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Posts posted by kikoman

  1. Thanks for this post as I love Mexican food, I come from So California.

    Here in Thailand I make ----

    Beef enchiladas, and my own refried beans, and pork tamales (I did have to bring masa flour back from the states) I would like to add to this post my recipe for red sauce.

    1 Gallon Red sauce

    1 med. onion diced

    4 garlic cloves

    1/3cup red powdered chile. We use New Mexico chile, its not too hot just flavorful.

    1 qt. tomato sauce

    1qt tomato puree

    Salt and pepper to taste (about 2 tlbs)Not too much as you keep it a few days it gets stronger.

    Mix all ingredients together and bring to boil and simmer about 20 minutes

    In another pan fix a rue of about 1cup oil, and 1/2 cup flour.

    At a simmer ,not fast boil, mix in flour and oil mixture

    simmer until thickened. Then cool a bit and strain , to remove onion & garlic pieces.

    Your sauce will be smooth and thin . When cool it will be thick.

    I lived in New Mexico for a while fell in love with the Barker and Hatch Valley Chiles There. New Mexican cooking is much different than the cooking in the other U.S. border States, They loved their Chile hot and Spicy, if you were Mexican,Spanish,white ,Native American or black ,all liked it HOT.

    Thank you for adding your recipe to the tread.


  2. That is the beauty of Mexican food, there is no one way to make them, that is what ,I learned from my mother back in Sonora, Six decades ago. We never coated it with flour, and dripped it in the egg whites.

    I worked in a Restaurant in Tucson Az , and they dripped their Chiles in beaten egg whites and poured a sauce/ sour cream over it and made theirs with Chile Poblano.

    My mom made real Sonora tortillas 1 1/2 -2 foot in diameter and homemade Queso Fresco and always used home grown Chile Verde in her Chile Rellenos, the only sauce she made was all types of Salsas. But never poured it over a Chile Relleno. We did make Creama at home but never used it over any type of food, We put it in beans and ate it on the side.

    I live in a little village 50 kilometers from Nakhon Sawan, I use what is available to me and my wife was the one that introduced the cooking method, much as she cooks,Khai-chiao. That is the way we do it and I like the results.

    I do not like the Chile Rellenos, fried in egg whites, and smothered in sour cream and sauce, that is not a Chile Relleno to me.

    As I say the world is big ,there are many ways to make Mexican food, that differ greatly from State to State even in Mexico.

    So keep on cooking!


  3. Many people have stated having problems ,with getting good tortillas ,here is an alternative in making the tortillas at home with ingredients readily available in Thailand.

    The first recipe is making your own homemade tortillas! This recipe is for making 4 medium tortillas, as my wife makes tortillas daily and I limit myself to 2 tortillas per meal. If you want more say a dozen, just increase the ingredients by adding 2 more batches of this recipe!


    2 cups (all purpose Flour)

    2 Tablespoons oil (we use soy bean oil)

    1/3-1/2 cups of water,( We use Less than 1/2 cup of water)

    Salt (To taste)


    Mix the ingredients together, if too dry add a little more water, knee for a while till mixture is stretchable see attached pictures, roll into 4 equal balls and let rest for 30 mins.

    Roll out on floured board, until it gets to desired size, pre heat comal and a few minutes on each side cook tortilla, if tortillas develop large air bubbles prick with fork. it should be very flexible, if you cook to long tortilla will come out real hard!


    Now I will give you a recipe for Chile Rellenos ( we use a cheese filling) you may use any filling of your choice.

    We buy the Chiles at the local market and buy only the largest ones,My wife roast the Chiles over an open fire and peels the skin off. We do not remove the seeds as we like the Chiles spicy ( you may take the seeds out) She makes a slit in the sides of the Chiles and inserts the cheese (We us local Cheddar)post-91962-1262491190_thumb.jpg

    She mixes the whole egg (2) and heats a pan with oil on the stove, when the heat is hot ,she puts half the eggs mixture to a bowl add one Chile ,then pours the mixture into the hot oil and cook till slightly brown on both sides,Take it out of the oil and put it on a plate cover with paper towels to absorb the the excess oil.post-91962-1262491215_thumb.jpg

    If you wish you can put it onto a hot tortilla as I do and make a Chile Relleno Burrito!


