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Posts posted by whichschool

  1. As long as the disabilty pensioners are in fact disabled, then it shouldn't matter where a person spends their money or their time, if they choose to spend time abroad then so be it.

    Pensions are paid in certain countries, I can't see why just because one chooses to stay in Thailand they should be penalised.

    I would suspect however that there are quite a few who are not actually disabled, just using the system, you know like all the Brits living here still claiming winter fuel allowance.

    Wow!! a huge sum - the winter fuel allowance !! Let's party every night, week, month, if the old bones of those that qualify would let them :):D

    As to the Aussies and the prospect of being denied this disability allowance, I feel for you there. Many UK people in the same situation have their money stopped in similar circumstances even if they are disabled.

    Seems to me that if you are declared medically unfit to work you should not have to be a prisoner in your own home. Life is too short anyway and for the disabled, also can be very difficult. Let them have the freedom to do as they choose with what little they do get.

    What you and the others say is true.....problem with the Aussie system is there is too many bludgers and too many people with not much wrong with them on these types of pensions.....its a shame to punish the sincere ones tho.

    Yes, but if youre able to travel to SEA it would seem you cant be that sick, surely if you can do that youre fit enough for somekind of work.

  2. i'd rather see liverpool win an egg and spoon race than england with the world cup. but then i've never put much store by patriotism and national pride and i've been pretty spoiled by supporting a club that has always won trophies. so agree with james' point about fans of clubs who never win anything having more of an interest in england being successful.

    Thats good mate because thats just about as much as Liverpool will win the forseeable future :D

    He is right thogh Carmine, picture this :

    Commentator : " Terry, plays it out to Lampard, Lampard passes to Aaron Lennon on the iwng who beats his Man, crosses it in to Peter Crouch & the T*ttenhma Striker has just won the WC for England " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sound's great yeah !!

    <deleted> that.. :)

    Fans on lower League Clubs are more likely to follow England too these days & in days gone by & i believe part of that is because of the lack of conflict between things like the above.

    West Hma do have a big England Following, i've been all over the World following England but now, with Footballers the way they are, i just can't do it anymore & added to that, i don't believe that many of them even wnat to play for the Country any more & see it as an inconvenince, i honeslty believe that & it angers me more than you could believe.

    I know there are others that believe like i do who have also followed England everywhere & don't any more..

    But thats probably more to do with them getting older and having other financial commitments, footballers have been arrogant cocksuckers completely out of touch for at least 10-15 years, and if you look at people like Jimmy Greeves even since back then so this cant be the reason.

    All those players mentioned are shandy drinking vegetarian cockneys and id be delighted fro the scenario mentioned .... club and regional allegiances should be forgotten when England are on, besides wasnt JT a WestHam fan as a kid and from that area.

  3. To me, the analogy is the same as "your wife or your baby".

    In this instance, the wife is England and my baby is City. I'll leave you to decide :)

    Theyve both something to offer .... the wife when you want something to eat and the baby when youre looking for slightly more intelligent conversation.

    Come June its England all the way!

  4. note to self: continue to cross to the other side of the beach rd. sidewalk when in the proximity of a muay thai boxer

    The problem is not Beach rd or the side of Beach rd.,

    the problem is a "tourist" has nothing to do on a dark area of Beach rd. at 3am. :)

    Avoid this area in late night/early morning and you will avoid 90% of these "attacks" :D

    Yes but people leave the bars at this time and may decide to walk back to their hotel and this route is quickest and easiest, people are on holiday and often have a false sense of security, not everyone who comes here is hardened to the place ... that pole looks lethal it cetainly isnt a flimsy beach umbrella pole.

    Rounding up all the drug dealers along there would be a good start and wouldnt be difficult, why dont those muppets playing pretend coppers do something constructive like this.

  5. Pros

    1 Its not governed by the Labour party

    2 I dont pay tax if i live here

    3 Available women (not bg's)


    1 The cheese is crap or ludicrously expensive for good quality stuff in the few places its available.

    2 No decent ham, for making cheese and ham sandwiches

    3 Cant trust 1 single adult here, applies to the natives and farang!

  6. :D everything is better......


    But owning a property which is the dream of many and the goal of why people work was a lot more easier then.

    You old fcukers have been building up the national debt and living well beyond your means for years just as they as they have in England its us lot under 35 that have got globalisation and cheap labour making us non competitive in the global labour market aswell as your debt to repay that now have it a lot harder.

    We were just unfortunate to be born to a non too bright generation who've fcuked things up for their offspring .. still its always good to listen to the stories of how you had to walk 5 miles to school uphill both ways. :)

  7. British humor is watched worldwide, you can't say that for all the others you quoted, you don't get much American comedy (if any) in the UK but they have ours

    Sorry, but all your theories are wrong. We get a couple of British shows in the US - like Faulty Towers - on PBS and that is about it and American comedies are shown all over the world. British humor is funny, but no better than anywhere else.

    Good to see another Septic thinking the world is the US.

    Friends has been exported eveywhere and must be one of the most financially successful sitcoms, but its more to do with women watching it for haricuts and hansum men/women then it being funny.

