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Everything posted by JensenX

  1. I never answer my phone unless I know who's calling. It's one of the pleasures of being retired. On the rare occasion I have answered, it was a robo call.
  2. It depends on the bloke, but there's a lot more to research than watching YouTube videos. Doctors don't keep you healthy - they presecribe drugs to keep you alive if/when you're sick.
  3. Interesting you mentioned heart surgery. Cancer and heart conditions would be the end of me. It's a personal decision I made long ago and I'm sticking to it - no surgery or medical intervention. It's ironic that serious heart conditions are one of the well known side effects of covid jabs. Here's some info from the British Heart Foundation: Heart Matters
  4. Obviously a thread about colds and infuenza will include discussion about covid and jabs.
  5. I don't believe doctors and do my own research - and don't believe in rushed vaccines. No way was I going to get a covid jab. Have you checked out the stats coming out all over the world for excess deaths. You might be surprised how many more people are dying on average than pre-covid. You might not have been sick for years, but lets see how you go the next few years before bragging about it.
  6. Yeah, me too, no jab - no sick (for ages)
  7. Some people might attempt to have deep and meaningful discussions with bargirls and mamasans, but there is a reason why so many choose to discuss this on an expat forum instead. When you're talking to bargirls, keep the discussions as superficial as possible. Talking to you is just a job for them - they would rather not have to.
  8. There's a lot of benefit to living by the day and not stressing too much about the future. It's probably one of the reasons you are living in Thailand.
  9. Now the US government is concerned about Democracy in Thailand, but they were quite happy to accept a coup leader as PM after the last elections and didn't seem to object too strongly about the coup leader drafting a new constitution. It would be better if the US minded their own business as they have more than enough problems of their own. Considering their own political circus, it's hard to take them seriously these days.
  10. I don't rely on indicators either. I check to see if someone is trying to pass me on the right (if I'm turning right) and I also use a lot of hand gestures. To be safe you have to look both ways when turning right. In this accident Mr Sakorn is trying his best to explain it's not his fault. Sadly the victim won't be able to testify.
  11. How to deal with a Thai woman? Well, first of all, they are not all the same so we can just generalize. Please don't get upset if my generalizations don't fit your personal relationship experiences. If we're talking about bargirls, then the answer is quite simple. Keep the relationship 100% sexual. Don't get intimate. Don't get personal (stay as far out of her personal life as possible). Am I the only one to discover that once the sex is over, everything else is annoying? Get out of there asap once you've had your fun. If the fun has gone - get out. Taken down to basics, she's interested in money, you're interested in sex.
  12. I don't know if a court judgement comes with a divorce cerficate or if one should be issued. I have a divorce certificate issued by the district court in Laksi. I have 2 documents: 1. Divorce Certificate. 2. Registration of Divorce. Both were translated to English and certified by MFA. It would be easy enough to find out from my lawyer. It is not true that all countries require to see divorce documents. There is no reporting of marriage in Australia, and a "free to marry" document to marry in Thailand is a statutory declaration that you're free to marry. They require that in Thailand if you're marrying here. The Australian govenment doesn't give a sh*t about it unless you apply for a visa to bring your wife to Australia. Other countries are very strict to the point they don't accept consensual divorce at a district office. Generally it's how divorces are legallized in the country of your citizenship that dictates what type of divorce you need to obtain in Thailand.
  13. There's usually a 7-day return and immediate replacement policy at most retail shops. After that, repairs and warranty issues are handled by service centers, so it doesn't make much difference really. If I want to buy a big item, for example a washing machine, I check retail stores and online stores to find the best deal.
  14. I don't believe you need a divorce certificate from a district office as you had a judgement in court. That is your legal divorce. The Amphur divorce certificate is what you get if you get an administrative, consensual divorce at a district office. It's either one or the other, not both. I got one last week actually (mutual concent divorce sections 1514 & 1515 Chapter VI of the Thai divorce law) Best to talk to a lawyer. If you're in Pattaya, I can put you onto a competent family lawyer who speaks English better than most expats. If you're not in Pattaya, he has agents in Bangkok to quickly organise any paper work you might require, such as certifcation of an English translation of your divorce judgement by the MFA. If you reported the marriage in your home country, you may or may not be legally divorced. Some countries require marriage and divorce to be reported, some don't. There's a lot of good information here to get you up to speed: https://www.the-social-lawyers-company.com/how-to-divorce-in-Thailand.html
  15. They do that a lot here. I could be indicating to turn right, on the right side of the lane, and an idiot tries to pass me at hight speed on the right as I'm getting ready to turn. The idiot here surely turned left into the poor girl's path.
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