    If you have any questions feel free to ask.''

    Good Eating :



  4. The Hmong story revolves around Tony P. Who was the model for the crazy guy in Apocalypse Now. The Thais kicked him out of Chiang Mai a few years ago because he used to go around town drunk shooting his 45. But the Hmong loved him and he was married to a tribal princess. Until he died he ran the Hmong community in the US. I don't know how many are in the US but there is a lot.

    Apparently at least 168,000 in the US. Thai is spoken at home by 120,000.

    According to the US Census of 2000, there are over 320 languages spoken at home. I've selected some below. Some relevant to SE Asia, others as a reference or just out of curiosity.

    You can find the source file here: http://www.census.gov/population/www/cen20...-t20/index.html

    Language Spoken at Home for the United States: 2000

    Language Number of speakers Arabic 614,580 Balinese 125 Burmese 19,700 Cantonese 259,750 Chinese 1,499,635 English only 215,423,555 Finnish 39,770 French 1,606,790 German 1,382,615 Hebrew 195,375 Japanese 477,995 Korean 894,065 Laotian 149,305 Mandarin 174,550 Miao, Hmong 168,065 Miao-Yao, Mien 16,510 Mon-Khmer, Cambodian 181,890 Spanish 28,100,725 Swedish 67,655 Thai 120,465 Vietnamese 1,009,625

    Many people and cultures, make up the population of the United States which is a country of immigrants, in the US. there are 4 states that are minority/majority states. the so called minorities are the now the majority-in Texas, New Mexico, California and Hawaii.Source http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/censusanssta...a/minmajpop.htm

    There is a large population from Vietnam, and many Hmong are being allowed to enter the US, not enough to paid the debt in blood owned them and other Ethic people that were allies to the US in that war. Just a few days ago I saw pictures of Hmong being returned to Laos from Thailand , to an uncertain fate.


  5. One needs to get to know ,who they are marrying before the wedding ,just like in the rest of the world. In the States, I lost my house and had to pay, huges sums of money to my ex and she could spent it any way she so pleased. Even though it is labeled Child Support!

    I married my Thai wife after we lived together for 3 years, We moved to her village, had a lovely wedding ,only her and I, I paid no sin sot and was not asked for any. We then had a party and at the party release the news that we were now man and wife.

    This is Thailand a Falang can not own property here according to the law, when we brought the 1 rai for our home, when she registered HER land, I signed a government form that I did not claim any of the property.

    Thailand is a community property country, you can get compensation for half the value of the house and any furniture you purchased after your union. Thats it period!

    My wife handles all the finances in the family, she put aside the sum of money we have to pay on a monthly ,basis and that money is not used for anything but Internet, Electricity, water , gas , UBC etc

    We decide together on any major purchases, It is my complete understanding that the house and all furnishing are for her and the girls. I came into our home purchase with that understanding. If things ever go wrong in our marriage I will walk away and leave all to her and the girls. It is my hope that never happens.

    One girl in the village, I assume works as a bar girl and came into town with her German boy friend who gave her I 1/2 million baht to build a house where they are going to live after he retires and moves to Thailand, when he is not in Thailand she comes into town with her young Danish boy friend.

    When he comes to the village ,what type of respect is he going to receive in this village, from the Thai people here, None!


  6. Expats need to learn Thai, Period. The language of the land Is Thai !

    Country's like America are passing "English only laws",

    After 10 years in Rural Thailand, what little Thai I speak ,is very poor and people do not understand what I say.

    But I am Hearing Impaired and Thai Is a tonal Language!

    When I go to Thai speaking stores, I take a picture of what I am looking for.

    As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words!

    Works great for me!

    Good Luck:

    Cheer :)

    Buy some hearing aids..... easy enough

    I wish it was that simple, when you have a hearing loss in the profound range and speech discrimination is in the 30 percentile bilaterally, hearing aids are of little use.

