasem has toyota corolla type , might be able to pick you up and return you home depending on where/what time etc . Pm if needed.


  4. 250 baht per month ,installation can't remember ,but around 600 baht.

    80 channels perfect pictures.

    World Cup in English

    Isn't available to everyone it depends where you live

    The channels sometimes change is only drawback but it's a real bargain.


    Thanks Zoom3 , Appreciate the feedback

  5. If you go to Chinatown you can find the shops that sell glasses wholesale to the street traders. They include prescription (reading) glasses etc. I doubt if you will pay more than 100 baht for a pair or about 50 baht if you buy in bulk. Try Charoen Krung Road near the Worachak Road junction.

    Thanks a lot , I'll try that but I also was hoping for recommendation for cheap opticians with good frames etc. I have prescription through Rutnick eye hospital already.

    If anyone has good quality reasonable priced optician would be most grateful for your recommendation

    again , appreciate you taking time to respond,



  6. Hi All,

    i've searched the site but seems a lot of conflicting messages so I'm posting here in hopes of finding some advice.

    Can anyone recommend a good place to buy prescription glasses and sunglasses here in Bangkok area . I know there are many opticians like Charoen etc but they seem on epensive side .

    Any advice would be appreciated, I have a very simple short sighted prescription.

    Thanks in Advance,


  7. Hi all,

    Totally unsatisfied with both cost and picture quality of true so looking in to Charoen ,

    Hoping someone could tell me:

    1. How good is the picture quality [better than True ? , same Quality as Europe/USA/Aus] ?

    2. Can you still get Astro Supersport on it ?

    3. Are you getting internet from them too ?

    4. What are you paying per month ?

    5. was there an install fee

    I've spoken at length with their call center but combination of mis communication plus lack of knowledge has me stumped

    Thanks a million in advance,


  8. All,

    I've Tried Slingbox from USA friend but Quality is limited primarily by THEIR upload speed [Anything less than 1MB/s is not really any good, besides u have to listen to Tommy Smith and I'd rather liste to the North Korean commentators than him , anyday. Sad to say he's a fellow Paddy !.

    Option I'm using Now:

    Thai TV with Audio from:

    www.Bet365.com which has english commentators but occasionally cuts out. Only problem is its a couple of secs AHEAD of Thai TV . (U tend to hear he missed it before u see the Jabulani sail off into the Savannah) I haven't tried Radio Delay as I have a mac.

    Option 2 : ESPNRadio which is ~30 secs behind Thai TV, but you run the risk of getting commentators more used to counting runs !

    Just other options in case you want to try


    HI everyone, I have figured it out the solution! The answer is to get a slingbox, basically a slingbox is connected to a tv set box with the english commentary and also connected to an internet feed, all you need to do is the following

    1.Once the slingbox is setup

    2. You then download the slingplayer which is free on your computer (MAC or PC)

    3. Connect your computer to the stereo, and mute the volume of the Thai commentary

    The Thai commentary makes me sleepy, and I am Thai!

    The instant replays and inside info is too interesting

    Good Luck

  9. Hi All,

    I' planning on moving to Bangkok December with my 95lb [~42Kilo] Mutt and need to rent a townhouse/house to take us both in . I'm looking for a nice place near Commercial Center BTS/MRT. I'm travelling next week to Bangkok to start process of looking for a place and was hoping to find a good agent to work with [ Also any good websites would be great] . Unfortunately I don't speak Thai yet so english is a must.

    Basically looking for a Nice 3 Bedroom plus Garden plus Pets Allowed Policy near MRT/BTS with good facilities [pool/Gym etc would be nice]

    If any of you have come across good honest agents that I could work with , I'd really appreciate your input/experiences with same.

    Thanks for your help in advance,


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