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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. As a driver in Thailand, I have by now already reached NIRVANA status. What's that? Let me explain. I will be reborn because I have won so many merits during all my driving in Thailand. I have saved a few thousands of lives already, and the merit of saving so many lives must surely have earned me NIRVANA - status.

    How I saved all these lives ?

    The answer is simple : I in a thousands of occasions managed to react faster than the stupid idiot driver who was a second from crashing.

    Thai roads are not worse or better than any roads worldwide. What is worse is the reckless and dreamerish driving style of most Thai motorists.

    Only in Thailand they will pass you before a curve which you can't overrlook. Again, the explanation is simple: They wear such a strong buddhist amulett, it will bring them good luck. So don't you worry, drive up to your. You don't need mirrors on motorcycles, not looking both directions at crossings and can go through a red light. The amulett will protect you.

    To the minister who wrote the intro: Excuse me, but you must be dreaming!

    • Like 1
  2. That actually is one worry about living here, namely the toxicity of the food chain. As all waterways are polluted and full of unfetted toxic sludge from industry local seafood is a death sentence. The crops are drowned in toxic chemicals and DDT, no doubt all the meat is the same. Seem to recall a study a while back of Thai population blood tests and it was absilutley laced with lethal chemicals.

    This particular study was actually released, I wonder what others never see the light of day? For tourists it is just a small cancerous jolt with little effect, but for the rest of us here long term?

    you might be absolutely right. No, you are obviously right. Well, it might be the tip of the iceberg. I live here and I determinately seek to not to talk about this issue. It would spoil my Thailand-Experience. I am aware that this is ABSOLUTELY a hot topic.

  3. I met my (Thai) husband in the uk - he has some relatives there and I was surprised how they always seemed to be eating KFC and McDonald's - I just assumed they ate fresh food the rest of the time until my husband said no they often ate junk. When we moved here I was honestly unprepared for how much junk people ate and it was hard to try and stop people feeding my son crap. Of course the odd treat is fine and I understand that relatives like to spoil kids but the fact that I never saw anyone put a vegetable or glass of water in front of him ended up putting me off spending time with them as I just wanted to avoid any stress though of course we still see them a lot.

    I always hold Italy up as an example of a country where the poor eat well and of course Italy now has one of the highest obesity rates in Europe - it is starting to happen here now.

    I don't think junk food is 'american' any more - it's pretty international nowadays and the fact that the issue of eating junk and obesity has already happened in the uk and USA is irrelevant - its not about moralizing and saying who did it first or whose fault it is,but it's more about the fact that countries like Thailand (and Italy) need to learn from the mistakes of other countries. The information is already there for governments and other institutions. Let's hope someone does something to stop it getting so bad here but it's hard to see it happening unfortunately.

    I agree. I think this issue is not only related to Thailand, but to the whole world. It's manifested in the success of the food processing giant conglomerates to have successfully manipulated people into gorging up their industrially processed foods. Rather than giving in to Grandma's receipts, today's eating habits tend to the "fast" delivered foodstuff. Processed food wins over "raw" foods. It happens worldwide and will create generations of obese and diabetic people

  4. Was wondering how many of the outraged humanitarian types posting on this subject have contributed to helping these people?

    Like going to the camps that have been set up, helping to feed and clothe them, giving cash for their upkeep, offering to sponsor some of them.

    Hands up all those who have given something other than words.

    Didnt it say that there were 800k of these people still in Burma?

    Thailand the great humanitarian country welcomes you, come on in. So then how many would be here?

    'Stuff off we dont want you' seems a much more sensable approach.

    years ago on the similan islands, I donated water and pineapples to 90 thirsty, half starved Rohyngias who were pushed back into the sea by the island's park rangers. One hour later we all watched in horror the Thai Navy arresting them. They treated them like they treat animals. Two weeks later the news confirmed they had pulled them out onto the open sea and left them without water, food, or any minor support, leaving them only two options: become shark food or die from dehydration. You have to answer me only one question: What sense does it make to grant Rohyniga a temporary relief, just to have them mass-culled at a later date, in a camouflaged genocide? So you think it is OK to feed them in front of cameras, only to kill them after the journalists went home ?

    • Like 1
  5. The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

    Then go to an Islamic coiuntry...many countries in the middle east are awash with oil money.They would have no problem caring for them and there is plenty of work available. Simple eh? whistling.gif

    you made an important point. The wealthy Islamic countries could actually do much more in humanitarian support to their fellow muslim brother and sisters worldwide. I am missing the support of countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuweit. The run organizations like the red halfmoon (red cross in the west) and are members in the UN. Surprisingly, the seem to be the most selfish, ego-oriented nations. It's a shame on all Arabs they have the oil and have the money and they don't give a d..n about a muslim in Burma. You should really point the finger at them at the UNO assembly.

