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Posts posted by BigPanda

  1. You sound like a vey STUPID person!

    How many animals died today just to supply you with food?

    Well I doubt any of them were on the endangered species list.

    Yes, but it is actually not the woman fault that the tiger is on such a list.

    What makes the life of the unborn chicken i had for breakfast less worthy than that of a tiger who wouldn't think twice to have another animal from the endangered species list for his own breakfast? nor would a tiger think twice about if any cruelty is involved when he hunts down his food.

    As the natural habitat of the tiger is mostly destroyed by humans, we humans would put him lifelong in a jail anyway.

    Droped out of school pretty early didnt you ?

    Eggs you eat for breakfast are not unborn chicken... No need to explain all the biology behind that, just make a research on google.

    Edit: Didnt see Danielle post she answered already

  2. Certainly not all bar girls are sleazy. Certainly a large number of normal Thai women at some point in their life supplement their wages by the pay for play business.

    One would have to be very naive if one did not come up with a statistic that at least 50% of marriageable Thai women have at some time or another in one way or another been involved in some way with the P4P business.

    There have been various reports on major universities in Thailand that put the percent around the figure I have mentioned. If you look hard you can find them.

    So it is certainly not a habit confined to women who work in bars.

    People who look down on wives or women in general because of their past associations or employment or proclivities are in my mind really missing the point.

    Sex is not the same in Thailand as in the west. They are bringing their own values to another culture and judging that culture by Western standards.

    Do a large percent of Thai women who have Falang husbands also have Thai husbands? Of course they do and any Thai can attest to this. But it is not the same as having two husbands in London or NY. This is Thailand.

    Very true, and for many of these university students, getting paid is as normal as western university girls having a one night stand. But because 50% do it doesn't excuse them.

  3. Many Farang only know Pattaya thu Walking Street, Beach Road at night, Soi 5-6 and Gogo, and these girls are very sweet speaking...red warning!

    Never get emotionally involved with prostitutes. All have a sad story, and man you can have a lot of empathie for them, but they have crossed the line between good and evil and will never come back.

    Good luck with your marriage. Thai women are sweet and loving, not like most arrogant Western girls. They are also very crazy at time which make the life more fun.

    Very well put.

    It gets annoying sometimes that people will look at my wife as being a bar girl. Mostly other Thai women will give her some attitude. Like at the bank today one of the employees was rather rude to her in asking her what the heck she was doing going to Canada with me and we opened a joint account and need a statement. It wasn't the one helping us but just some other one that walked up and was talking in a tone as if to put her down.

    Funny thing is she is a graduate, doesn't drink or go to bars, and was the one with the money, even buying me a big bike, car, etc. And she doesn't even really want to go to Canada, but will because I am going.

    So you are the gigolo ? Your situation is the reverse of most. Maybe the bank girl was trying to help her "why you going to canada with him if you had to buy him a car ?"

    Just teasing you... but worth thinking about it.

  4. you can get a lifetime membership at most California WOW gyms for around 12,000 baht. My friend just got one for that price. I would re-check with them again.

    Yes, if they wont give it to you at Ekkamai, go register at the one on Silom Road (near the bts). Ask that in the deal you will be able to use every Cali Wow gym in Thailand make it written in your contract. This is what I did and no problem so far after over 9 months. Never had any issue with after sales, never had any trainers or sale agents talk to me.

  5. If it was such a high class Hi-So best and most expensive restaurant, he would have been refused the entrance in flip flops.

    But as he was accepted, that means it was ok to dress like he did for that evening.

    End of the discussion.

  6. That guy definately should be deported. You never get involve in individual, family's, group's circumstance without respect to the leader. I would never let my friend shit on my father's head even if my father and his family is not perfect (just like everyone else).

    If you do not want to respect him.................................please please leave.

    You have been brain washed pretty hard. I piety you.

    Send me a pm for fun, i will let you know how to come to my office, its in the center and a few Thais and I can explain you a couple of thing. If you ever dare I wait for your pm or you give; send me a message with your fun (i know ur a troll) number.

    I am sorry but I must take it that you are A. troll B. a .... (3 points (sorry have to protect myself) )

    But when you are in front of me we will see what you are.

    To the mod: cant you set up ur programming that when a member is banned, the ip he is using is banned as well. Thanks. Just a suggestion

    Hiding is no longer available to you if you cant answer me.

    Thank you.

  7. Sabre>> He elevated the opinion that 'farang shouldn't have an opinion here' amongst normal people. That is damage done to us all.

    And screaming at judges in a court-room wasn't done to be nice, even if you might not label it as 'done in malice'.

