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Posts posted by taurus88

  1. Animals they are, i don't say this..... it's how the Army call them ... issat.

    Unfortunately there is an unwritten rule regarding parking in these kind of situation whether in Phuket or in Bangkok. You simply have to give way to parking areas 'designated' by tuk tuk, taxi or trucks. These guys made their living and can be really annoy. The Asian tourists knows about this rule. However Westerners and their rights, do not understand and gets into trouble.

  2. If you are able to be sensible with your cash, why not.

    If you are one of those that buy cars and houses for girls 10 minutes after meeting them - forget it.

    Life is short - so enjoy :)

    I think you've already made up your mind and why not. You have a sound system. Be prudent and B50,000/month should be adequate. Rather be happy than made lots of money and be miserable. Welcome to Thailand, bro.

  3. They had some of these tanks set up outside the Rimping Airport area too recently. Had quite a few people with their tootsies stuck in there. I was temporarily tempted...but then thought better of it. :)

    These places seem to be springing up all over town.

    They must be suckering in a few people :D

    This new phenomenon started in Japan. Suppose to take off your dead skin by the fishes. Seem a good idea. Well if you don't fancy such matter, you can always use a scrapper but bear the pain.

  4. Termites.

    That's what I thought at first but termite spray doesn't seem to stop them. That why I am suspecting something else is there.

    Oh well, the house owner just told me minutes ago she'll get an exterminator to come out and take care to the pesky problem. I'll leave it up to them to fix it. Thanks!

    Agreed it's termite. Bad news is that spray termiticide will only made the insects move to another route. You really have to get the pest terminator to trace the source. It could start from an old tree stump outside your house. If the nest is not exterminated, they will appear somewhere else in your house as long as there is cellulose items.

  5. I like to participate. I played bass for 20 odd years for band, hand up my guitar and move to Bangkok to start a business. I am Singaporean Chinese. However, my bass guitar and amp is still in my KL condo. Let me have your contact number and gig locality. R&B etc is my favourite kind of music.


  6. There seem to be so many different definitions and standards defining what makes a "green home" that I wonder what ThaiVisa members consider green, and if they were going to build their ultimate green home what would they include?

    I don't think a complete green house is within my capablities. However, I do hope to install a solar panel for general heating like for water heater and if the power generated is sufficient, drive my air-con. Can someone suggest where & who can I contact for such installation.

  7. Can anyone help i want to drive from Trang to penang and need to know can i obtain all legal docs and insurance at the border?

    any help will be much appreciated.

    Mike :)

    Mike, all the passport clearance and car insurance should be available at the Sadao immigration check point. I drove from Penang to Hatyai before and as I holds a Singapore passport & Malaysian car, all proceedings were done at sadao. Hope this help.

  8. I woud hAve no problem to consider me as a meber of the EU. But i come from an Non-Eu contry. :D

    In asia, and spezial in Thailand the problem is, that leaders (educatet in free countrys) teach the people still things we never woud accept in europe anymoore. One ...,one ........, one .... . (And to top this .... "free" - race and -nation :D )

    How the people can ever make a step forward, if they have to listen to this ower and ower?

    There are good books about racial behavior in Asia (Thailand) but you have to look for them in the net alone. :D:)

    Let's see. Asian is a noun describing people from Asia. Asean too is a noun describing a group of nations in SEA. So the topics is flawed. Why bother even to discuss!!!!!!!

  9. I too have noticed an increase in "chubby" Thai's in the last 10 years. Just goes to prove that not all western influences are positive as far as diet is concerned.

    Not so sure its western influences.. if you look at all the so called Thai food its filled with sugar. There are many stalls that are not western food but use too much sugar.

    I see the point you are making but I would assume that the traditional Thai diet has not changed greatly in 10 years whereas the availability of western fast food chains has increased dramatically. As an example, China's obesity rates have doubled in the last 10 years which suggests increased wealth and mobility ( use of cars ) etc plays a significant factor. According to the WHO the USA has the world's highest rate of obescity, around 30%, so does increased wealth equate to increased obescity?

  10. The real fact is that Thailand is still dependent on export for its growth. USA is Thailand biggest export destination. With its high employment, we can expect no help from USA for a long time. Europe is not any better situation. Ditto Japan. So any improvement will be from re-stocking of inventory and stimulus package. Government is doing their best to increase regiona trade and to lesser know countries like Africa. In short, 4Q will be better than previous but going forward will be choppy and may even get into a second dip unless we find new markets and improve the service sectors.

  11. Two further factors ensure the sustained crisis in the USGovt finances, with certain continued contagion to the financial sector and the tangible economy. The Endless War with its increasingly less credible banter against terrorism drains the United States of funds, saps its national spirit, cripples its soldiers, and extends risk in countless ways. The USDollar and USTreasury Bond suffer from lost foreign confidence and faith. The real threat to national security lies in the finance sector rooted in Wall Street. Almost all talk about foreign threat is a grand distraction from the internal threat, even as incredibly grand fraud is committed in the name of patriotism. The Entrenched Financial Syndicate remains in power, controls all financial policy, directs funds from the Printing Pre$$, influences the USCongress with slush contributions, controls regulatory body heads, engineers nationalizations of fraud-ridden financial firms, interferes with FBI investigations (see the GSax trading software), integrates with foreign policy, and provides segments to the US press networks. Fully 70% of US press network content comes from the USGovt and its myriad agencies with spokesmen and public relations offices."

    Amedinajad...........bring it on :)

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