  8. I was in a similar situation about 5 years ago after a 6 month holiday here i had nothing to go back for but about 25000gbp in savings, fortunately i got lucky and started a company selling property overseas with the boom going on it was quite easy to make money ... if it were now anyone in a similiar situation would find things a hel_l of a lot harder.

  9. The Euro and the Pound crashing has nothing at all to do with the Baht

    Ive read several of your posts and this one proves you havent got a clue what you are talking about.

    The EURO hasnt crashed v the baht its about as it was 5 years ago when i was getting paid in it, and it certainly hasnt crashed v the dollar its higher then it was 1 year ago, though it has gone down in the last couple of months ... please look at charts from the last 6 months year, 2 years 5 years and since it came into fruition and then come back and tell me its crashed.

    I never said that the Euro has crashed vs. the Baht, in fact if you read a little closer next time you will notice that I went out of my way to say the the crashing Euro has nothing at all to do with the Baht :) Nor did I say that the Euro had crashed against the Dollar ( you will have to wait a few more months for that), I said that the Euro and Pound are crashing (i.e. in the process of crashing!!!) :D The Dollar rate was over $2.10/Pound less than two years ago and now it is around $1.48 (give or take) to buy that same Pound, the Euro was $1.60 not all that long ago and now it is around $1.33 (give or take),now that certainly looks like a crashing Euro and Pound to me :D When will the Euro and Pound have completely crashed? I guess we will not know that until it bottoms out and begins a sustained rise! I will say that there are many more currency experts on both sides of the pond that view the possibility of the Euro/Pound/Dollar getting to par now than there were just a few months ago. Next time you want to say that someone hasn't a clue, please have a friend who understands the English language read the post you are replying to for you, it may very well save you the embarrassment next time :D

    you wrote "Euro and the Pound crashing has nothing at all to do with the Baht" this is quite clearly implying the Euro has crashed against something .... as this topic is using present and historical facts, not the witless predictions of some fat American your statement is clearly wrong.

    The Pound is a little below its long term average of approx 1.55-1.6 v the dollar and the Euro is about at its long term average v the dollar, though sterling is well below its long term average against the Euro, if you wish to challenge any of these statement please bring some facts to the table.

    Finally another of your statements im happy to disprove with a fact not a webforum lie is the highest the Euro has been against the dollar in the last 12 months is 1.51360, as opposed to the 1.6 you are claiming.


  10. Ironically, some people associate a British accent with intelligence. They only know about James Bond, a witty, handsome, clean man; a real patriot who loves his country. I guess that group of fans have never seen, heard or smelled a real live expat Brit.

    Doesnt it come down to many on here are bar/whore mongerers and they meet and mix with Brit bar/whore mongerers and the nature of this beast is they need to criticise other to feel just a bit of self worth, hence their need to constantly take pops at the Brits.

    Anyway if you want funny go on youtube and search for Bernard Manning, no Septic/Aussy/Canadian/European etc ... comedian comes close

  11. Nicky's, the rest just follow!

    Have you actually tried the 'rest' ??

    I left 3 teeth on the plate after eating the roast potatoes there, hard as nails they were, truly bad food at its finest ... Sportsmans is the best ive had here .. roasties and yorkies are upto a decent standard

  12. This is getting silly.

    How about starting afresh. Can someone think of a sensible economic scenario whereby in 5 years time the rate will be over GBP1:Bt55?

    Yes, I can :)

    Yes but I can tell it is going to be silly from the smiley. Say like a 20 billion barrel oil find in Basingstoke.

    Or the Falklands

  13. The Euro and the Pound crashing has nothing at all to do with the Baht

    Ive read several of your posts and this one proves you havent got a clue what you are talking about.

    The EURO hasnt crashed v the baht its about as it was 5 years ago when i was getting paid in it, and it certainly hasnt crashed v the dollar its higher then it was 1 year ago, though it has gone down in the last couple of months ... please look at charts from the last 6 months year, 2 years 5 years and since it came into fruition and then come back and tell me its crashed.

  14. Was reading about this Sandros who Spurs are buying and saw a song that the Internacional fans sing about him (below) its got be be one of the most bizarre songs ever, if you know any better please share them.


    Sandro, a former Brazil under-20 captain, has been heavily linked with Spurs after Internacional president Vittorio Piffero claimed on Monday: 'The deal is agreed and we will sign this week'.

    Fans of the Mexican side have come up with what can only be described as either an imaginative - or just plain weird - ditty about the 21-year-old.

    It starts off fairly innocuously but then descends into something more akin to a nursery rhyme than a terrace chant.

    'Sandro raya de golas, Sandro raya de golas, Sandro raya de golas, que nosotros le daremos una vaca y él hace leche.'

    Roughly, it translates to 'Sandro scores the goals, Sandro scores the goals, Sandro scores the goals, so we will give him a cow and he will milk it'.

    The beginning in itself seems a strange choice, given Sandro's position (holding midfielder) and his record of just one senior goal for the club.

