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Posts posted by Nio

  1. post-31633-1256798217_thumb.jpg

    I must quickly point out we have two fridges, one for Thai stuff the other for human food. My fridge also gets cleaned more frequently as the remains of this poor chap below, caught on the door seal of the bug-fridge some time ago, reveals.


    Must be an alien?

    Is your fridge indoors or outdoors?

    Pretty weird looking bug

  2. Hi All.

    Last night my 16 month old XBOX 360 packed up with a (bottom right) red light flashing and a E74 error showing on the screen. It's not under guarantee as it was bought from the 6th floor MBK and is chipped.

    Has anyone had any similar experiences, especially regarding getting it repaired? I don't want to pay 2,000 baht just to find out it does the same thing two weeks later.

    Does anyone know a good place to take it for repair? Or do you think I should take it back to the shop I bought it from.

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Many Thanks,


    There is a large video game store at Fashion Island Mall in Minburi on the top floor across from the Western Sizzler. I have used this shop for years. I had a problem with the kids Wii locking up, they not only fixed the problem but they installed all the latest software updates for a grand total of 300 baht.

    They also fixed my son's Sony PSP after he dropped it into the toilet. I thought it was fried, but they fixed it for 300 baht as well.

    In downtown Bangkok/Sukhumvit I am sure it would be much more.

  3. Software Police?

    "basically tons of companies"

    "it is RUMORED that..."

    Just a friendly warning?

    Who are you to be warning anyone, that sounds like you are threatening everyone with your friendly little warning?

    I think what any company does in Bangkok is none of your business, is it? Certainly they don't need you to warn them do they.

    Your post has no facts at all. By repeating RUMORs you contribute to the problem, not the solution.

    When you say basically tons of companies I say bullocks to that and to your story.

    After being here for years and years, I have heard the same story 1,000 times.

    The same story that all the pirated software malls and stores will be shut down.

    A week later the story blows over and 10 years later all the same places selling software are still in business.

    It is funny all the software malls always know exactly when the cops will be showing up well ahead of time don't they and then are never shut down.

    Maybe some street vendor gets shaken down to appease the news and media that the authorities are doing something yet Panthip Plaza marches on getting bigger and bigger each year.

    Posts like this are like chicken little crying the sky is falling

    Repeating rumors with no facts is pretty piss poor judgment on your part


    It is rumored aliens have landed in Bangkok, there might be 5,000,000 or more but NO CONFIRMED DETAILS YET

  4. Hi!

    Ive decided to resign from my current job in Thailand and go back to University to do a Bachelor degree. Basically

    I choose between two programs , Hotel and Tourism management and BA. Both at the Bangkok University.

    Im now 24 years old and spent 5 years working and studying (2+3) in the travel industry and want to stay, but I am doubtful

    If I can land a job after doing my bachelor if I choose Hotel and Tourism, thinking I might be better of with BA.

    Anyone got an input on this one?

    All help and advise is higly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance

    It is very honorable to go back to school and at your age can only benefit your future. My opinion is there are 1,000's of Thai grads every year in Hotel and Tourism that can never find a job here. Your hopes would be pinned on, in my opinion, a couple of things. First if you could speak Thai. I think if you can speak Thai fluently, you might be able to get picked up from a Multi National Hotel chain in some sort of management role. You might want to even send a nice cover letter to some of the more famous western hotels in Thailand (send the letter to the overseas headquarters), tell them of your plans and desires. Maybe they can give you a coop opportunity at their hotel in the 3rd and 4rth year of your degree studies.

    With a BA and no specialty behind it, roll the dice and get in line with all the Thai BA graduates.

    Another avenue is if you really desire to spend your whole life in Thailand, research where all the money is paid to foreigners, whether banking, finance, law or medicine and go that route and specialize your studies in international finance or banking, trying the same coop trick with a bank in year 3

    I think a keep advantage you will have is if you can be 100% proficient in Thai, English and even another language.

