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Posts posted by BigPanda

  1. Sorry Richard if my word seem storng sometimes, i dont always mean in a bad way (english aint my first language) but anyway my point is, that in my experience it is impossible for a foregneir to meet a good woman at the begining of his stay in Thailand. Its of course possible to meet good women but it takes a while.

    So all I am saying is if its your first trip, dont think about girlfriend, just travel and enjoy.

  2. Are we allowed to take scalps if we join the coup? I always liked lots of scalps on the pole outside my teepee. Bring me much power. Impress squaw.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment. Aside from it being wrong, it's downright ignorant.

    Scalping was more of a Europeans practice. Both the French and British colonoial occupiers of North America introduced the practice as a means to encourage the killing of natives. The practice was also a means for the French to ensure that the local natives that were hired as mercenaries were really reporting accurate kills. The kills were not paid for unless there was evidence of the kill and this was achieved by bringing back a scalp. You don't know your Canadian history do you? The English set a bounty on scalps taken by settlers in Halifax. They also did the same in the Mohawk wars and against the Dakota nation in western Canada.

    Are you really surprised by a member who is saying he has almost murdered many people... I guess he did not follow my recommendation of seeing a doctor, psychologist or psychopatrist ASAP

  3. I'm not sure if you even CAN come to Thailand on a one way ticket. I would take Guesthouse's suggestion and check all other sources. Coming from an ajoining country MIGHT be an option. In any case you will need to get an entry visa stamped after 30 days or you will be in the country illegally. Thailand has clamped down on that in recent years. The best option is to get a triple entry tourist visa and extend it three more times. But, that would require a return ticket. If you can Not afford a return ticket then you really can't afford to come to Thailand.

    An other BS post, For my business i always travel on one way tickets as i never know the date i will come back. Never ever ever had any problem, even if my passport has 40 pages filled in the last year.

    Best Advice, don't listen forum poster, do what you want. But genuine adviced about real situation (Not BS ones from SP) should be considered

  4. If you want to have fun with girls, why are you even asking questions on TV. God i dont understand you kind of people, just come here for sex like most tourist and thats all. No questions asked

    If you are looking for a real relation, forget about it before you know the asian culture first and have an income here. Otherwise why would a normal girl with a job fall in love with a foreigner without a job and whos probably going to return to his country a couple month later.

    Stop dreaming

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  5. Precisely mca !...

    and those are exactly the kind of horror stories we hear here that leave so many of us jaded... and lacking in trust for so much longer. As said previously, I have a fantastic lady, and have absolutely no reason not to believe her implicitely,.. and then there are the stories... that would leave us bankrupt if maybe we did believe her implicitely.

    And that's the rub.. you're doing great, yet can still provide horror stories, and indeed that's the basis for the thread.

    (Were you blessed with having a fairly godmother as well ? :) )

    As I can see your number of post and the date you joined TV, your new to Thailand. Just hoping your new gig is not like my ex for your own good. I used to think like you before i realised i was getting scammed for the last 2 years by a woman i tought i had a relationship with.

    I probably gave you the best comment you will ever have, but I know you will not believe it as i didnt in your age and situation...

    Let us know in a couple month.

  6. Some workers on our house once claimed to have found lottery numbers on the back on one of the terrapins in the garden. When I finally checked there were indeed numbers on its back, but it was obvious they had been badly scratched on. This made me wonder did one of them do it to fool the others, or did the one who found them also scratch them on? Either way I think they are complete idiots with this number finding lunacy. In no way do I find it quaint or enchanting. Ignorant idiots all of them!

    Like I said it is a cultural thing, something that needs intelligence to be understood.

  7. Instead of the usual hearsay, rumour and contrite responses, maybe some of you should go and take a look at some of the comments posted on the original article, he was a well liked guy.

    Whether he had insurance or not is besides the point, he is in a mess in a foreign country, far from home. Yes, insurance may or may not have helped him, but have a bit of compassion. From some of the posters here, the fact that he is a single bloke doing a bit of part time work with or without a work permit seems to justify his predicament.