    Of course farang should have an opinion, we're all human beings after all. Of course we need to exercise a degree of diplomacy and cultural sensitivity about where and when we voice that opinion.

    There's no doubt that the guy has some problems with self-control and of course he has acted very stupidly, but if being stupid were a crime then we couldn't build enough prisons to fit everybody in.

    At the end of the day, his biggest crime was to voice his opinion in a foolish way. An unpopular opinion. He has not stolen, or used violence or hurt anybody physically. In my view he has harmed nobody except for himself.

    Whats is normal people to you ? Because when i speak with Thai people who are not brain washed, they think most foreigners who come here come for sexy time with dark skin women, but the others are who the one who work and live here are actually interesting to listen.

    I think you BG has put a little bit of herself into your head. We all know what he did was stupid, but this is not the point. Any educated and self respected Farang or Thai can make the difference between foreigners with their opinion and this kind of guy.

    By your judgment next time a farang is arrested, you should go in the media and say how sorry you feel because now all foreigners will be seen as criminals...

    Come on grow up. If someone has the guts to speak, good for him, but he should chose the right method to do it and be more clever about it.

    Dont forget that people who actually make a difference in the world are the own who dare to speak up and dont just accept what "has to be accepted".

  8. But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers...

    This maybe so, but I bet all the abovementioned personages hold your countries passport and are citizens and not living in a country as a perpetual tourist ?

    May I suggest as tourist, go walking through the middle of Washington DC and shoot your mouth off about the President, US involvment in Iraq etc etc and think you will find "freedom of speech" in action very quickly....:whistling:

    Well this is why i also said ''if its done in the proper manner''


    And yes i agree that Thailand is not ready for that because first they would need to open up to immigrants.

  9. Some comments are so crap. So you are also saying that any foreigner has no right to have its say about the politics in your country ?

    Dont be so brain washed and open your mind sometimes. If Thai politics dont want foreigners to discuss about it, its because they know most of us are not yet brain washed. I am not pro red and I think that the attitude of that Australian was not appropriate.

    But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers... I am not saying it should be the same in Thailand because Thailand is not mature enough as a state to be open like this and the protectionism is still well too intense. But many Thai love to speak with foreigners about their view on Thai politics so if the discussion is done in a good manner, well why not.

    Why even decide do come live in Thailand if you think that whats going on in the country is none of your business and you should not mind it ?

    I am bored with Thai politics just as much as any Thai and yes I am a foreigner, but I do have a business here building a life here. Its the same for any foreigners who come to live in a foreign country and build their life there whether they are teachers, have business, cooks or retirees. If Thailand is only a holidays destination for you then its your right to not care, but dont say that every foreigners should mind their own business.

    I am glad to have a brain and to use it as best as I can.

  10. Been contacted by a English scam company and just now by a Korean scam company. Well they said they were a Korean company but the woman speaking sure sounded from Philippines.

    Anyway its hard to track them back or to fill a complain because they are based in many countries and always change address and hide phone numbers.

    Just never invest with anyone calling you on your private or office phone or anyone sending you email.

    It should be simple, but some do fell for it.

    And never give your address if they want to send you something free, or your birthday or any personal information

  11. If its a small business it should not be a problem.

    But everyone has their own experience. Myself as a foreigner i never had problems with the 3 business i have concerning the police or government. I had many problems with my ex and her mother stealing the money from my business, even fired some staff thinking it was them. But thats an other story.

    So to answer your questions, to have business here you must be ready to fight. It may never happen that you must fight the police or government, but now my current girlfriend is having tons of problems with the tax people... Just because one of the big lady inside the government was trying to get some money from her company. We talking around 1 million bath. They went to court 3 years ago and the girlfriend won the case...

    But that woman is much older and has high position and she felt she lost face in front of everyone. So she is trying by every way to get some more tax money out of her company. Sometimes its insane the things they think about, but if you dont have a good lawyer, you end up depressed and scared and you settle for a smaller fee and just pay. That is what so many business do.

    If ever her business run well, she could have problems with police, tax officers and probably others that I have not experienced yet. The best is to know a good lawyer who can help in any situation.

    Best of luck.

  12. Do you want Thai salaries or Farang salaries?

    Are you looking to relocate here from ME? Salaries here are better than ME.

    My normal expectations are home salary plus airfares, accommodation, transport , (schooling I wish!!), etc. tax free (ie paid by company)

    I am looking for Thai salaries

    Is this serious ?

    Are you really doing a research or employed by a company and asking these questions on a forum without a clue ?

  13. There's no property taxes until you sell.

    But what about communal charges to the community, did he pay them?

    The first question that came to my mind was: How did he get a mortgage from the Bank in the first place for a 4 000 000 house without a job and without money....