    You are certainly on the right track, if you want to stay, research the money trail and study that path

    Good luck with your future studies

  5. To clarify, when you arrive in Singapore, you first go through arrival Immigration as if you wanted to leave the airport. Once you go through arrival immigration you are in the outer hall of the airport where the hotels, rental cars, money changers etc. are located and all the doors to the outside of the airport.

    If you have a return flight in a hour or so, instead of leaving the airport, you have to go from downstairs 1st floor in the airport and take an escalator to upstairs 2nd floor. Once you are upstairs you have to pass back through the departing immigration area to get access to the gate departure areas.

    At arrival immigration, beside your passport, you will out an arrival card that states where you will be staying in Singapore or staying at airport for departure flight.

    Since immigration has this arrival card and it clearly states what hotel or address you are staying in or if you are on a return flight, why in the world would they ask for clarification of money? This makes no sense what so ever.

    I am sure some beligerent attitude and no respect for the immigration officials is what landed this bloke in trouble.

  6. It says it's connected to the network fine, but it just says "Looking up [website]" in the status bar when actually trying to bring up a web page in the browser. It never connects.

    The signal strength is excellent.

    I've checked the network options and made sure it wasn't set for a proxy.

    It happens with all browsers (firefox, chrome, explorer).

    All other computers using the wireless are fine.

    I checked the network protocols and they all SEEM to be installed properly (TCP/IP etc...), but I don't know a lot about this, so not 100% positive.

    This computer was purchased in Germany and is being used in Thailand.

    The computer has worked fine on some other wireless networks in Thailand.

    What's interesting is that it connects regardless if the password is entered correctly. We entered 10 A's and it connected to the network the same as if we entered the proper password. At least it LOOKS connected, we still can't connect to a website.

    Just trying to get as much info across as to what we've already tried. The next resort is doing a repair install of Windows.... If someone has some other ideas, please let me know.


    You need to go to the website of wireless modem you are using and download and install the drivers on the laptop you are trying to use. I have run into this problem many times even with brand new laptops, the latest being my wife's brand new Sony.

    It something really peculiar to the version of the modem you are using.

    If it was a security key or password issue you would get a box popped up to enter the correct key. That is not the problem, it is a driver related problem.

    1. Go to modem website first and look for the drivers or

    2. Google for (computer name) won't connect with (modem name and model)

    You will find that by downloading the correct driver it will connect right away

    Good luck

  7. this law has been enforced quite vigoroursly recently.the guest house of my friends had frequent visits from immigration officials .the fines for the foreign owners are stip.reports have to be done within 24 hours.of course it is a hussle to run every morning to immigration office to report new guests,but who wants to pay 20000baht fine?so that's why is the question about online registration.

    My advice is to get a life and stop peeping on your neighbors. If they want to break the law it is no business or yours. Sticking your nose into things in Thailand that are not your own affairs is usually not a smart idea.

    I couldn't make it through one day without seeing 100 violations of one kind of another

    My reponse? Who cares? Live and let live is the best policy.

    When ever you peep and don't know ALL THE FACTS, you are asking for retribution from the people you are peeping on

  8. This multi-socket was running my fax machine (standby), my desktop computer and LCD screen then I plugged the kettle in, to boil, I've done this hundreds of times before.

    When I returned the kettle had half boiled and there was a strong smell of plastic burning and the power had failed.

    The fuse had (eventually blown). But look at the photos: They show an extreme heat situation and melting and the fuse section has welded onto the internal structure. This could have started a house fire if newspaper/cardboard had been nearby.

    My questions are these.

    1. Why didn't the fuse blow instantly before so much heat and melting?

    2. I have boiled a kettle many times before, what happened this time?

    3. The kettle is I think only 2KW rating

    Any answers, suggestions for future multi-plug safety or alternative safer options here in Thailand?

    In Thailand you get what you pay for. The idea is that the fuse is suppose to blow but when it is designed in China, they dont care if the fuse blows or not.

    Probably an errant/extra wire/connection on the power side (wall socket) side of the circuit before the fuse kept the circuit hot

  9. Confused.

    She managed to phone you whilst she was being beaten up?

