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Posts posted by BarnicaleBob

  1. It's way too hot for any activity. :D

    Let's hope there will be none, other than a few noisy speeches.

    At last, someone has actually interviewed a NORTHERN red shirt leader and asked him about possible disruption here.

    The man comes close to promising there will be none, as their total focus is on Bangkok "where all the decisions" are made!

    It's on the mychiangmai.com website today. Better news than I've seen from any other outlet, local OR national!

    I saw a rather small gathering of maybe 200 hundred give or take on motorcycles and in cars and trucks. (It may have gotten larger after I got the hel_l out there) on Moonmuang road in the old city in front of the Somphet market around 6:00 pm. To be honest most of the people looking on didn't seem to take any of the rhetoric to seriously. Almost as if they were watching a circus show. I have to say there was no aggression from anyone, other than honking horns. There was a traffic jam that wrapped almost all the way around the moat. Quite disruptive :)

    I was on the outside of the north side of the Moat at about 6:15 PM and passed a group of about 30 pick up trucks and some other vehicles heading East along the Moat road. They all stayed in the inside lane so passing them was no problem, loud speakers were being used and there were only three or four redshirts in each vehicle, poor turn out on their part I guess.


  2. To me a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman it does not really matter what the skin color is.


    I am generalizing here, but I have found that a significant minority, if not the majority, fall into the description that follows.

    It goes waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond their natural beauty. Yes, the oval eyes and slender figures are the epitome of what is feminine for me. But that allure is significantly enhanced by the the personality. Almost childlike in their innocence, truly appreciative of even the smallest kindness, affectionate and extremely giving. Factor in that there is no Western hangup about age difference, and what more can one ask for? Perhaps what I found is rare, but many of my friends have found the same here in the LOS, and are all either happily married, or in committed relationships.

    Well put, I have to agree 100%.


  3. I have the Non-Immigrant O-A multi entry visa. I can do a 90 day check in at the Chiang Mai Immigration office or I can leave and return to Thailand every 90 days getting my check in at the border as I return. Because I like to travel around Southeast Asia a bit, I find the multi entry visa to be the best option for me.


  4. You have the option of a non-immigrant 'O' visa based on marriage, or keep your retirement visa, which although requires twice as much money in the bank for a longer period of time (3 months vs 2) it is quicker and easier to renew.

    Do you have to have money in the bank for a non imm O based on marriage?

    Thank you all for your replies.

    Yes, I have well above the 800,000 baht retirement income so it sounds like I can just leave things the way they are being that it is easier to renew every year.



  5. I am living in Chiang Mai year around now on my Multi-entry Retirement Visa. I have recently gotten married to a Thai and would like to know if I need to change my visa in any way or if there are any other things or visa options I should know about.



  6. I would like to do some canning here in Chiang Mai but I have run into a problem. I can't seem to find any mason jars, has anyone ever seen them for sale in Thailand? I am interested in purchasing at least a case and maybe more if anyone knows where I can get them.



  7. Going back two years, I want to say 1,020 baht and hopefully this can be confirmed or updated...


    I was just there last week, it is $30.00 or 1,020 baht if you pay in baht (if paying in bath keep an eye on the exchange rate, it could go up or down but it will always be $30.00 in US currency).


  8. Thank you "mamborobert" for your erudite response. I withdraw my hidden slight at the OP. may he find what covers his needs best, I hope he is no slouch!

    Well, I don't think I'm a slouch but I guess that is never determined by the slouch himself. I served with 355th at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base from May 1967 to May 1968 and this was the cover we all wore at the time. Somewhere along the way I lost my Thailand bush hat while at my next posting in Japan.

    Now that I have retired and moved back to Thailand I am just a bit nostalgic of the old days and have started collecting memorabilia from my first time in country. I know I may not be able to find an oridginal Thailand type bush hat that we wore but they were made in country and I had hope that maybe someone still made them.


  9. Years ago during the Vietnam conflict, the U.S. Air Force troops in Thailand had bush hats. I would like to know if there is any place in the Chiang Mai area that still sells this type of bush hat, can anyone help me?



  10. :D

    I have never been able to find the way to the reservoir, ended up at the bottom of the dam, dead end. :)

    There is a road about one kilometer before you get to the dam, you turn left on to that road. There is a sign saying the road leads to a resort follow it until you go through a gate, then about 200 meters past that make a right turn and that road will take you up above the dam.

    A nice peaceful place to relax after a good Italian dinner.


  11. I don't know much about the Honda people here but right now I am in the middle of trying to purchase a new Mitsubishi Triton from a dealer. I wanted to make the purchase with a 25% down payment, putting it in my TGF and my names and they were good with that. However, when they found we were not married (they should of asked before writing up the deal but didn't) they wanted to do the whole thing (financing and ownership) in her name only because they could not do it with my name if we were not married ( I don't think this is ture but that is what they told me). I am still going back and forth with them on this issue and I am not getting anywhere. I really don't have much of a problem in doing it all in her name as it will leave me off the hook and she is willing to chip in 50% of the down payment if I make the all the payments.

    The dealer is telling us that all the rules are set by the finance company or bank and not the dealership. So my suggestion would be to have the dealer file all the financing paperwork and get approval before you make a down payment. If they want a down payment before you get the financing keep it to just enough to cover the dealers expense in filing the loan application which should be no more than 3,000 baht.

    Good luck and let us know how it turns out.


