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LivinLOS last won the day on January 10 2017

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  1. Can anyone confirm the largest tires sizes on the stock 18 inch rims that dont rub at all ?? Or cause any issues. Long Version. Trying to help my old man out who has just bought one in the UK, comes with stock 265-60-18s (775mm dia) which look VERY under tired in the arches. I quick scan online says 275-65-18 is fine (815mm dia) and even one post of 265-70-18 (828mm dia) claiming no clipping but the pics he posted look awful close. This is for my old man who wants a bit more tire but REALLY doesnt want to put up with rubbing or clipping. Speedo drift is ok but obviously dont want any ecu / computer error issues, I doubt it at the kind of change I am talking but modern cars not sure ?? Blackcircles has better choice in the 275-65's.. Geolander and cooper AT3's top of the list.
  2. I have been having this debate with denialists on FB over and over.. The 'I calculated my exemptions and believe I have no liability' crowd are very strong. The Oz super guys are the heaviest in denial.. Pointing over and over to the 'soley' in the DTA without understanding (or rtaher refusing to) that if Oz chooses not to tax, that is then untaxed income.
  3. Currently have a very budget 8 x 4 fiber pool that was pumped by a .75hp chinese LX pump which I always felt was low flow but wasnt sure if it was just old / weak or not enough power spec. Pump has died and I cant get an impeller anywhere (even tho there are companies selling the pumps.. No parts !! and no reply from china HQ after many attempts.. Usual bad budget choice) so new pump time. Currently powering it with the spa pump which is noisy and higher hp. Next year the whole lot is being pulled out and I hope to fit in a +- 10x5 overflow concrete pool and redo to a salt system and a few nicer features. None of it is properly specced out yet but assume a 1.5 deep end and a 1m shallow end, steps and features I am guessing 60 - 70 cube volume ?? Makes sense to buy a pump now that will easily operate that kind of volume and healthy overflow. What hp / flow rate should I consider ? Price is secondary (but not irrelevant) to lifespan, parts availability, efficiency.. So basically suggestions on a 'decent' brand without looking for the greatest. Theres stuff on lazada for 5k but I assume it will be chinesium junk.. Emaux seem well supported ?? Any advice or things I am unaware of ??
  4. It would be for all tax residents. Which most expats are.. Get ready for next years tax filings.
  5. Father has had superb treatment at nuffield for prostate and under a (very fair priced) copay for bupa.
  6. Just to be pedantic as a rider who refuses to follow this. Thailand doesnt have a law that says bikes must ride in the slow lane, but the police, lawyers, judges and courts seem to think it is the law and apportion blame accordingly. Go through the road traffic act and code with a fine tooth comb and no such law exists. There is one line which applies equally to cars bikes and any other road user which says something like 'all vehicles should remain in the leftmost lane unless overtaking'.
  7. Possibly.. But that clearly shows you the law exists doesnt it ?? You cannot be charged for a crime that is not a crime.
  8. Only on a DTV (and possibly LTR tho it isnt clearly exempted in the Royal gazette publications for the LTR) it is not 'generally' legal. Also what is nonsense.. These cases have been very public knowledge to anyone who looks.
  9. No or she would have dropped the case not needing the judges involvement. She has pushed consistently for his punishment and deportation. Considering the sheer volume of dodgy things on Phuket it seemed petty at a minimum. Only in any way news because she was a 'Dr' and enough status to push it.
  10. So how about the teacher working online ?? Not paid in Thailand no Thai clients. Arrested, processed through the IDC and deported.
  11. Your not reading him.. The OP falls under the work from Thailand professional category and can't get a digital work permit for that category. You can not obtain a work permit on the work from Thailand professional category, for your non Thai work. There has to be a Thai employer to obtain a work permit. Which means someone who is on the wealthy pensioner who wishes to work in Thailand, can apply for a work permit for that work which they do for a Thai entity but not for work done for a non Thai entity.
  12. I was not aware of that rule.. However I hope the edit should make it clear why the statement works.. There is a conditional in the statement which you seem to seek to avoid.
  13. The DTA states "Any pension paid .. in respect of services of a governmental nature rendered to that State or subdivision or local authority thereof shall be taxable only in that State." The caveat of 'in respect to' should also be clear ?
  14. Private pensions absolutely should not be taxed at source in UK. What pensions are you claiming are UK taxable for a non resident ?
  15. Many, even most Gov pensions (western) are assessable.. N Americans are not in that.
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