    No i was calling her

    Let's look at some facts.

    1. English guys in groups of 5 don't make a habit of beating up bar girls
    2. A bar girl is not YOUR GIRLFRIEND, she is everyones girlfriend. Hence BAR GIRL
    3. Altercations between bar girls and farangs always involve money or the bar girl trying to get money
    4. If she doesn't answer the phone means she is busy with someone else and telling that man the same sad story she told you
    5. She calls you everyday and half of the UK, the more calls the more she makes
    6. Getting narcoleptic and in a state of panic because a bar girl in Thailand did not call you tells me you need some mental help.
    7. Who is paying for her to call you everyday? My guess is you.

    Sorry to be so harsh but you need to wake the f*** up to reality and facts.

    She is not your girlfriend.

  10. Identity theft is reported as becoming more prevalent. How bad is it in Thailand?

    It seems to affect customers in English speaking countries the worst.

    This includes abuse of credit cards and skimming on ATM machines.

    Also lax security of merchants and card processing companies.

    And of course lax security by individuals with their financial information,

    CCs, and PIN numbers.

    Any reliable studies and accurate statistics?

    Has anyone suffered from this so called "identity theft" which is of course fraud.

    "Seems to be more prevalent in English speaking countries"

    Since when is Thailand an English Speaking country? Mind you we said country and not Pattaya.

    There are 65,000,000 people in Thailand

    Less than 10% of the entire population is fluent in English

    Of that 10% how may have the technical capability to commit identify fraud as you mentioned? Credit Cards and ATM's?

    My guess would be not very many. Lets say a high number would be 1% of the english speaking people. That is 1% of the 10% of English speaking people have the technical capability.

    10% of 65,000,0000 is 6,5000,000 and 1% of that is 65,000

    So do the math.

    .001 % chance

    You have more chance at:

    Getting slapped in the face by a bar girl

    Getting in a motorcycle accident

    Overpaying for products and services

    Slipping on the uneven payment and falling on your ass

    Getting struck by lighting

  11. My partner(Thai) is looking at starting up a small business with maybe 5-7 staff, for commercial and domestic cleaning. There will be a basic one page website and we will be renting the first part of a shophouse for customer enquires with a sign board out the front. The main custom will be expats, but the business will be 100%Thai. I have a few friends with a business plus work permit, and Thai friends with small businesses that don't seem to be registered in any way.

    There are so many small businesses here and I was wondering how (if at all ) do you go about registering one of these companies ? What is required from the local amphur/gov office/tax office ?

    We would like everything above board and would much appreciate it if you could share your knowledge with us regarding setting up a Thai business.

    Have lived here long enough so please spare me your thoughts on how lucrative/unsuccesfull you think this idea is - we are not depending on it to pay the bills, and our only investing what we could walk away from.



    If you keep your name out of the business, the Thai person will have no problems and very minimal cost doing this. However, if you wanted your name on it as an expat the expense to start and legalize a company would be astronomical compared to the potential for income.

    The problem as we all know is, once the Thai sets up a company in their name, it is 100% theirs.

    If there are any issues if the future, you will have no claims at all.

    Go to the local office for a business permit and a tax stamp to pay tax each month.

    For Thai people quite simple to set up and cheap to get started.

    There is a shop house near my office that does basically the same thing you are trying to do and they have been there in the shop house for a few years.

    It is very possible to do if you can find the clients.

  12. my motorbike has been stolen

    (Yamaha Fino, black and white, around 13500km).

    it was parked near the underworld , on the sukumvit road, just south of south tesco and big C.

    stolen the 25th oct 2009 at around 15pm by 3 kids (around 15-17 years old), they came with one motorbike.

    plate number is : งจข-655

    3000 bahts for info which could help me to find this motorbike.

    If the kids were smart enough to scope it out and steal it, it is probably sold and chopped already. I doubt they would be stupid to ride it around. Good luck but I think the recovery chance is very, very slim. Sorry to hear this.