    Some of you stupid old farts should think how you would feel if this was you son!

    Self righteous <deleted>!

    Let's see who is at fault with the accident, do you think the drivers of the other vehicles bare any responsibility? Where is their insurance? Will their insurance cover this guy to get back home? I doubt it.

    They also say he HAD insurance but it had lapsed due to his longer than planned stay....ever forget to pay a bill? No I doubt it, you lot are all so perfect.

    Happy to read some sensitive post. Most of the negative posters here are something i cant mention here treating him like he is some kind of ...

    I fell very sad for him, work permit, insurance or whatever doesnt matter anymore. Just hope he can get back to his family if he has the power to, because for myself i know that i am way to weak to endure this. I would much rather have the hospital shut down the equipment on me.

    He is a very courageous young man, same of my age, and I wish him the best and to stay strong.

    He is lucky also to have such a strong mother, all the respect for him and his family.

    About insurance, you can have two types here, health and accident which cover two different things...

  8. What a long post,

    It just part of the Asian culture... But I wonder how the OP girl can chose her numbers, because usually you have to select from the numbers the lady selling has. You can't chose your number randomly.

    just thought i would enlighten others with a story that is all .. apologizes for a long post ,

    this was for the underground lottery .which you can chose your own numbers .

    Good answer, but now you are talking about something illegal... Illegal activities can not to be discussed on this forum, the rules are very strict.

    Just teasing, needed to have the last word,

    but anyway asians are very spiritual with the gambling and numbers. Once drunk my thai friend who gambles a lot explained to me that we farangs could not understand how they gamble and why they go casino. It seems they take it very personally if they win or lose as a sign of good karma or whatever.

    There is just something thats very different in culture. I cant remember all his explanations but he was trying to tell me why some asian people can bet all their money and property on stupid gambles only believing that spirits and numbers will make them win because of karma or something. For them its not about luck.

    They even have free taxi-vans to go to casino in Cambodia.

  9. here's another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women: She's a property agent in Pattaya, agreed to (and paid up front) a twelve month lease on his house, he went back to UK, discovered 6 months later she had forged his signature on multiple docs and somehow managed to lawfully sell the house to a loan shark. He's now struggling to reverse the mess and regain ownership, in between lots of bribery from both sides to get the co-operation of you-know-who.


    tsk..tsk...not another juicy story about a farang being ripped off by a Thai women. What is the world coming to?

    Sadly yes, and here is a juicy story about a farang being ripped off by an other farang and a Thai.


    What happened to the sick buffalo, now it is only the property stories

  10. My number one: Massage Culture. Can't afford to indulge very often back home (US).

    1-hour foot massages for 4 bucks (120 THB) A foot massage while reading allows me to leave the planet for a mini mental vacation.

    2-hour oil full body massages for 13 bucks (400 THB)

    Special massages on occasion. (varies)

    My full body massage costs me 1800 THB. Where you get that for 400, you must share with us !!!

    I may look like a pervert but what I would miss the most is looking at all the sexy women on the street, i come from a very cold city where you wear long clothes 8-9 months a year... don't see much mini-skirts there.

  11. What a long post, I believe it's ok what they doing I am sure they don't take it so seriously and it is a way to entertain themselves.

    As the tax for the poor... I agree 50%, My best Thai male friend is quiet wealthy and he loves to play the lotto every weekend... Well he loves anything to do with gambles actually but also the lotto and 2 weeks ago he spent 8000 Bath on tickets and won around 100k. So last weekend we sitting at some street noodle shop and the ticket seller comes to us. He checks the number she has and and said he did not like her numbers this week and did not buy any.

    It just part of the Asian culture... But I wonder how the OP girl can chose her numbers, because usually you have to select from the numbers the lady selling has. You can't chose your number randomly.

  12. I would never bring a girl i meet in a bar after 1 night in my condo or room... thats for sure. After 4-5 meetings maybe.

    I only go to her room get it done and get out of there or nothing. But being in Thailand why bother and take unnecessary risks. I think there is enough massage and you only need to stay 1 hour with the girl, it is well enough.

