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Posts posted by kikoman

  1. The only badmouthing of falangs I ever heard, was that "Falangs smell bad."

    Do not take care of personal hygiene. And smelling some my self even having to move to a different seat at a bar because of the smelly ones, but never heard it outside of the bars in Pattaya.

    Cheers: :)

  2. I can not believe the mind set of many posters on this thread. Demeaning the damage done to rape victims, and those forced into the bar circus because of economic reasons.

    It is a well know fact that many people come to Thailand as Sex Tourist, They come here with the sole intent to become engaged as consumers of the sex trade.

    Gays are more excepted by the Thai general population then they are in the Western world. Why the concentrated attacks on the persons that object to the actions of the accused that are referred to as ignorant/discriminatory.

    Solely, as this thread addresses the actions of one individual, why the outpouring of such a heated debate with some posters making as many as 10-20 post defending the practice of the Sex Trade , by attacking the Thai enforcement of Thailand's laws and its focus on area that has many gay bars, not all gay bars.

    They should remember they are not citizens of this country, many come here solely to partake in illegal activities, The law is focusing on these unwanted individuals, as the person arrested was an outcast within the gay community, of bar owners in the area.

    TIT and as such Thai Authorities have the right to defend itself from unwanted actions the threaten its youth.

    Much like the U.S. and Europe are doing by excluding those they deem are a threat to the country's moral well being.

    Cheers :)

  3. Coming to Thailand was the best decision ,I made in my life . After my 1st year in Pattaya, I moved to Sattahip for a few years, then to central Thailand.

    I married my soulmate, as she is all I ever wanted in a women, and I thank Buddha and God every day for her and my Thai Family and Friends.

    I have had some ups and downs while being here, nothing worse then where I left to come here.

    I am indeed a Lucky man!

    Cheers: :)

  4. They were a little to strong tasting for me, and with a lot of chicken eggs available. I used them in cake making and all recipes , that had eggs as one of the ingredients. They worked out great!

    Hope that was helpful for you.

    Cheers :)

  5. Pedophile is against the law (period) It dose not matter who is doing it and for what reason.

    It is demeaning to all gays, for some on this forum to attempt to take a position on the high ground or grey areas on this subject.

    There is no high ground ! All who participate in these actions should be arrested and charged for those actions.

    All who attempt to justify these action by trying to find grey areas in Thailand's laws, setting themselves up as if they were the experts, instead of the laws of our host country Thailand.

    Are only showing that they condom, and do not care about the law enforcement against sex slavery.

    It is not a crime to be gay, It is not Homophobia for the law to take action against such persons, who will be entitled to their day in court.

    It is not only a gay issue ,as it also involves both genders, which makes Pedophile a crime for all .

    Cheers :)

  6. Hi Kikkoman

    I just planted some Cucumbers a few day's ago .... & green bean's & pea's .... how long did it take for your cuk's to grow from seed, to the pickle jar??

    How about some Pickled Polish Sausages with Garlic & Chillies???


    Hi SlackJaw Chef.

    My wife estimates that it took 45 days, from planting the seeds to the pickle jar, I made refrigerator Dill pickles.

    Something strange happened to the Cucumbers growing in that 45 days, we have alway planted the small Thai Cucumber variety , this year for some reason it grew some very big Cukes, some about 12" long, do not know why ?

    When you make pickles it is always suggested to cut off the blossom ends, but on the big cukes the green area at the top for some reason the outer dark green skin is very bitter tasting, so when I made my pickles,

    I cut them off to fit in to the jars, my wife peel them and they had a very good taste, without the outer skin.

    PM me your recipe for the pickled Polish sausage, and I will try them.

    When is your web site going to be up and running?

    Cheers: :)

  7. Wow kikkoman, the food looks great.

    Would you be able to describe how you created these culinary delights please?

    Is it difficult to do and what resources do you need?

    One of the best resources is the next poster, SlackJawChef, He is planning on opening a web site soon, also ChefHeat is another poster that is a great resource.

    Found out all I needed to know from them, and Search, on the internet, Recipes and how to build an inexpensive smoker etc.

    Try it it is fun and saves a lot of money!

    Good Luck!

    Cheers: :)

  8. I do not care who gets offended!

    Underage is under age, there is no gray area in the law, for that pervert!

