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jippytum last won the day on September 24 2024

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  1. illustrates the double standard in Thai politics. Students charged with the same offence have immediately had bailed denled and sentenced to jail. This poser has been granted indefinate ajournments, remains free to abuse Thai politics and fly internationally without censorship.
  2. thankfully a hugh deficit currently thanks to the expertise of the Israelis
  3. So you are the handsome one in your family
  4. would you prefere our woman to wear Burkas thr preferred attire for females.
  5. immigrants especially Muslims do not intergrate into societies. they prefer to have their own justice systems and favour Sharia laws and customs.
  6. Good i hope he receives a heros welcome. He has reduced but not eliminated the power of Hamas after they broke a long agreed cease fire and invaded Israel.
  7. Mandelson has a dishonest history in Politics. However like so many before him readily changes his opinion on President Trump to secure a top position.
  8. king Charles realises the importance of having good relations with the UK's next prime minister.
  9. You have done your homework and i hope you manage to exit as planned. It must have been stressful avoiding immigration for so long perhaps however not as stressfull as reporting and jumping through immigration directives from a rural location. Good luck
  10. You fail to note the difference between illegal immigration and legal migration important difference.
  11. UK is a member of the ECHR. Starmer is an avid supporter. Do you really think UK courts are not influenced by European dictate. The sooner we leave thr ECHR the better.
  12. Google is your friend. many reports in UK Mainstream media recently
  13. Medical professionals are not illegal immigrants.
  14. I agree however legal migration is a plus illegal immigration is a curse.

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