  6. Lets take a moment to look at this is perspective. The rohingya are in reality economic refugees. They do not have citizenship in Myanmar and cannot own land. Basically they're in the same situation as Falangs in Thailand.

    Contrast what has happened in history. The Jews were systematically rounded up and sent to concentration camps for extermination by Nazi germany. The Bosnian Muslims were systematically executed and Muslim women raped by Serbians during the Yugoslav wars. In Rwanda, the Tutsis ethnicity was systematically exterminated by the Hutu tribe. Is what is happening to the rohingya he same thing? Are there mass executions and extermination camps of the rohingya in Myanmar? No. They're not escaping death, they're escaping poverty.

    Do I like that the Thais are sending them back to sea? No but I don't see what else Thailand can do. There's already 130000 refugees in Thai camps. If Thailand takes them in then they have to care for these people. If Thailand toes the boats to either Malaysia or Myanmar the it causes friction between the countries (neither country will be happy about Thailand dumping all these people on their shores).

    Lets take a cue from the us. Cuba is a communist country. Congress enacted a law that those people escaping from communist countries were entitled to political asylum. People from Cuba come in boats trying to reach the United States. When the us coast guard intercepts these boats what do they do? The us coast guard takes these people to Guantanamo bay to prevent them for reaching us shores and claiming political asylum. Thailand is really just doing what other countries are doing. It just doesn't have an offshore military base like Guantanamo bay.

    you missed most of the news on the Rohyngia-Burmese conflict in the Rohyngias habitating area. The Burmese burnt down their houses, whole villages were set ablaze and several Ro's blatantly murdered. I would call this a " beginning of Genocide" , same as the 1938 burning of the Hebrew synagogues in Germany

    • Like 1
  7. Of course Vietnamese women are probably more beautiful...

    The most beautiful woman I ever saw in my life was an air hostess on Vietnam Airlines. The flight was over 20 years ago but her face is indelibly printed in my memory. Absolutely stunning.

    Did you get a picture on yer smart phone ?

    from 20 years ago, when there were no smartphones? Where are you from, outer space??

  8. i always thought, walking your short time hunting prey home holding hands was the normal way of telling her " I am just a normal hands holding guy and not a monster going to eat you next". Re-assurance towards HER. Never bother about me, I am not the hands holding type of gangster.

  9. Wow, thats looking ugly smile.png

    Maybe substandard paint quality or too much exposure to sun. Its painted plastic, no metal i guess?

    To get an better idea we should know if the bike is stored under some shed or if its left in sun and all weather all the time. Maybe temperature difference between cold nights and hot days in the sun?

    Such thing should not happen. But with all this plastic nowadays bikes are aging much more quickly.

    it's the pigment type contained in the laquer.

    If they use an anilin-based pigment red, it changes to brown under UV exposure. This effect has been observed with cars and motorcycles alike, when painted with red that contained the wrong organic pigment type.

    It is clearly a faulty manufacturing process and should/could be traced back to the China plant of Lifan. You can expect it does not occur with all red Lifan models . I'd rather suspect they ran out of red laquer at some time while manufacturing, and used a substandard red for a limited period.

    The cracks result from another source. could be due to improper cleaning before priming, or the primer used has a much higher/lower expansion in heat value than the top coating.

  10. I took the rear seat off my Lifan 250 cruiser ,as i use that area for a storage box on occasion .I also got that cracked web paint damage on the top of the back exposed fender .My bike is a black color .As its only that area thats normally covered by the rear seat it does not concern me .

    Did you check the battery . .does it have a tiny hose attached to the breather outlet, that leads from the battery downwards until it almost hits street level? If not, uncontrolled fumes from the battery might have caused the cracks in the paint. In case it is a mainteneance free battery without any breather, forget this post

  11. Wow, thats looking ugly smile.png

    Maybe substandard paint quality or too much exposure to sun. Its painted plastic, no metal i guess?

    To get an better idea we should know if the bike is stored under some shed or if its left in sun and all weather all the time. Maybe temperature difference between cold nights and hot days in the sun?

    Such thing should not happen. But with all this plastic nowadays bikes are aging much more quickly.

    it's the pigment type contained in the laquer.

    If they use an anilin-based pigment red, it changes to brown under UV exposure. This effect has been observed with cars and motorcycles alike, when painted with red that contained the wrong organic pigment type.