    I paid $1,000 for each hearing aid, a total waste of $2,000, (66,400 baht) state of the art 5 years ago.

    Before someone, says there has been a lot of improvement in technology in the last 5 years, I had my insurance company for years, buy new state of the art hearing aids that are not effective with my type of hearing loss. and at my age I could care less, I get along excellent in my living environment.

    Cheers: :D

  7. Expats need to learn Thai, Period. The language of the land Is Thai !

    Country's like America are passing "English only laws",

    After 10 years in Rural Thailand, what little Thai I speak ,is very poor and people do not understand what I say.

    But I am Hearing Impaired and Thai Is a tonal Language!

    When I go to Thai speaking stores, I take a picture of what I am looking for.

    As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words!

    Works great for me!

    Good Luck:

    Cheer :)

  8. I lived in Hawaii when it was the Territory of Hawaii, The cost of living then was very high , all of Hawaiian products were shipped in from abroad, which accounted for the high cost of living, people were very friendly, but there was a lot of anger against the US Armed Forces, for their excesses during Martial Law during the WW II . The Islands are Beautiful , I live on the Island of Oahu and Maui. I loved the Islands but I would not live there for the high cost of living.

    In my estimation moving to Thailand would be your best bet, concerning the cost of living and the increased purchasing power of 33 baht -to the US dollar.

    Good Luck:


  9. The Swastika has been used by many cultures thought out history, By Native Americans. By the Hindu Religion in the 5th Century BC, By the Buddhist religion, Was used on Chinese products to show they were in line with the diet of the Buddhist religion, Used by the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe, Was found among Viking artifact in Europe, Goggle (Swastika in Wikipedia)

    Used by Buddhist and Hindu Religions in the 5th Century BC.


    Native American Basket Ball team in 1909


    Used as good luck charm by aviators.


    There are many more examples of the long history of the Swastika, use thought out history in all parts of the world.

    You should be more worried about the growing Nazi movement in America.post-91962-1262344928_thumb.jpg

    Southern California

    Nazi Movement in Omaha.


    Nazi in Arizona: Notice Hitler Smiley face on Bullhorn!


    You need to clean up your own yard before you attempt to pass value Judgments on the Thais!

    It is best to keep you mouth closed and be thought a fool, Then to open it and remove all doubt!


  10. I have lived in Thailand almost 10 years now, and it stills is Paradise to me.

    I also chose who I interact with, and I chose to interact with the Thai people, have very little contact with other falangs, really do not care for their company. I have noticed ,the few times falangs have come to my village, they usually are brought to my house for a visit, I guess Thai believe I would want to interact with falangs. I chose not to.

    I always treat any guest to my home with respect, my house is always open to my Thai friends and neighbors. when they come in the falang usually retreats to some corner and sits there alone not interacting with my friends.

    I do have a couple of Falang friends that ,I have not met in person, we are more of a mutual project society, as they are doers and not talkers. Those are the type of people I like.

    Not some dirty old man the stares at all the young women, that visit my daughters.

  11. The US Has Alway backed Israel, At the rate of 3 billion dollars a year in military aid. It also is a fact that the Nazi movement is alive and well in the US. just look to the you tube films concerning anti Mexican rallies in the US. Check out the White power hate group in the US.

    Again I state 'It is out of line to question what Thai Students and their teachers do'. Clean up your own back yard in the U.S. and Europe of your youth Nazi movements before you attempt to attack Thailand's Youth.

    Your Ethnocentric values are not the values of Thailand's youth!

  12. Jingthing, I am tired of playing your silly childish discriminatory games, you can have this forum as you and others have set up the poll to favor your position.

    I will no longer post in the Mexican food forum, once it is moved. You can play your games, but I also can chose not to play them. I do not go to restaurants, I make my own Mexican food, I do not need this forum for any reason other then to respond to the misconception that you all referred to as authentic Mexican food.

    Discrimination is just that, there is no other way to address it , I have let Thai Visa know of my objection to this (sic) poll. if they accept it then, thats OK but I will not be playing in it.