    Sound impossible to me.

    I believe the op needs to investigate further and find out, not what his private community can do with such a man, but how did he come to own a house here the first time.

    I am ready to wait until next Sunday morning for an update.

    Maybe I could learn a few tricks from that, i am broke also but I would love to get a mortgage from the Bank for a new condo. Can i have his number I may ask him for help.

    Apparently he showed land papers of his non existing palm plantation and got the mortgage based on an income calculated on size of palm plantation he doesn't have.

    Where he got the papers, I don't know.

    Interesting, I always thought banks were careful investors.

  14. Its a question of culture, i also prefer the more white girls but its personal preference in my case. But for Thai its very cultural, they all like white skin much more.

    Like one of my close thai friend, he always ask me why foreigners like dark skin girls from pattaya and complain that a Thai man would never touch them. I explained it's personal preference but they cant seem to get this in their mind as white skin = beauty and dark skin = villagers from * or dirty workers is very deep in their culture.

    I have discovered that the most important thing for a woman here is to have very white skin and look well educated and clean. For a man the importance is to have money and be good family man (on the outside).

    So you are a man, I think as long as you have money the girls will still like you no matter how much sun you get. But if you don't have much money, chances are that you will stay with darker skins girls or woman of over 30, because very white and young skin ladies know their value very well.

    Hope that answers your question.

    So Panda san, do dark women over 30 do it for free?

    Well its a question of market, there is a demand for them (mostly foreigners in Pattaya as it is right now) they will demand according to it.

    But I am in no way discussing the business of woman for sale as it is against the forum rules. And my post was about the cultural of white skins vs dark skins.

    But I hope i managed to answer your question to the best of my limited knowledge.

  15. Its a question of culture, i also prefer the more white girls but its personal preference in my case. But for Thai its very cultural, they all like white skin much more.

    Like one of my close thai friend, he always ask me why foreigners like dark skin girls from pattaya and complain that a Thai man would never touch them. I explained it's personal preference but they cant seem to get this in their mind as white skin = beauty and dark skin = villagers from * or dirty workers is very deep in their culture.

    I have discovered that the most important thing for a woman here is to have very white skin and look well educated and clean. For a man the importance is to have money and be good family man (on the outside).

    So you are a man, I think as long as you have money the girls will still like you no matter how much sun you get. But if you don't have much money, chances are that you will stay with darker skins girls or woman of over 30, because very white and young skin ladies know their value very well.

    Hope that answers your question.

  16. There's no property taxes until you sell.

    But what about communal charges to the community, did he pay them?

    The first question that came to my mind was: How did he get a mortgage from the Bank in the first place for a 4 000 000 house without a job and without money....

    Sound impossible to me.

    I believe the op needs to investigate further and find out, not what his private community can do with such a man, but how did he come to own a house here the first time.

    I am ready to wait until next Sunday morning for an update.

    Maybe I could learn a few tricks from that, i am broke also but I would love to get a mortgage from the Bank for a new condo. Can i have his number I may ask him for help.

  17. Can't wait to read. Let us know.

    To the mod: I understand the lack of freedom of speech we all have in Thailand in regard to certain topic...

    Although i really do not understand the comment about the no-toleration of criticism of the court decision. If the criticism is done in a well constructed dialog and without personal insult it should not be blocked. I haven't read a Thai law stating that criticism of a Thai court decision is not allowed.

    Please use your judgement, if criticism of Thai court decision were not allowed then it would impossible for anyone to go on appeal against a decision. Is this in the law also?

  18. Well sometimes its about morality in business. I do not know if you are in business or what you do, but for myself i wouldnt do business with someone and thinking about how i can cheat them legally and get an advantage.

    Its something that i can't accept from people doing.

    I have also lost my first company to my ex, and the worst of it is that 1 week later she was staying with 2 english guys at the same time and they took advantage of my business and investments... even sleeping on the property i financed 100%...

    So if i was the op, i would feel really loser to take advantage of the misfortune of someone because the partner got greedy and isnt a good person.

    Things did turn out pretty good for me and my new business and pretty bad for her, had some problems with my work permits after i lost my company, but some friends company helped me. So I don't feel angry anymore...

    So to the last poster, do you understand that we farangs know that they are many ready to cheat us here, but when an other farang is taking advantage of this kind of situation and even has the guts to brag about it in public, well I am shocked and wonder where is the morality.

  19. Collider: There's a lot of talk that "The Hangover 2″ is going to Thailand.

    Phillips: I don't know. There's a lot of rumors. There was rumor also that it was going to Mexico or something and neither are true.

    Huh, i would like to know who's the producing company in Thailand as I have not heard of this. Should be easy to confirm if any of this is true....

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