    It is clearly a faulty manufacturing process and should/could be traced back to the China plant of Lifan. You can expect it does not occur with all red Lifan models . I'd rather suspect they ran out of red laquer at some time while manufacturing, and used a substandard red for a limited period.

  12. i can recollect from my time working in a sex toys shop, that fake male organs were a big seller among elderly men, before the invention of blue stud-boosting pills.

    other than that, I can recollect that there were also fake female sexual organs. We had the kind that you had to inflate with air. For those who could not afford it, we had a secretly advise. Take a long drink glass and stuff it with a raw liver. . . don't forget to rinse it before you fry it in the pan . .

  13. i used a Nespresso Pad machine way back in Germany, until the day came when I realized that one single 36 Euro cents pad gave me just the amount of a small Italian Espresso cup. If I wanted to pour myself an American Coffee cup, i needed at least 5 (!) pads to fill the cup and still had space left for milk and a cream cap! Since I love to sip up to two Grandfather cups every golden morning, I started to feel downright stupid ! Do the maths, and you will want to look for alternatives !

    I turned back to a hand-operation coffee bean grinder and a 15 bar pressure Espresso maker from AEG, costs 85.- Euro in Germany, i have three households, each one is equipped with an AEG machine, brought into Thailand in my luggage. I love to prepare myself an Espresso, Cappuchino or American Coffee within a minute, from freshly ground beans. I keep changing the beans ( Boncafe, Illy, Lavazza, Doitung, etc) to prevent getting overfed by the same type. I especially love the Doitung Coffee beans from the North Thailand mountain people. It works for me, there is little time saving in handling a Nespresso vs the Espresso Machine : you will have to clean the moving parts and the rack on both, and with the Nespresso, you will soon forget the broken capsules inside the enclosed bin, and not discover them until green fungus starts to build up (I admit it happened to me!)

    You can get everything in Thailand for a little more, grinder at most Robinson stores for 800 BAHT, Espresso Maker for just 4275 BAHT at Verasu). Start with a simple setup, keep it clean, I promise you will love the experience of the REAL thing !

  14. She is not selling counterfeit good, she was just a vendor.

    Anyway, if she was, she would not post this video which reveal her identity.

    It shows that police don't care about doing their job. You can sell anything including child porn as soon as you pay the police.

    Would this argument hold up if the vendor was selling a child to a pedophile. If not, then it doesn't hold up here. The law isn't allowed to distinguish between the two.

    Neither am I saying that the vendor should be hung drawn and quartered. This is about the behaviour of the police and I don't see anything that they have done wrong. Seems like bail was set, that her lawyer paid. She will have her day in court, her bail will be returned and she will probably get a small fine.

    By golly, someone gets it!

    the longer I think about it, the more convinced I get that NewlyMintedThai is 100% right !

  15. i strongly doubt that 9 out of 10 posters here have read the full article, by reading all the inappropriate comments.

    The cashier arrested IS NOT IDENTICAL with the owner of the stall, so probably under law not responsible for the goods sold there, only maybe for being a minor accomplice.

    Coming up with a 'bail' is not like it's in the west. If the BIB utter this word, it means 'give me the money and you can go home'

  16. ever tried Ubonrak Thonburi Hospital ? I was fairly satisfied with their service. Naturally it does not come close to the likes of Bangkok Hospital with their extensive equipment. However for average, not so complicated treatments I rate it a proper hospital. I needed intensive care on one occasion, the receiving doctor had studied abroad and spoke perfect english and treated me with success

  17. That part in history has been erased from Thai history and is not taught at any level.

    I could be wrong, but from memory, i read that during WW2, Thailand was going to join with Hitler, but was warned by USA if they do, USA would drop a nuke.

    Utter Nonsense !!!

    got to love the expert with no counter view or any information at all but the "utter nonsense"rolleyes.gif

    it is so simple : by the time Thailand sided with the Axis, the US were far from having any nukes, so they would never had uttered such nonsense ! Dig?

  18. At the beach in Hua Hin, sometimes there are people searching the sandy beach with metal detectors. Maybe it would be a good idea to walk up and ask them what they are searching for, if not for Baht coins they might hunt for jewelry lost by tourists . . .

  19. methinks, since Thais cannot name but one famous German (never heard of Beethoven, Schiller, Karl Marx, Charlemagne, Luther) etc) the choice always ends up with odd bloody Adolf being the mostly recognizable "german VIP leader".

    It has to do with the simplicity of thai thinking and maybe the glamour of the uniforms and some dim remembrance of having heard about him while attending school . .

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