    You standard response is "sour Grapes" but what I do with my grapes is my own business.


  13. Native American used the Swastika, way before the was a Nazi Government in Germany And it still is in use by many Native American Nations today, Many other cultures that also used the Swastika have no reason not to use them today.

    I do not agree with this holocaust hysteria, especially in light of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians,


    Why is it that only 6 million Jews are remembered, Russia lost 23 million in that war, many to Nazi inhumanity. Untold millions of people lost their lives to the Nazi and Japanese murders.The Rape of Nanking etc.

    When you see US youths all decked out in full Nazi uniforms at anti Mexican rallies , The youth of the US and Europe have seen a great resurfacing of Nazism, under the guise of White power.

    In that light I think your criticism of Thailand's Youth is out of line.


    People on the Russian front were soldier (poorly equipped by their government), soldiers dieing in battle is hardly the same asd rounding up people and sending them to death camps. Keeping reghurgatating the earlier use of the Swastika is irrelevent, we are not talking about Buddhist or Natiove American symbols we are talking of 3rd Reich ones.

    I agree that Japanese attrocities in China should be tauight more in schools in nthe west along with Nazi war crimes, but the fact one is 'overlooked' is not an excuse to allow the other either. However, I get where you are coming from on this. Isreal; has yet to round up six million Palestinians and gas them, so I believe the analogy is somewhat off (though the action is strill condemnable). It is often said that the first casualty of war is innocence.

    We are not talking about kids wearing symbology per se, we are talking about a school that tells the kids to wear it - there is more than a subtle difference there. As this has happened before, and the government felt obliged to appologise, it seems silly to allow the same embarrassement to manifest again for the same reason.

    Facism is indeed on the rise in some part of Europe (and America I guess - though I'm not sure if one type of facism has just beenm swapped for another?), and most of these countries stamp down on it - in several European countries it is illegall to wear such symbols. In several countries inciting hate is illegal too. Even political parties on the extreame right are careful to distance themselves from Nazis (those that believe they have a chance of election at least).

    When the Nazi invaded Russia, they were treated as hero's freeing the Russians from oppression. That soon changed as Nazi murdered millions of Russian. Part of the reason the Nazis failed at Stalingrad was because of Russian guerrilla groups attacking there supply lines.

    Poland lost millions of it people to Nazi crimes after the month long invasion of their country, no nation in Europe escaped the Nazi Criminals or their killing machines!

  14. We do not have any police in our village, I have lived here 4 years and have not heard of any crime at all.

    on the rare occasion someone gets out of hand his family deals with him. Never had anything stolen!

    Certainly a lot safer than living in the U.S., by far!

  15. It is a no-no, to hug a Thai women that you do not know very well, a Wai is the acceptable form of greetings.

    At school my daughter gives me a flower on Fathers Day and I give her a kiss on the cheek, it never fails that the teachers alway ask for a re-kiss to take pictures. My girls wai me every day and then give me a kiss on the cheek every time they leave or arrive back at the house. I am very close to my wife and daughter, my Mother in law, my wifes sister, my wifes married cousin, I alway kiss them on the forehead.

    One must be very careful about hugging or touching Thai Women they do not know very well, it may lead to a physical affront with her partner.

    In my village I am always touched by all Thai women and men. most of them think that I am still in good shape for my age in the 70s.

  16. Native American used the Swastika, way before there was a Nazi Government in Germany And it still is in use by many Native American Nations today, Many other cultures that also used the Swastika have no reason not to use them today.

    I do not agree with this holocaust hysteria, especially in light of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians,


    Why is it that only 6 million Jews are remembered, Russia lost 23 million in that war, many to Nazi inhumanity. Untold millions of people lost their lives to the Nazi and Japanese murders.The Rape of Nanking etc.

    When you see US youths all decked out in full Nazi uniforms at anti Mexican rallies , The youth of the US and Europe have seen a great resurfacing of Nazism, under the guise of White power.

    In that light I think your criticism of Thailand's Youth is out of line.


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