    If he was not breaking the law, then law enforcement would have been concentrating on other offenders!

    12 years old regardless of consent, is against the law. The law dose not differ solely on the gender of the underage victim.

    There is no high ground on the subject, period!

    It is evident that there has been a long running investigation, by the reports that the FBI and French Embassy police were involved.

    Cheers: :)

  9. That was my plan also, I watch very close the amount of food I eat, I was going to freeze the ham, bacon and now the sausage. But my wife and daughters like the food very much and my neighbors want to try some out , so I am making more.

    I would encourage you to do your plan "A", make it and freeze it in small amounts.

    Good Luck, and Good Cooking.

    :) Cheers: :D

  10. Just wanted to share my experience of making my own food at home!

    Just this last Week, I made Bacon, Ham, Sausage and pickles.

    These are fresh stuffed Polish sausage, just need to cook. They were easier to make than ham!


    These are cukes from our garden, I made Pickles also made with home grown dill , Garlic and chile


    These are my Bacon and Ham, I made 3 days ago. The bacon I smoked the ham ,I did not smoke, I have 2 hams curing in the fridge now. Those I will cold smoke.


    Sorry the quality of the pictures of the Ham & Bacon are not to clear!

    Making your own food is easy, economical, safer food and fun. Try it you will like it.

    You can find the recipes on the Internet.

    Cheers: :)

  11. I did not come here with many expectations, and my female traveling companion, told me She thought I would never leave Thailand.

    I found an old mans paradise, beautiful women, cheap booze, cheap prices and my companion, despite her young age had been to Thailand many times, and showed me what to avoid, what to eat, where to shop, massage parlor that actually gave massages. She stay in Pattaya with me for 12 days, when she left to attend Dive School in Vietnam I was well schooled on Pattaya, I had a lot of fun with beautiful young women, drinking and fighting (after New years)

    I was drunk and became involved, in a fight with four Thais, I at 65 years of age held my own, until I was stabbed in the arm by one of the Thais, then my being drunk went away, as I am on heart medication, one being Warfarin that dose not let my blood clot, I did not know how bad the cut was, and realized the fact that I could bleed to death, I fought my way down Soi 8 towards Beach rd., when a couple of farangs came out of a bar and the Thais ran. The stab wound was not bad (14 stitches) at the local hospital.

    That made me realize that the life I was living had run its course, it was no longer fun, I went to mini Siam where my future wife worked and met her there, when we started going together, I had her quit her two jobs, day job cleaning lady at a hospital and in the evening working at Mini Siam as a cashier.We moved to Sattahip. Then to the village life in central Thailand.

    Now I live a very quite life in the village. I do not regret running wild for the 1st year I was here, I needed to get that out of my life and I did.

    I Never blamed the Thais for the fight, I was responsible for at less half of the incident that started it.

    Cheers: :)

  12. That is why one should have a little idea of Thai customs.

    What they are showing you is a ceremony all Thai young men undergo around age 19, they become a monk and there is a party paid by the parents to invite all family and friends.

    Their picture could be one of a couple of meanings.

    1 They were inviting you to the party,

    2 It also could be that they were asking you to drive your truck at the occasion, but that is normally the duty of the parents.

    3 As you say they were elderly and the young and middle aged people usually dance all the way to the Wat (temple) They may have been asking you if they could ride in the back of your pick-up to the Wat and back.

    I have been to many of these "monkhoods" The picture shows the young man in the pick-up ( not yours) his head is shaved as, well as the young boys in the family that were chosen to accompany him. It is tradition that he rides under the umbrella.

    They are not asking you to pay for anything, envelopes are usually given out to the invited guest, and we deposit 100 baht in it and give it to the family at the dinner after the ceremony. If it is a close family member we give more.

    It is my guess that they are asking you to drive them to the wat in the cars that follow the one taking the Monk.

    Cost to you is the gas to go to the Wat, and 100 baht if you go to the dinner. That's all.

    Cheers: :)

    Jolly good show then.

    Fortunately, they're 16 years too late. Definitely me in the back of the truck mind.

    How can you tell in your infinite wisdom, that is a picture of you in the back of the truck?