    So no I don't think you are paranoiac, i would be acting the same in your situation.

    Ho and this being Thailand when you bring a girl in your room for a one night thing, there is also high risk that she comes knocking on your door ready to move in with you after 1 night. Never again. I remember when i was not careful...

  13. My method has worked for me to the point where I no longer get calls.

    I ask them to send me a copy of their bank account. I tell them that if they have more money than me I will meet them since it proves that they are good.

    The usual response is, "OK have a good day" and they ring off.

    I have been broker free for nearly a year now

    Your lucky they still call me 2-3 times a week, usually its a Philippine lady or an English guy. I told them many nasty words but they still call back. Who knows why. When i ask how they got my number they say they got it from business reference and some crap, but I know its from our website and I cant hide my contacts or name as I am the owner of the company... and its a very small company so easy to find me

  14. Someone owes you 5500 pound and doesnt pay, what you do is go round there and politely ask for your money and get a date when theyll pay it.

    Then when this dates comes you go round and collect it, if they dont pay you bounce their head off a wall, no matter who it is.

    And then park the girl up for causing you such a headache.

    well apart from the old man would probably shoot me the g/f would and is capable of kicking the shit out of me the relatives are high ranking police officers,i think i will give her dad a little more time,

    I think you should have mentioned that the father in law was a policeman earlier... the replies would have been much shorter :)

    Good luck anyway I know it's big headache to get "scammed" by the in laws, but really you should politely confront the in law. If he doesn't have the money tell him to pay you back 5000-10 000 every month until its completed. He gets a loan without interest and you get your money back after a few years. I did that recently to someone and apparently they agreed but I am still waiting for the first payment so maybe it's not the best advice after all. Worth a try maybe you get luckier.

  15. Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

    Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

    Exactly so.

    I think that some posters are limiting themselves to displaying their understandable prejudices regarding mlm rather than considering the situation described by the OP. What's right for his girlfriend in this? What could he do for her in this? What alternative can he offer that's better?

    The strengths and weaknesses of having an mlm agency in Thailand are secondary to what's going on in their relationship over this.

    If he can't find something better he should let her get on with it and focus on their relationship.

    In my opinion you are wrong, why would you let your girlfriend waste her time and money on something that doesn't make any sense.

    She is depending on the company and even if 1 day she can make $100 a week, there is always the risk that the company closes. So she loses all for nothing, just the head people got rich in time. These companies don't have a very long life.

    If she wants to sell consumer products why don't she find some reliable factories of the same products and start by being an agent for the factories, even opening a small office and can negotiate by herself anything with the factories and even have her own brand in the future. It is not that hard, you don't need a big capital and you may make money in the future, but it takes time and lots of work.

  16. All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

    Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

    Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

    In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

    Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

    Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

    I take it that you have never owned any business to talk like this. You would also make a terrible manager if you can't respect the hard work business owners have to go through before business can be successful. If it was as easy as you think, anybody with little money could sit on their ass all day and let other people work, but the truth is that most businesses don't survive the first 3 years.

    I do know some who got very rich not doing much and letting other people work for them, but they had great ideas, a very strong marketing sense and doing what most people believed was foolish.

  17. I would never believe in that kind of crap. People involved are usually very good at lying. They recruit usually easy targets, people with no job or unsure about what to do but who dream everyday to make millions of bath and they are used by the founders to make money for themselves just like posters above said.

    It is your life, but if my girlfriend was doing this, I would ask her to stop dreaming and get a real job or a great idea if she wants to make money.

  18. Nice people don't stab other people...

    That is not exactly true, Loz. Nice people DO murder other people when they get provoked enough. Who knows what happened in this sad case. I can think of a dozen different scenarios... none of which pertain to money of the deceased. I've come very close to murdering a few people myself, but none were personal acquaintances. And, I consider myself to be a nice guy.

    You claim to be a nice guy yet you've almost murdered not one, but a few people.

    Are you serious?

    Should seek a good doctor asap!

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