  13. Any suggestions or recent experience for good websites for ordering RC Stuff when outside of Bangkok? I heard of a Bangkok shop called Nontaburi Hobby but wasn't able to find a website. I need some RC aircraft stuff from Bangkok that I can't find in Chiang Mai.

    There is a nice R/C shop on the bottom floor of Zeer Rangsit just past Don Muang Airport.

    They have everything from the large size gas powered aluminum framed helicopters, large gas powered speed boats, tanks, cars, radios etc. all the way down to battery operated for the kiddies.

    The guy that owns that shop is an expert and can fix dam_n near anything.

  14. Hello all from a noob of the forum :D

    I'm sorry if this was already discussed, but searching on the forum I've find only info related to overstay before leaving the Kingdom by plane...

    The problem is: Tomorrow (26) my visa expire. Because of some trouble - was sick for a couple of days - I had to delay my Visa run on Laos.

    The visa was already extended at immigration with the +30 days powerup bonus, tomorrow I will go to bangkok, but will take me at least untill the 27 for effective go to the Udon Thani borders (As I will go with train from BKK).

    Now, I know about the 500-bath fee for each overstay day, also that for just one day should be no problem... but on the forum I've find only experiences from people that after overstay (few days or some months) go to airport, so, what about leaving via a land border?

    There is the possibility to pay the overstay bid there too, or I have to be scary to go to the friendly bridge and meet some unfriendly welcome :) ?

    Thanks to all who will can help, (also sorry for my crap english too)

    You can pay the overstay directly at the border. When you get to the immigration agent before he says anything say excuse me sir, I am on an unfortunate 2 day overstay due to illness, he will point to the person you need to see, they will sit down with you and write a receipt for the overstay when you pay. Then you are free to go on your way. This small an overstay is not a big deal. But IN MY OPINION, how you dress and present yourself is how they will behave with your situation. Doesn't hurt to shave and look presentable like a rich tourist and not a scumbag.

    Not a big deal at all.

  15. Last week, my fiancee received her K-1 visa from the US Embassy. It took just under 6 months. I filed the application through the Laguna Nigel, Calif., USCIS Service Center at the end of April 2009. It took them 3 months to review it, the US Embassy got the file in month 4, I took one month to complete the package 3, and we filed the paperwork with the US Embassy on Fri, Oct 9 (via EMS mail in Bangkok) while I was in Bangkok for vacation. On Mon, Oct 12, she rec'd an email saying she had an interview scheduled on Oct 20th at 730am. They only asked 4 generic questions and told her to come back on the 22nd to pick up her visa! They started the interview in Thai and then switched to English midway through. She was out of the Embassy by 930am (which is when she text me) Wow that was fast!

    It pays to over document the relationship, organize the paperwork, and add footnotes/additional explanations to the questions on the forms.

    This winter I'll have someone to keep me warm :D:D:D:D

    Thank you USCIS/US Embassy/State Dept. for being efficient in reviewing my case :)

    Glad to hear you have a happy ending and good luck in the future.

    Perhaps sometime you can post step by step all the document numbers and details for anyone else wanting to do this

    Good luck

  16. Hello all i have some question me and my Fiancee and here Daughter would like to go to Koh Chang and i want a nice place to stay buth not many Farang and i would like to paid not more then 900 baht a night near to the beach thanks

    Last week at Koh Chang there were NO tourists there so I don't think you have to worry. Koh Chang is not overcrowded with farangs like most places. Here is what you need to do. Take the Koh Chang Ferry across and the baht truck into downtown White Sands Beach Area. It is very small. Then what you want to do is start looking at the hotels there all along the beach. You can rent Honda's anywhere for 200 baht for a full day so you can venture down the whole west coast of Koh Chang in a matter of an hour looking at hotels. When you find one you like inquire on the prices. If you take someone's word for it, you might end up in a cheap place that does not satisfy your happiness.