  12. at about 5:50 PM today, just after I crossed the Ping River Bridge as I was heading out of town on the 118 / Kaeonawarat Road, I passed five or more army trucks loaded with 100 or so troops dressed out in combat gear headed into the city. Anyone know what that is all about, Red Shirt thing maybe?


  13. There's one on the outside southern moat road, SW of Chiang Mai gate and before the Chinese Consulate. They'll frame anything (no I don't mean they work with the police!)

    Thanks, I went to the one outside the southern moat road and was very pleased. They were very professional and was able to do just what I wanted at a very good price to boot.

  14. I have recently obtained a painting that I would like to have framed. I already looked in Big C, Carrefour, and Tesco Lotus but haven't found any picture frames large enough for my painting. Are there any framing shops in the Chiang Mai area?

  15. Thai people, especially the ones in those living in remote villages have incorporated many of their pre-Buddhist Animism practices into synchronization with Theravada Buddhism. Much in the same way many European pagans synchronized their pagan beliefs in with Christianity. This accounts for many of the seemingly non-Buddhist traditions we see practiced by Thai Theravada Buddhist today.


  16. I went over to Praties to check out the fish and chips the other day. I have to agree that they were the best I have had since coming to Thailand, there were four or five nice sized pieces of fried fish and a good helping of chips cooked to perfection. In fact I liked it so well that during the next two days I went back two more times to test some of the other western dishes. On the second trip I was accompanied by my other half and our daughter, we all ordered the pizza. The pizzas are 9 inches and made as a single serving for one person. We ordered two Hawaiian pizzas and a pepperoni pizza for me. The bread part was healthy whole wheat and they used chetter cheese on top. I was full when I finished mine and the girls had to get a to go plate because they could not eat all of theirs. On my next visit I ordered Praties Australian beef hamburger, it came with an order of those good chips; it was about a 1/3 pound of thick juicy ground beef and is one of the best burgers I have had in years.

    I will be back for more real soon.


  17. I am somewhat new to Thailand and have only been on this forum since last summer. From what I have observed in some of the media stories regarding sexual assaults in Thailand, it is clear to see that the MEN who write and prosecute laws involving sexual abuse have not been taking it too seriously.

    Sexual abuse on a child is a life changing event and without proper therapy the child will never be able to live a normal healthy life. It is not like braking an arm or leg, it is far worse. The memories the child will have to live with for the rest of his/her life will always be there and they will never be able to have a good healthy relationship with out extensive therapy.

    In most cases of child sexual abuse, the offender is a relative or someone in the child's life such as a teacher, baby sitter or neighbor. Rarely is it a stranger and therefore many times the mother of the child is reluctant to file charges. The only way to curb these attacks is to approach the problem from all levels.

    1. Laws with teeth that clearly state;

    A. Any penetration (other than for medical reasons) into any part of a child's body with any object with or without the child's permission is a crime.

    B. Any exposure of a sexual organ to a child by an adult is as crime.

    C. Any touching of a sexual organ of a child by an adult (other than for medical reasons) is a crime.

    2. Awareness programs;

    A. Educational programs in the schools for all children, male and female about the law and ensuring them that nobody has the right to do these things to them. How to report such violation to their parents and authorities.

    B. Educational programs for parents to advise them of the importance of reporting sexual offenses to their children as soon as possible. Importance of maintaining the evidence (not showing or washing away evidence until sanctioned medical personnel have taken samples for the court.

    C. Long term therapy for the victims by trained personnel who specialize in such cases of abuse.

    3. Training of medical and law enforcement personnel;

    A. Training of medical personnel on the correct procedures to obtain evidence from a sexual assaulted victim and how to secure it for laboratory analysis.

    B. Training of law enforcement personnel to specialize in the investigation of sexual offenses. Also, special training of personnel on how to interview the victims without further traumatizing them and with out leading them into false statements. These interviews should be videoed and be marked as evidence to be used in court.

    If we fail to stop these crimes and fail to give proper therapy, many of the victims may grow into the next generation of offenders. Now it is time to take action, mothers, fathers, grandparents step up and be heard, it is up to YOU. Let the government know there needs to be change.

    Retired American Police Investigator

  18. I obtained my one year retirement O visa while still in the States on Nov. 23rd, I arrived in country on Dec. 10th. My question is do I go in for my 90 day reporting based upon when I received the visa or when I arrived? I am thinking it should be based upon my arrival date but I would hate to wait until that date to find out I was wrong. Anyone know the correct answer to this?

    If you have an O Visa you have to leave the country every 90 days.

    If you have an O-A Visa you report to Immigration every 90 days.

    The day you entered Thailand will be day one.

    It is an O-A one year retirement visa. sorry about missing the A part in my post. So I report 90 days from my entry date or my visa date?

  19. I obtained my one year retirement O visa while still in the States on Nov. 23rd, I arrived in country on Dec. 10th. My question is do I go in for my 90 day reporting based upon when I received the visa or when I arrived? I am thinking it should be based upon my arrival date but I would hate to wait until that date to find out I was wrong. Anyone know the correct answer to this?

  20. I just started getting my Social security in September. When applying you will need a certified copy of your birth certificate, your social security card (not a copy), your DD-214 if you are former military, and the social security number of your last or current spouse.

    I set my SS up so that I get direct deposit to my Bank of America checking account so I can use my BOA visa/check card to take cash from any ATM. BOA allows me to take up to $600.00 a day from the ATM and I pay about 200 baht for each time I do this and it is a lot cheaper than transferring money.


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