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Posts posted by richieudon

  1. Agree totally with you and not to mention the amount of people that have been let into Briton to drain all our resources. NHS, housing and labour. You pay national insurance but have to wait a week to see a doctor, it wasn't like that when I was at school. Thailand has its faults but you don't get a £100 parking fine from a camera when stopping to let someone out of your car....

    Not sure what its like in America, but in England the shopping malls are jam packed with shoppers, more then anytime in the 70s, 80s or 90s.

    As for jobs, i was selling overseas property until a couple of years ago when business stopped, since then ive been in the oil industry and am getting job offers left right and centre from all over the planet, i left school at 15 hence have no degree and only have job specific qualifications that took about 2 months to get, my best mate set up a company selling VW's and is making a fortune and not 1 friend is out of work and most are in manual trades.

    Maybe the recession will kick in when interest rates and taxes go up and Gordon stops printing money but for now i dont think its that bad.

    However ive left the police state due to not wanting to pay 1 penny in tax to NuLabour or any of the 3 main political partys, aswell as the Big Brother nanny state, taxes that will soon go through the roof which will be paying for an even bigger government, needless beauracrats who wish to control my life and fine me for everything, being taxed to fund wealthy banks and bankers aswell as single mothers who get a free house for opening their legs and get 8 years of never having to look for a job funded by the taxpayer.

    I'll not be returning anytime in the next 5 years even to visit, though i am buying a plot of land as one never knows what the future holds and a plan B is always necessary.

    That's how it is to some degree in America, and continuing to get worse as it is in the UK. Really ridiculous. It's the main reason why I am here in the LOS.

  2. I didn't realise it was a public holiday until saturday morning otherwise I would have

    From what I'm reading it'd definitely closed on monday.

    Also talking to a friend who's been stung by immigration for the same reason. Reporting day was a holiday. I guess it's my own fault for not checking. How are the Thai immigration supposed to know 1st March is a huge day in the Buddhist calender and that it's a public holiday?

    Yes. Closed on Monday. Public Holiday.

    Tuesday will be no problem as there is a 7 day window.

    If you were worried you could have gone on Friday.

    If you do ever forget to report, the fine is 2,000 Baht.

  3. This is what I'm reading from the piece of paper that has been stapled in my passport...


    The ALIEN permitted to stay longer in the kingdom must notify your place of residenceto the immigration office every 90 days;

    case of application for extensionof temporarystay in the kingdomby TM.7 you have notified your place of residenceat the first time.

    Any ALIEN who fails to comply with, will be punished with a fine not exceeding 5000 baht for each day which passesuntil the law is complied with.


    To notify again 1st March

    All I asked is if anyone knows if Udon immigration office will be open on monday 1st march as it's a big Buddhist day.

    I don't really need conflicting stories about how much the fine is. I'm gonna go with what it says on the paper in my passport.

    I've tried phoning today but being saturday I guess it's closed.

    I'll probably drive there on monday anyway as I know how pendantic they can be.

    Thanks for your help..

  4. I have to go do my 90 day reporting on 1st of march as stated in my passport but this day is a big day in the Buddhist calender and was wondering if anyone knows if this woulod affect it being open or not?

    I don't want to go a day late as it states it will be a 5000 baht fine for every day late.

    But I wouldn't want to do the 100 km drive if it's shut....

  5. There is a hotel on Patong beach, about 8000 baht per night and their customers have to pay to sit on the beach directly outside the hotel.

    There doesn't even look like there is a choice on Patong. There's hardly any room to lay out your own towel if you wanted to.

    I think Phuket is run by mafia and it puts money into all the top dogs pockets, right to the very top.

    In which case, things will never change because there is just too much bread involved. There are nearly a thousand tuk tuks in Phuket, if every one only had to pay 1000 baht rent per month, that rakes in 1 million. Add to that the beach chairs and bars staying open late etc. you get a picture of how lucrative the top jobs are.

    No wonder the BiB pay for their positions.... :)

  6. Head back there on another night with a bag full of poisoned meat and when they come for you just drop it on the floor.

    It's what any Thai would do.

    You are Farang.

    You have no rights in these situations.

    As another post said, it could be a small child getting mauled by these dogs (Thai or Farang).

    Dogs have the right to guard the property but shouldn't attack people in public.

    I get it all the time up in Baan Nok if I walk anywhere.

    If I happen to go for a run I have to take a stick with me...

    TiT :)

  7. A number of people were hospitalised following the incident, with Muang Thong United being declared winner as Thai Port FC refused to continue playing.

    Police said they were looking for troublemakers and they would be charged for bodily assault.

    Well if this is what really happened then the Thai Port FC should be charged for acting like girls and not respecting the referee's decisions.

    Brining the game into disrepute and causing riots.

    How is the "loss of face" thingy dealt with when it comes to sport? Anyone know?

