Years ago the reasons for robbery were to buy milk for the baby, or medicine for Mom...
that has been replaced with an unquenchable thirst for gadgets.
Well, he partied at Krystal Club, Thonglor during lockdown, got Covid and then likely spread it around because "sharing is caring".
Other than that I don't know...
Photographer gets annoyed over photo posted by Brit Ambassador:
Jeez! Remove the plastic foil before taking the shot! These reflections are irritating! Duh!
How is this suggestion:
After the suspect is charged the police could then enter his information into the border control database and thereby flagging him if he attempts to travel abroad.
Is he saying that politicians are not motivated foremost by Thailand's interests?
Well, I'll be... who would've thunk... no, not that, surely... there must be some other explanation!