    But the cow thing - it's just strange, right?

    Apparently it's a reference to his "agricultural roots", but why a cow exactly?

    Either way, let's hope the Lane locals pick up on this. I'm sure there's never been a bovine-based terrace chant in the Premier League.

  15. Apologies can't argue with that, i dont know the ins and out of the voting for his position, but i wouldnt have thought a mere footballer from an average background originally got his job through nepotism.

    After his interview last year on the BBC i agree he has some niggle with the English but the governing bodies here are doing <deleted> all to protect English football financially and to keep the integrity of fair competition, and the Glazers, Abramovich, The Sheiks and those saps at Liverpool have no interest in this ..... so if this bloke does then all the better.

  16. Blatters days are number due to the fact that father time has caught up with him He has had his last wish with the World Cup going to South Africa,But as for Michele a good footballer but he does not like the fact that England are ruling the Champions League and will do whatever he can to bring it to a halt.IMHO

    Whether he has an agenda with the English i dont know, but this will bring about a fairer more balanced competition which has to be a good thing.

    Wonder if he'll do anything about the Champions League money distorting competition in domestic leagues as this has been the catalyst of needing a benefactor or an over generous bank manager.

  17. The worrying this is that this moron is up for re-election next year, wuth apparently no one standing against him. So much for fair play in his own job eh !!

    Thats good news he's changing things for the better, seems as if City will always be insignificant to Man U, and Liverpool will always be Man U's biggest rivals .. that ones got to grate!

    Id say this rule would affect Real Madrid more then anyone if the last years spending is anything to go by.

  18. Will just reduce the quality of the Premiership thus making it not such a spetacle for fans and our teams being not so successfull in Europe which is Platini's main gripe.

    It will increase the quantity of english players in the premiership but not the quality.

    The main thing that is affecting player purchasing power of English clubs is theyre paying somewhere between 100-200 million GBP a year in interest payments, this was nothing to do with Platini ... If he had his way 10 years ago English clubs would still have this money.

  19. Im probably in a minority of one on the footy forum in thinking many things that Platini is doing in terms of making football a far more level playing is a good thing, but it would seem he is doing far more to make European Football and the Premier League a FAIR competition then the Premier League itself, if what he wishes for in the article below comes into force.


    English football’s super-rich owners, including Roman Abramovich and Sheikh Mansour, face drastic curbs on their influence under Uefa proposals.

    The extent of the crackdown on “financial doping”, championed by Michel Platini, the Uefa president, is laid bare in a 60-page document seen by The Times. In it, Uefa sets out its detailed plans to force clubs towards break-even, allowing them to spend only what they earn.

    Owners would be allowed to inject cash to cover losses for a transitional period, but the amounts will be restricted and closely monitored.

    Over the initial three-year period of regulation up to and including 2015, owners would be allowed to cover losses totalling "45 million (about £40 million). The “acceptable deviation” from break-even would then fall to £30 million over three years and then less, with the amount to be determined.

    In other words, an owner such as Sheikh Mansour would eventually be permitted to put less than ¤10 million a year into Manchester City on average, unless the money is spent on infrastructure or the youth team, which have no limits on investment. That compares with City’s most recent loss of £89.69 million.

    While Platini has talked for months about introducing “financial fair play”, the working draft has brought those proposals into sharp focus.

    The European Club Association continues to haggle with Uefa for concessions. It is arguing for a five-year accounting period, rather than three, and for owners to be allowed to invest extra funds through equity rather than debt.

    Platini is determined to bring in regulations that will mark a watershed in the English game.

    While the proposals will be phased in over several years, many clubs will have to make significant changes — drastic in the cases of Chelsea and City — if they are not to fall foul of the new regulations and face a possible ban from European competition.

  20. I wasnt trying to offer a great reply just a simple one .... but well done at resisting the temptation to respond, you done a fantastic job of that well up until the point you responded, youre full of self awareness.

    :) So if someone says "no comment" i take it you construe that as having made a comment.

    Rivalex im picturing you as one of them blokes who during the week wears his Man United away shirt for knocking about in ..... then come the weekend you'll proudly sport your freshly washed perfectly ironed Man United home shirt that you wear for best! :D

  21. im clearly a sexist by nature and a fatist (if there is such a thing) which is why i think like this.

    Judging by earlier comments on another thread concerning the BNP and Enoch Powell, discrimination is obviously something of a hobby for you. :)

    Enoch Powell has been proven to be correct in his rivers of blood speech (this is a fact) if you wish to debate this elsewhere let me know ... and without question mass immigration has been dreadful for Britain most noteably the working classes so if this makes me a racist aswell as fattist and sexist then jobs a good'en ... how you people who've voted Labour or Tory in the past can claim the higher moral ground is beyond me.

    I'm already guilty of taking this thread off-topic so i'll resist the temptation to respond to this, as great as it is.

    (great being my temptation, not your response :D )

    I wasnt trying to offer a great reply just a simple one .... but well done at resisting the temptation to respond, you done a fantastic job of that well up until the point you responded, youre full of self awareness.

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