  8. Why are people panicing? 10,000 baht is nothing. It's approx $300. usd/$320 CAD/$330AUD and 220 Euro. It's hardly a fortune.

    If you are not carrying some cash on you when you travel, then you are not being prudent. What happens if there is a power failure and the atms or cc systems go dowm? what happens if you are stranded somewhere and there is a gigantic line at the atm or it runs out of cash? What do you do if the atm eats your card? What happens if you are stranded and the cc doesn't work. I have had all of these scenarios happen to me in the past 5 years of traveling. That's why I carry cash. I have yet to be robbed, scammed or pickpocketed (knock wood.)

    A lot of people (myself included) would probably wait until they arrived in Thailand before going to an ATM machine to withdraw THB.

    A simple solution would be to install ATM's before you go through immigration. Have you ever seen the rates they give for THB in say Heathrow Airport?

    If it's 52 baht to the £ in Thailand, you'll probably get 42 in London.

    Just another stupid rule really...TiT!

  9. No one is picking on Thai women. What Notanidiot2 is trying to get at is watch out for the con artists and the forums that inadvertently (through political correctness ) support the charlatan attitude.

    Also the person who made this video was a British women. So one can say it's biased or sexist.

    If you look carefully at what Notanidiot2 is saying

    I get the feeling that this guy is does not like Thai-Bride agencies and women who marry men who are not from their own country I don't think he is actually attacking Thai women or Thai people.

    Quotes from Notanidiot2 blog

    "I am warning BRITISH MEN about the double-dealing and ghastly behaviour of Thai women who use dating and introductory/Marriage agencies.

    All that these women want is your money. These women do not love you and never will.

    It is all a big confidence trick.

    The agencies are conning you.

    The Thai girls are conning you.

    Do not believe these evil scumbag women and Falang agency men, it is a conspiracy.

    Once you have signed that marriage document all your money will disappear slowly.

    The average divorce in the UK will cost you £15,000 and the rest (ancillary relief).

    There are very few websites that warn (especially British men) from these evil doers.

    However be warned there are many UK VISA forum websites that encourage British men to marry and bring in foreign wives. Do not trust these biased forums as they are narrow-minded beyond belief.


    "This is a serious warning about marrying Thai woman via the Internet and Bride agencies. They are all a bunch of liars. Do not marry a Thai girl via these agencies they will cheat you big time. They are not genuine people. They are all rip off merchants. The girls and the agencies

    You have been warned."


    "20,000 Thai women will marry foreign husband this year, WHY?

    Because they hate their own country

    Because they hate their own Thai men

    Because they can send money home to ma

    Because they get foreign passport

    Because once they get foreign passport they can then bring in more of their own people

    Thai girls who live in Thailand marry a Thai man are descent good Thai people.

    Thai girls who marry foreigner from Internet dating and Bride agencies are ********* scumbags

    Anybody who marries Thai woman from Internet will get their <deleted> chewed

    These Thai girls are not genuine"

    Anybody who marries Thai woman from Internet will get their <deleted> chewed....

    I seem to have missed out on the opportunity....should have used the internet... :D:D:)

  10. A regulated meter-system, (beginning at 35 Baht, like Bangkok), should be a priority. The vehicles in the top picture don't look like tuk-tuks to me, they look more like the share-taxis they have in Pattaya and some areas of Bangkok. If so, I wonder if they are run like they are elsewhere. You pay ~20 Baht, they wait till they fill a truck with people going the same way, then they leave.

    If this is the case in Patong, I wonder if the problem is that tourists don't know how to use them, and are renting out the whole truck. I could understand the extortionate fees that I've heard about if that were the case. Then there just needs to be signs informing the tourists how to use them properly, like in the bus station at Pattaya.

    Please read the several hundred posts on Phuket tuktuks that have been posted this year and you will realise that your thoughts could not be further from the reality.

    These are single hire tuktuk taxis that look very different from their cousins in Bangkok and the rest of Thailand.

    ....and the minimum fare (for 100 metres) is 150 baht..... :)

  11. Why are you carrying your passport around with you? (just asking to lose it)

    Why shouldn't someone be able to carry their passport around?

    Someone tries to give a warning about pickpockets and you always get a smart arse answer.

    I bet you're the type who says a girl deserves to be raped for wearing a short skirt...

    let's all just go around with 20 baht in our pockets...

  12. Thai people don't go to seafood restaurants. They prefer river fish. If you want good Thai food go to Kaap Gluay in Patong. On the road going out to Kathu about 100 meters before the temple and the hill. On the north side of the street. Get Pla Chon. A good seafood restaurant is Patong Seafood (on the beach road just south of Bangla).

    Thanks for the info but I can't agree with you that Thais prefer river fish. Sometimes it's the only choice you have in parts of Thailand.

    Fish from the sea tastes so much better and I miss it being up country.

    Kaap Gluay sounds good so I'll try that, thanks....

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