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Posts posted by whichschool

  1. There's a phonebox in Sukhumvit that doesn't get used :) could probaly get the two of you and a TV in there :D .

    lol, I'll bear that one in mind....

    don't worry, if you are a west ham fan (not sure judging by the avatar), you will soon be the laughing stock of the prem with Gollivan in control...

    Id be interested to know why Birmingham fans dont like Sullivan and Gold, theyve took you to the top flight built a decent ground and from what i gather left you on a good financial footing.

    Think that when the millions your new owners needs to be paid back and the cupboard is bare youll realise they werent that bad.

  2. She believes that Thai people should sit down and speak to each other. She believes that she can achieve more by voting than protesting.

    But they dont want to sit down with your wife or anyone who represents the poor.

    Are you implying that Ning is a bad person? You just read the horror story of her life and all you can say is your glad you didn't meet her? I think she'd be glad not to meet you. Me too.

    We are all happy then.

    Nowhere did I imply Ning was a bad person.

    If you had an iota of self awareness youd be aware you were putting her down with your final comment.

  3. 6. The focus of the UK government seems to be

    A. keeping itself in power

    B. awarding itself huge salaries

    C. growing the size of government

    D. keeping itself in power

    And to this end their main policies revolve around

    A. keeping the bankers happy

    B. keeping the minorities happy

    C. keeping the debtors happy

    D. supporting the Great British Property Prices

    E. spending even more money that they don't have

    F. destroying the GBP as the main effect of their profligate financial policies, but fed to the peeps as "increasing competitiveness"

    And on my list I do not see anywhere

    A. encouraging investment in industry

    B. reducing government overheads

    C. reducing social benefits to encourage or even force the spongers to find some work

    D. improving the quality of education (the opposite is in operation, dumb down the system so that everyone can boast a degree)

    E. restructuring the banking industry so that it becomes more profitable to actually develop and make products rather than juggle with complicated and ultimately destructive financial instruments.

    F. solving any of the structural financial problems facing the UK over the next decade

    Guarantee a referendum on membership of the EU and id vote for you ... i think this is when Cameron lost it by backtracking, but i also cant believe people would be so stupid to vote for Labour again. Though UKIP could be the Tories downfall, and play an interesting role in May and the BNP could do the same for Labour ... im hoping so!

  4. Not the end of the road by a long stretch one reason is that the brains of the world for some reason want to come to British universities, now if they start making efforts to keep these people there instead of being desperate for lowskilled East Europeans, Africans and Pakistanis this would be one small step to get back on their feet.

    Im out of England for a good few years and very possibly forever, though any pounds im making at present will be spent on buying some overpriced land back there just incase things ever go tits up for me, so long as land values go down its more important then the baht for me at present.

    Whilst it hurts a little paying a bit extra for a few beers and a plate of lasagna in LOS and the occasional barfine it isnt going to bankrupt me, but its just another reason not to invest in LOS.

    As for Labour getting back in, i just cant see how that can be possible despite Dave and his Oxbridge buddies being useless ... 5 more years of Gordon would be a disaster of immense proportions for Sterling as he's been found out by the markets as being a total charlatan.

  5. Apologies a misunderstanding, but if you read your thread it is easily misinterpreted that youre one of the people who think the UK wont be coming out of recession.

    In that you highlight when i said "sure even the biggest pessimist must accept the UK will get out of recession" , then start your respnse with "Well no".

    Im working in Saudi, with Saudis, Indians, Philipinos and Indonesians and my view is if this is the competition then Western countries will always be top of the shop, though with the vile property boom of the last 10 years to pay for, it will take a good few years to get out of this prediciment.

    I think when the Tories are in Power in May there will be a rebound in the Pound, and one way or another theyll get back into power as no party in a hung parliament is going to get into bed with the Labour Party as this would be political suicide for them ... The Lib Dems said this a few years ago - http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/ja...beral-democrats edited correct link

    Vince Cable as chancellor would be a result!

  6. I thought a while back they tied the baht to the dollar. Am I wrong on this and if not, why are we also seeing the dollar vs. baht going down?

    Because it isnt pegged, hence the fluctuations.

  7. Bingo! Yes, this is Thailand where you toss good money after bad. When your loyal customers start walking away due to excessively high prices the Thai solution is to RAISE prices. :)

    But theyve been raising prices for the 10 years ive been going to Thailand and people keep on coming and are willing to pay.

  8. I am looking for a relatively new furnished 2 bedroom apartment in Bangkok maybe near Ratchada but open to possibilities.

    Looking to rent it for 6 months for a Female and 1 baby and looking to pay about 17000BHT per month.

    I will be in BKK probably by the end of March to get it organised, and will be looking to rent it from the end of April.

    If you have anything like this please PM me.

  9. OK as the pounds so low and this is a Thai webste where there must be a fair few earning decent money in Thai Baht or other currencies, it would seem now is as good a time as any to invest in the UK, as im sure even the biggest pessimist must accept the UK will get out of this mess eventually.

    All my sterling will be getting invested in nice boring safe investments in the UK shortly, not worth putting it into Euros, dollar or baht investments at present, wouldnt have thought im the only one thinking this way ... surely this will be to the benefit of the UK economy.

    Well No! that is the thing here, there are a significant number of people who genuinely think the recession will never end, or a few others who think that the balance of power has shifted from Europe/N. America to Asia.

    I think they are on a loser but there you go!

    Fair play, but you seem to flood this forum with posts against the pound, can you confirm youve made a shed loads of money doing just this or is it just thoughts that come from reading and watching the same crap as us all that you get your visions from ... as if so i could have gone all against the pound 18 months ago by just stating the <deleted> obvious.