    To me it looks like Ton, a young man from the village, I live about 5 blocks from the local Wat and see these happen at least 25 times a year. If it is a local youth. everyone dances from the youths home to the Wat accompanied by all the locals that like to dance,also the ever present Thai marching band. I have danced in a few for friends and family members.If it is from an out side village all come in trucks, with a large truck to accommodate the dancers.

    I re-examined the picture and can not tell how you can definitely say that it is a picture of you in the back of the truck. It just is a picture of a stick drawing.

    Saying that is you in the back of the truck, makes one wonder of the sincerity of you post.

    Cheers: :D

  13. Interesting in legal terms. I fully expect TW's daughter will inherent everything accept our car and I would still support the daughter at least to the end of her schooling. Knowing the family, as I do, the home would still basically be mine to use as I do now, BUT I don't think they would appreciate it if I was to move a Mia Noi in and I wouldn't!

    It was my understanding that a farang, could not own property in Thailand, half of the house and belongings, would belong to you, for the right of collecting some of the cost, I may be wrong but ,It would not be the 1st time!

    I agree with bdenner, We built this house for my wife, She willed it to her daughters with the provision that ,I live here as long as I choose.

    We built it large enough to accommodate her parents, whom I believe will be the caretakers as my daughters will leave the village after graduation from the University , to join their chosen professions.

    The house is never to be sold but remain, to future generations of her family?

    If the unforeseen happens, and she passes on before I do. I would leave my village as to many memories of my lovely wife remain here.

    Cheers: :)

  14. Why did you need an Agent?

    I and two of my brothers were all married here in Thailand, I went as a witness with my brother to marry in Bangkok, all went well except for at the end of the paperwork, the officer doing the paperwork asked for 1000 baht fee, and Thais were charged 20 baht, they paid no more problems.

    My other brother was married at a Thai marriage ceremony at a large Wat in Bangkok, A extremely nice ceremony, they gave the Wat a donation in an envelope and I never asked how much?

    When I was married , I did all the paperwork myself, had to get a Thai translation of my Foreign Divorce Certificate With Embassy stamp. I also had to get an Embassy permission to marry certificate, these I took to a translation service across the street from the Embassy, the translation also had to be stamped by the Thai Documentation office. I paid 1,300 baht for the translation and the service of the translation service to get the necessary Thai stamp, and mail it to my home in Nakhon Sawan Provence.

    Upon receiving the paperwork we went to the Lat Yao Amphur office to get married, The fee was posted on the wall for 200 baht to marry, also we did not have to take any witnesses as the staff at the Ampur would sign on our behalf.

    We waited a long time as Amphur staff was in an intense discussion about our paperwork,Finally they called us to the front and explained the problem, The Translation service misspelled my name ,and was not the same as my name on my passport. They called Bangkok office a number of times to get permission how to continue with our marriage. I was resigned to the fact that we would not be married that day.

    A female Officer came and advised us she was going to take responsibility and OK the marriage, we went on with the paper work and were married, when it came time to pay the marriage fee ,they refused to take it and apologies to us for the amount of time we had to wait to be married.

    No tea money ,No marriage fee.

    Cheers: :)

  15. I am not one of the haters, that live here for ages and only complain about the choice THEY made for a country to live in. Nothing is holding them here

    It would be more charming if you just mentioned your positive feelings about Thailand without launching yet another complaining expat go home tirade. Also, maybe you don't see this in yourself, but there you go you say you are not a hater, and then you start a negative rant filled with generalizations about people.

    I do see his point though JT.

    There is nothing holding many of us here, and I doubt many are being held in Thailand against their will.

    Then again, look at forums for the Philipines, Japan, Korea, Singapore, they're all the same too, full of complaints by expats that choose to be in those places.... :D

    In fact I can really see what your point is, cos looking at a certain Forum today that is frequented by members of the security forces of the UK, Nobody there has anything to say that is good about the UK.


    Thank you!


  16. It's quite clear kikkoman has fallen in love with a "pad thai" :)

    Because I am Happy here, I live in a rice farming village and choose to interact with my Thai friends and neighbors and express my love for Thailand and its people. I am not one of the haters, that live here for ages and only complain about the choice THEY made for a country to live in. Nothing is holding them here

    they have the freedom to leave ,as one would say vote with their feet.

    Was I wrong in expecting some kind of an intelligent answer ?

