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Posts posted by BarnicaleBob

  1. This law is useless and a waste of Cambodia's time. They said the law was made to prevent human traffic to Korea and that these victims that went to Korea were set up by a broker. That would indicate to me that there were no marriages in Cambodia of the target victim population (girls who went to Korea to get married). So the law changes nothing, the girls can still go to Korea then get married. This law will not do anything at all toward meeting or correcting the problem it was designed for.

  2. http://www.thaivisa....-the-5th-death/ and there's an article in the NZ herald.

    Mostly I just wanted to post before this thread was closed. :rolleyes:

    Thanks Fishenough, but your link goes to the American woman's death which was the fifth suspicious death connected to the Night Bizarre. What I'm asking about is the sixth suspicious death connected to the Night Bizarre area, this time it was two French tourist who became ill and one of them died.

    I am looking for more information on this death. At this point I only have second hand unconfirmed information on the death of the French woman so I need some confirmation.

  3. Has anyone heard anything about two tourist, French women becoming ill and one of them dieing in Chiang Mai from an unknown cause sometime in mid January or early February? I'm looking to see if there may be a connection between them and the incident of six people who became ill (four who died) while staying at the Downtown Inn in February and the American woman who died in January.

    If you have any information about these French women please let me know here or by PM.

  4. You don't have to do anything to register your marriage with US government. You do need to apply for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to include your non-citizen/permanent resident on your tax return.

    I am curious how filling single could ever result in a lower tax then filing married. The only way I can think of is if your wife has income in Thailand which would be included.


    My wife has no income, it is just that in America retired older people pay more taxes than a single retired older person. It has been that way for years.

  5. I say this only because you said your wife applied for or wants to apply for a social security number. I had the same thoughts when I married over here and talked to my Stateside tax consultant about it. Being that I only have two incomes; social security and a pension my tax consultant files a short form for me. In doing so she found that I pay more income tax as filling as married than I do when filling as single. The difference was over $800.00 for me so I have not done anything to register my marriage with the U.S. Government and will continue to file as single as I have no plans of taking my wife to live in the States at all. I have made other arrangements for her to have income after my death.

  6. It was discussed in a different thread here on TV. Different hotel, different symptoms and certainly unrelated.

    Mr Pandolo said his wife was staying in a different hotel, but the symptoms were the same.

    Anyone know what hotel Mrs. Pandolo was staying in and how close it is to the Downtown Inn?

  7. On January 10th 2011, a very close friend of mine Soraya Vorster also passed away in Chiang Mai under very similar circumstances. I feel it is important to include her as well so get a more complete understanding of what is happening.

    Thank you,

    Can you PM me with more details about Soraya Vorster's death? I would like information such as where Soraya was living or staying at the time of contracting the illness, what hospital was involved, symptoms, time line of illness to death, age and general heath prior to illness and any findings by officials as to cause of death.
  8. Sorry about the title but I made a typo, it should be That Hotel Where People Die

    OK because we have to watch our Ps & Qs and be careful about quoting other sources, I went out and did my own poking around and did some interviews. Please note: no names posted.

    I went to the police headquarters today for a 3:00 PM news release by the police and the Chiang Mai Public Health Department. Upon my arrival at 3:00 PM I had to go from one office to another to try and find where the meeting was. After 20 minutes I finally found out that the meeting was being held at another police headquarters on the other side of town along the Super Hwy. By the time I got there the meeting was just wrapping up. I did get to speak with a New Zealand TV3 video contractor, and he took a short video of me interviewing the police spokesman and then one of me talking to a health department director. While speaking with the health department director I asked if they had taken hair samples from the victims to run toxicology tests on and he stated no but thought it might be a good idea to and will look into it. All the other toxicology reports came back with negative results. It was never made clear if the other toxicology reports were just blood tests or if the included tissue tests as well. At this point I would like to suggest the dead woman victim's family try to get the other two living victims to give some hair samples to a NZ lab and have them run toxicology tests. The hair samples need to be cut from the skin surface from the top of the hair follicles root. I have my doubts about the quality of tests run in Thailand. Tomorrow I am meeting with one of the senior police commanders to see if I can talk him into giving me copies of the three police reports which is something not normally allowed. In the coming days I will also attempt to get copies of the toxicology reports and a list of evidence taken from the scene. I also found the tour operator and interviewed her today and she helped me confirm my time line of the three NZ girls' activities with her. So I now know that it was during of the night of the 2nd to the morning of the 3rd that the girls became ill. The 3rd is the same morning the body of the first victim was found in the room next door to the girls. This tells me whatever caused these two deaths happened the same night to people in rooms next to each other. It just took the young and healthy girl longer to die than the 47 year old woman who had other health issues and less resistance.

    It may also be the same case with the British couple who were found dead on the morning of the 19th, they also had health issues and had less resistance so were over come in just one night. By the way all three of these room are on the west side of the hotel in the same wing.

    I have been told another American girl died in the same hotel a few years ago, so far I can't find anything on that. So I will continue to look for anyone who might know the date this happened and maybe the victim's name. One last thing, I went back to the hotel again today and asked if rooms 423, 516 and 518 were available to rent today and was told yes, no problem. It seems business has dropped off during the past few days and the hotel has lots of empty rooms to rent, the lady at the desk said it had something to do with people telling lies about the hotel on the Internet.

  9. I wonder how many more have to die before the Thai officials close this hotel or even complete an autopsy. I suspect if it happens again the hotel management will find a way to cover it up or move the body out of the area. If any dead farangs turn up I hope someone thinks to check what hotel they were staying at.

  10. I like to take my meals on my front porch but I always am bothered by flies, it would be nice to eat a meal without having to keep waving those darn flies away.