    PS You make yourself look silly by saying this recession will never end ... then backtracking with you statement about the balance of power shifting, come on this has been shifting for a good few years now, even during the boom of the last 12 years ... the free thinkers cant take credit for this!

  10. it's on channel 7 now, my wife is watching 24 on DVD and won't let me watch it.

    The Dan Sai Wife is 4 months pregnant - so she gets what she wants!!

    Dont stand for that after only 4 months, as when she's 7 months up the spout in June it'll make your World Cup viewing non existant ... tell her youre going to Soi Cowboy to watch it if she doesnt back down. :)

  11. do you mean fourth place alfie? because if mcmahon is genuinely saying that liverpool can still win the league he wants sectioning.

    i'm beginning to lose faith that we will finish top four anyway, and frankly if we don't we'll have got what we deserved. too many players have performed poorly this season and the manager's had a bad one too. if we don't secure some sort of significant investment it could be the start of a very slippery slope.

    Or it could be a blessing in disguise as they septics might realise theyre not going to come fourth for a long time with the status quo and decide to jump ship.

    Thing is the only people left who have money to throw away are the Saudis theyve been speaking to, surely this isnt what those fans protesting are after no matter how many Torress's they potentially get you.

  12. I was offered a place in a minibus to Toulouse in 1998 for the WC, never had any idea where it was until after a 22 hour journey on a come down in a back breaking seat i finally arrived ..... thought <deleted> to sitting in it on the way back and managed to jump the train all the way from the South of France to Cherborg .. we were met in Paris by 1000s of old bill at 6am ... dont know what kind of thugs they think the English are but i never thought anyone was interested in a ruck after a long train journey at that time in the morning.

    I went to about 40 away games by the age of 13, saw a promotion in 1984 but in that time never saw one away victory, stuck my finger in over 1500 scotch eggs at service stations in this time though :)

  13. OK as the pounds so low and this is a Thai webste where there must be a fair few earning decent money in Thai Baht or other currencies, it would seem now is as good a time as any to invest in the UK, as im sure even the biggest pessimist must accept the UK will get out of this mess eventually.

    All my sterling will be getting invested in nice boring safe investments in the UK shortly, not worth putting it into Euros, dollar or baht investments at present, wouldnt have thought im the only one thinking this way ... surely this will be to the benefit of the UK economy.

  14. Liverpools problem has always been they cant get enough in Anfield,too small.no foresight by the powers that be in the great 80's

    They couldnt fill the away end at Wigan last night if im not mistaken its only about 20 miles.

  15. Loss making industries were closed , and rightly so. No sense in propping them up as the country bleeds to death. Companies worldwide have shifted production to where costs are less than in house, but you can't move steel production, coal mines and ship building overseas. Rule No. 1 in business - if you can't make a profit, then don't do it.

    But since our nation shut down the shipbuilding yards those minor economies known as France and Japan have managed to create huge profitable shipbuilding industries with the gap we left ... My father worked at Swan Hunters in the 60s70s80s and recently was in a position to find somewhere for the company he works for to get 2 ships built, he ended up getting them done in Holland as there were government subsidies making it financial suicide to get them made in England, when at this company he met some Geordie lads who said theyd done no work for several months, now as the company wasnt making money it made him wonder who was propping it up! ie the Dutch govt.

    Dyson was making a profit in the UK he shipped it all overseas to make more profit ... what is your theory on this, whilst im a capitalist, im against globalists as its ruining our country and society.

    PS The banks needed propping up recently in the long run this is in the benefit to the economy, maybe the now dead British industry just needed time to adjust.

  16. This great news. I am a Canadian and my dollar is 10% to 15% higher right now than last year. Things just keep getting better. Strong dollar and less brits to deal with. There really is somew justice in this world.

    Got to feel sorry for those working in tourist Thailand if all they have are Canadians to offer wit, humour and fun, 3 human traits which are an alien concept to the Canadian race.

  17. Listen Stu is a good lad, he works for me as a labourer & while he aint the wilson... what do you expect for £20 a day? I think some of you lot should be ashamed of yourselves taking the rise out of a fellow Wall fan, to be fair he's never been the same since Black Nev (we call him black Nev coz he's black & his names Neville) dropped a hod load of bricks on Stu's swede a couple of years back, someone shouted watchout & Stu looked up to see who was barking at him & caught about 24 bricks slap bang on his boat. So think on hey before you start digging him out.


  18. Children in every country on Earth except maybe the deep Amazon or the plains tribes of Africa, are eating meat from livestock which is injected full of growth hormones, steroids (drugs), and glow-inthe-dark strong antibiotics.

    Its not mentioned in this or other anti-drugs stuff, but most of these chemicals in meat are a good deal harmful than cannabis for example. Ideally kids wouldn't do recreational drugs, and even more ideally ; adults wouldn't feed them steroids etc.at the dinner table.

    Ive got asthma from doing far too many buckets as a boy and for a long old while was too lazy to get a job because of it and other things, the worst ive ever got from eating meat is the occasional bout of the trots, but as people are living far healthier longer lives this throws your argument out the window.

    PS If in food production they didnt use what are most definitely safe chemicals in the amount we get, then food would be a lot more expensive thus causing more starvation throughout the planet.

  19. An Englishman from the same background as myself, birds of a feather flock together and all that.

    To all the PC folk who expressed that they wouldnt miind whatever, please fly over here to the Middle East or even go to many parts of Malaysia see how women are treat then come back with an honest answer.

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