    There is an old Saying: "It is best to be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt"!

    Cheers: :D

    Of course you deserve an intelligent answer, but as you only joined TV last year most posters probably assume that's when you arrived here, so take your comments in that context.

    When did you start living in Thailand?

    I am going on my 10th consecutive years in Thailand If you look at when I joined TV, its says 4 years in central Thailand.

    Why should someone comment be on what they assume, and not the contents of my post.

    Cheers: :D

  17. That is why one should have a little idea of Thai customs.

    What they are showing you is a ceremony all Thai young men undergo around age 19, they become a monk and there is a party paid by the parents to invite all family and friends.

    Their picture could be one of a couple of meanings.

    1 They were inviting you to the party,

    2 It also could be that they were asking you to drive your truck at the occasion, but that is normally the duty of the parents.

    3 As you say they were elderly and the young and middle aged people usually dance all the way to the Wat (temple) They may have been asking you if they could ride in the back of your pick-up to the Wat and back.

    I have been to many of these "monkhoods" The picture shows the young man in the pick-up ( not yours) his head is shaved as, well as the young boys in the family that were chosen to accompany him. It is tradition that he rides under the umbrella.

    They are not asking you to pay for anything, envelopes are usually given out to the invited guest, and we deposit 100 baht in it and give it to the family at the dinner after the ceremony. If it is a close family member we give more.

    It is my guess that they are asking you to drive them to the wat in the cars that follow the one taking the Monk.

    Cost to you is the gas to go to the Wat, and 100 baht if you go to the dinner. That's all.

    Cheers: :)

  18. It's quite clear kikkoman has fallen in love with a "pad thai" :)

    Because I am Happy here, I live in a rice farming village and choose to interact with my Thai friends and neighbors and express my love for Thailand and its people. I am not one of the haters, that live here for ages and only complain about the choice THEY made for a country to live in. Nothing is holding them here

    they have the freedom to leave ,as one would say vote with their feet.

    Was I wrong in expecting some kind of an intelligent answer ?

    There is an old Saying: "It is best to be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt"!

    Cheers: :D

  19. I am the only "FARANG" living in my village, that along with my size 6'2", 250 lbs, make me stand out at the village market, one thing I alway hear is the word farang, much as all on this forum refer to locals as, They or Thais. I know the sensitivity of western (US) people to other languages spoken around them, as they have to be taking about me.

    I have seen the way Westerners behave in their drunken state in Pattaya and Bangkok. demanding their rights in a country that is not theirs.

    I have read the most Racist and Bigoted remarks about Thais on this forum, that seems to be the home where the real Bigots in Thailand reside.

    I have been overcharged by a Western company that charged me double the price for an item my daughter (who is Thai) purchased, and the price of a certain low priced item as advertised, was quoted to her at 3 times higher than the advertised price, even when my daughter had their price list with the items marked on it as the items I wanted.

    I called the owner and complained to him, He laugh and said it was an honest mistake as they sold the items in kilos before, and half kilos now and his staff must have forgotten to re-price the item. "He made no mention of giving back the extra money or ,the extra half kilo that I was scammed out of", He also said that the cheese price was a action by a new employee and he would make sure it never happened again. Needless to say I do not purchase from there any more.

    He was not just a western company, but an advertiser on this forum!

    You only feel you are the victim of racism because you think it is directed at you and you do not get the proper respect you expect by those, you (perceived) to be less important than you!

    Cheers: :)

    We have all experienced double pricing and been called Falang. My question is: Is a greater good served by doing so. Or is it merely a way for government and big business to use foreigners as a welfare token instead of taking a broader action from within. If the government serves the Thai/Chinese minority interest, does it not make sense to use somebody other than themselves to balance the books to their own financial benefit disguised as welfare to the less fortunate ethnic Thais? IMHO The idea of double pricing is propaganda perpetrated by those in charge to suggest that they in fact understand the plight of the poor ethnic Thai and are doing what they can to make it better. The ethnic Thai looks up at the price chart and noticed he is only paying half of what the Foreigner is charged. He thinks to himself that he doesn't have it so bad. It could be worse, he could be a falang. The best part is, the extra money is going into the pocket of the already have, not the have nots.