    Is there anyplace around Chiang Mai that sells fly paper?


  11. Welcome to Chiang Mai danozxfxr,

    As for your banking question: I'm not real sure about VA deposits to the Bangkok Bank but I know Social Security will direct deposit to the Bangkok Bank because they have a branch in N.Y. which meets the requirement of only direct depositing to banks in the U.S.

    As for hospitals or medical care for those on VA care here in Chiang Mai: It is my understanding that the VA will not pay for medical services overseas (with the exception of PI and then only for service related) but if you are receiving treatment for a VA disability injury Chiang Mai Ram will treat you for service related only. You have to pay for it but the VA will reimburse you if you have filed for approval for the specific treatment prior to getting it. However, please check with our VA service officer here in Chiang Mai to confirm that.

    VA Service Officer and the Chiang Mai VFW Post 12047: We have an active VFW post here in Chiang Mai with about 100 members. We meet once a month on the first Saturday of the month at 10:30 AM. There will be a meeting this Saturday 03/05/11 on the second floor of the Dukes Restaurant (the one located in the Night Market next to McDonalds). If you are already a VFW member you can transfer your membership here or if not you can bring your DD-214 with you can become a member. Here is a link to our website: http://www.vfw-chiangmai.org/

    BB aka: Big Bob

  12. If it was sent from America and you mean it was sent by the U.S. Postal Service (U.S. Mail) it would arrive via the Thai Mail system. So it should be in the Thai post office that your local mail carrier works out of. You need to get their asap as it is their policy to only hold mail they can't deliver a couple of days and then they return it to the sender. This happened to me last year when my daughter sent me a small package from the U.S.A.

  13. Iodine comes in either liquid form or tablet form.

    One to two tablets or drops will clear up a quart of water. Shake your container and wait twenty minutes before drinking. Water treated with iodine will have a darker color and a bit of an unpleasant flavor.

    It is possible to mask this flavor by adding a powdered drink mix, but be sure to wait the twenty minutes before adding it, as it will interfere with the iodine’s effectiveness.

    Other chemical treatments that work similarly to iodine are chlorine tablets, potassium permanganate, or halazone tablets. You should be able to pick these up fairly cheaply at most outdoor stores.

  14. Just wondering? could it be air con? remember Legionnaires disease? from badly maintained air conditioners? Speculation, I'm sorry, but it's the sort of link there might be if there is any. And of course it does not have to be the legionella bacterium it might be an exotic airborne Thai bug. But as WTK says, I'd stay away from the place until more is known ( that might take a long timebiggrin.gif)

    It could not be Legionnaires disease - the symptoms would be totally different - more like very resistant pneumonia.

    The way the couple was found looks more like a "silent killer" - something like carbon monoxide poisoning.

    - quote wikipedia " The main manifestations of poisoning develop in the organ systems most dependent on oxygen use, the central nervous system and the heart.The initial symptoms of acute carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, nausea, malaise, and fatigue.These symptoms are often mistaken for a virus such as influenza or other illnesses such as food poisoning or gastroenteritis. unquote

    .....which would explain the "food poisoning" first suspected in the 3 victims from New Zealand and also the heart problems they developed of which one of them died.

    It would be interesting to know if the NZ girls and the British couple had the same room.
  15. Thx for all the replies!

    The Thing is real coins would be cheaper to buy(change) as a set of pokerchips LOL,but that would be difficult to explain!;-)

    MMs in end of march would be a mess i guess!;-)

    Wright about no fun if no real money involved,but at least there should be no real money near the table,555!

    I will just have a look around an get anything that looks like coins,but thx alot guys!

    The ad on television states "They (MM's) melt in you mouth and not in your hands". LOL
  16. I have played before using MM's rather than chips. Brown = 1, yellow = 5, red = 10, green = 20 and so on. Peanut MM's could be used for even higher amounts or values. To make it a bit interesting issue each player one unopened bag of MM's so that each player has a different starting balance, such as in real life.

    The winner eats all. OK, now you know why I'm so big, I win alot LOL

  17. I would put $1,500.00 in travelers checks to pay to the hospital and bring $200.00 in cash to live on. This will leave you $100.00 in your account in case you need it later, in which case you can use your ATM card at any bank. The Bank will charge you 150 baht (about $5.00) per transaction plus whatever your credit union charges you for overseas transaction (2% most of the time). You can save the 150 baht charge if you find an Aoen Bank with a ATM for withdraws as they (they are the only ones) don't charge a fee.

    The surgical work here is very good but as anywhere else in the World their is always a small chance for complications. Keep that in mind and budget a little extra money for it just in case.

    Good luck on the surgery.

  18. I wish the article had a few more details. OK, he fired a gun outside the embassy. In which direction did he fire the gun? Maybe he was defending himself from some attackers. Maybe he was putting down a sick water buffalo.

    Better try reading it again buddy;

    The 35-year-old pointed a pistol at the security checkpoint before firing one shot into the air, said police captain Kosol Rasamibanphotkul. Nobody was injured in the incident.

    Ahhh, so it was aliens.
  19. I have been on the phone with 3bb for two days in a row and last night the tech said he would call me back today and never did. So they don't listen to me on the phone I'm thinking about talking with my feet and just go to another service. I am going to give it until Thursday morning then I am going to do it. Anyone know if TOT is OK or not. Notice I did not say good, right now I'll settle for just OK.

  20. So as far as I can see this problem seems to restricted to those of us on 3BB service. How about the rest of you on other services, everything normal? If so please post and let us know what service you have, what you pay for what down load and up load speeds.

    I'm thinking of changing sevices.


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