    I like to stay at Klong Prau which has a nice quiet private beach and five minutes on a Honda back to White Sands Beach

    If you go soon, I am sure you can cut your own deals anywhere you want to stay because last week the whole island was empty.

    There are 100's of recent Koh Chang photos at visualthailand.com if you to see the whole island and get an idea what you are in for. Very, very easy to get around.

  17. Our company Benchmark Property Consultants offer many services to corporate executives who relocate to Eastern Seaboard area. We offer full service packages including temporary hotel bookings, visa work permit services, school search and home search services and we got many multinatuional companies who are our clients. We would like to get feedback from corporate executives who have moved in to a home in Eastern Seaboard area and would like to find a new home to move in if they are not happy with their current accommodation. Any questions regarding finding the "right" home for you are welcome.

    Is blatant advertising allowed in these forums?

  18. I just read on an Italian forum http://www.thaitravel.it/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3836 of a very disturbing story at Singapore Immigration.

    An Italian tourist doing his visa run from Thailand to Singapore was denied entry , had passport and cellphone confiscated , was detained 5 hours in a waiting room sort of , and finally scammed 150 bucks to have his passport and cellphone back in time to get on his return flight to Thailand.

    Has anyone else heard of similar stories involving Singapore Immigration ?

    I don't buy it at all. Singapore is the most straight laced law abiding country in Asia. The last time I was in Singapore, flight arrived late, there were 1,000 people in line at immigration, I went to the desk and told them I had a connecting flight and was through immigration in 5 minutes.

    I have flown to Singapore at least 1,000 times and find this to be the friendliest immigration on earth, same with the Embassy there.

    You can bet this tourist was some scumbag probably in violation of something, then bitching he got caught. Singapore Immigration is probably allot keener on finding things wrong than BKK.

    Don't believe everything you read here in Thailand. Next thing you know sightings of flying elephants.

  19. i purchased a new laptop in the uk recently, i told salesman had to have pcmia slot for cat air card he said yes here it is. i did not have the card with me as it was in thailand. of course now i know it will not fit can i buy some kind of reader to use pcmia in express card slot. paid 12k for air card so reluctant to change it


    PCMCIA to USB reader solves your problems

  20. Before opening a new bank account with Krung Sri Ayudhya specifically for, hopefully, using Paypal - i would like to ask whether i can open a Paypal account with a Thai bank account and Debit Card from Krung Sri.

    I will only need PayPal for incoming transfer, not outgoing.

    Thanks in advance for details.

    Sorry you cannot use Paypal with Debit Cards in Thailand. You need a bonafide Credit Card. I have researched this with most banks and Paypal directly.

  21. I occasionally ship silver jewelry to Europe, and one of my customers now wants me to use UPS. She says that many of her suppliers use UPS and it is the best service for her. But when I talk to UPS, the refuse to ship silver at all! I talked to one of her suppliers in Chiang Mai, and they use a shipping agent who arranges everything with UPS and provides insurance from a third-party insurer. Does anyone know a shipping agent in Bangkok that can do this? Thank you for your advice.

    You might find this of interest. I am not in this business, just saw this on the internet


    Kamarsilver.com ship within 24hrs when your order received and payment confirmation. After your order has been processed it will be delivered via the following method. We ship via all major mail carriers, including DHL, UPS, FedEx, EMS and the Thailand postal Service.

    Kamarsilver.com will ship all over the world at a fixed rate of $2.0 base price and for each additional item 0.50 cents extra.

    FedEx Service : We ship items through secured global FedEx/ UPS SERVICE@US$25.00 . Delivery will be effective within 4-5 business days

    So if they can ship UPS, maybe you received false information

  22. This snake came to our door yesterday, our dog went crazy which alerted me and I snapped these pictures. Anyone any idea what it is, I looked through the pictures on the Snakes of Thailand website but can't see a match. After taking the dog away the snake went off into the garden. Thanks for any suggestions.

    Ptyas mucosa (Oriental Rat Snake)

    Thai: ThaiSnakeName-25.gif (ngu sing hang lai)


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