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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream...
  2. The TAT thanks Mr. Nareshkumar Labhshankar Pandya, 47, for his generous contribution to Pattaya's economic recovery.
  3. I assume that the governor will give the "financial transaction challenged" mayor the password for the reserve fund...
  4. Ah yes, inactive posts. What works so well for nefarious officials should be equally viable for soi dogs. Woof!
  5. In most other countries, officers may get corrupted after being on the job for a while. Here, it seems, a good percentage of officers join the force because of the possibility of corruption.
  6. Yup. It's genetic. Having the right genes makes one righteous, not corrupt.
  7. However, those officials are not worried that tourists could infect Thailand with their money...
  8. The dogs must be hiding at their Mom's house, that's why the authorities can't find them!
  9. It's a boy band..., like ACDC!
  10. I see where he is going with this: Wear green masks in them there green zones
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