    A Thai/Chinese business charges Foreigners more than it does Ethnic Thais. Why???? To create an illusion and line their own pockets while doing so?? I don't know the answer but I don't think the ethnic Thai is the target benefactor in this arrangement. You are not being screwed, you are being used to perpetuate an illusion.

    I was not referring to the Government,or the Thai/Chinese, I was doubled priced by a Anglo farang business man.

    All the scams are not the action of They (Thais) against farangs. I was the victim of a farang scam.

    In no way did I refer to Thai and/or Thai Chinese, as the perpetrators of the scam.

    Cheers: :D

  20. I have one more simple idea that might fit in well with the other: Chili. <br /><br />Lots of Westerners like it with crackers and cheese. And you could put it over tamales.post-99053-1264041555_thumb.jpg

    Or chili over rice. I first had chili over rice in Hawaii about 25 years ago. Since that time, it has spread to LA and Vegas. Chili is a kind of stew, so chili over rice makes sense, and tastes great. Put it over rice, no beans, and the Thais might even try it.


    I ate Chile over rice, on the Island of Oahu back in the 50s ,When I was stationed there. I still eat it that way to this day, I also ate corned beef /onions simmered in chile sauce served over rice and Spam fried rice.

    I loved Hawaii but the cost of living is so High.


  21. I am the only "FARANG" living in my village, that along with my size 6'2", 250 lbs, make me stand out at the village market, one thing I alway hear is the word farang, much as all on this forum refer to locals as, They or Thais. I know the sensitivity of western (US) people to other languages spoken around them, as they have to be taking about me.

    I have seen the way Westerners behave in their drunken state in Pattaya and Bangkok. demanding their rights in a country that is not theirs.

    I have read the most Racist and Bigoted remarks about Thais on this forum, that seems to be the home where the real Bigots in Thailand reside.

    I have been overcharged by a Western company that charged me double the price for an item my daughter (who is Thai) purchased, and the price of a certain low priced item as advertised, was quoted to her at 3 times higher than the advertised price, even when my daughter had their price list with the items marked on it as the items I wanted.

    I called the owner and complained to him, He laugh and said it was an honest mistake as they sold the items in kilos before, and half kilos now and his staff must have forgotten to re-price the item. "He made no mention of giving back the extra money or ,the extra half kilo that I was scammed out of", He also said that the cheese price was a action by a new employee and he would make sure it never happened again. Needless to say I do not purchase from there any more.

    He was not just a western company, but an advertiser on this forum!

    You only feel you are the victim of racism because you think it is directed at you and you do not get the proper respect you expect by those, you (perceived) to be less important than you!

    Cheers: :)

  22. It is only ,good enough because you make bad choices, Smelly water, buy a water purification system as I did took care of the problem. Because for me it was not good enough. You eat at a restaurant with your table set over a sewer,with roaches running up your leg. Why did you chose thar restaurant to eat at, I would have picked another place to eat,as the one you described, is not good enough for me.

    Your roof leaks, why did you not buy silicone, and hire a person to fix it ,the minimum wage in this country is under 200 baht a day.

    There are solutions to your problems, but you chose not to use them.

    Then you would have nothing to complaint about.

    You seem to settle for less then the best.

    I love my life in Thailand, its a life far beyond what I had expected when I came here for a months vacation, 10 years ago and never left.

    Look at you glass again and it is half full!

    Cheers: :)

  23. I would question who was ignorant on the point in your post that Thai youth purchase Swastika shirt, the historical use of the Swastika, was not born in Europe in the World War II years,

    Google the meaning of the ancient use of that Symbol and its relevance to Asia ,as well to the Native Americans in the US.


    See what its meaning is in Thailand, vs its use in Europe and the US, by Neo Nazi groups To day!

    I thought the Swastika was the reverse of the ancient Buddhist symbol.

    The Swastika has been used by many nations/ people world wide since way before the birth of Christ, it is held in great reverence by the Hindu,Buddhist and other religions and Native American Tribes.

    In Thailand people, especially the younger generation, see the symbol in a different light then persons of the west do.

    Westerners should not be ignorant of its meaning in Thailand and Asia, before making their shortsighted value judgements. Here is a attachment on the use of the symbol before WW II.

    You can google on Swastika: use before WW II !


    Cheers: :)

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