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Posts posted by AzarovDmitriy

  1. If a brand new condo - make sure to register it in foreign name (your name). If buying it from a previous owner - make sure it is in Foreign Name!!!

    Why, if i buying condo, previous owner - make sure it is in Foreign Name? Why not Thai citizen?

    (P. S. I know the percentage of 49% / 51%, and i have condo in Thailand :))) )

    And What you think about a numbers of ways to establish this:

    Land Registry Office: The office will not accept the sale if the sale takes the foreign ownership over 49%

    Condo Juristic Manager

    Condo Committee Board Members

    Condo Manager

    The Owner of the Condo.

    The Real Estate Company Selling the property should know


    How about a Suzuki Hayate, 125cc automatic, goes real real well (carries my 120kg along suk road @100km/h comfortably), gets decent fuel economy and has huge under seat storage.

    Yes. Suzuki Hayate, 125cc (automatic) it's very, very wonderful motobike.

    We are "moving" on it together with my wife and two my children.

    Suzuki Hayate is very powerful.

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