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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. Both Britons are set to be extradited and Thai police said they were in discussions with the Japanese embassy over the Ogushi case.

    It would be good if justice in Thailand could be halfway trusted. Guilty or not, I wouldn't trust the Thai courts with a traffic ticket, let alone cases such as these.

    The Thai police are arresting Brits at the request of the British Embassy and they are to be extradited to UK. What is the point of the Thai bashing comment about Thai courts?

    Maybe if farang police and farang immigrations back in farangland were doing their jobs these miscreants wouldn't be free and allowed to leave their countries to travel to Thailand where the Thai police end up cleaning up for the inept farang authorities.

    How fortunate Farangland is that Thai criminals cannot just escape justice and travel abroad, as many have no passport or won t get a tourist visa. So all the YABA gangsters, molesters, traffic accident escapists, murderers, thieves, fraudsters and other lawbreakers - all have to face justice at home. I don t doubt they would make across the borders if they could ! And on the other hand we know many well suited, rich criminal Thais who have successful hit abroad on the run from Thai justice, some members would start the list with Mr T , but he is not a good comparison, as being too far outfetched !

    In Farangland, actually some Thais end up in front of court for criminal behaviour or fraud, just don t think that the Thai expat community living in Farangland is free of sin !

  2. Hi, I have built a similar bungalow, but with help of the local boys instead of a contractor. My wife and me had to organize all the material by ourselves, it can be a bit of a pain, and the house ended up much more simple and smaller than the one you are planning. I used white , aereous brick and granite floors, keeps the house really cool even during the hot season, plus a ceiling. We do NOT need an aircon, fan is sufficient.

    I don t see anything overpriced here in the quote for such an spacious project. The only item I had to frown about was the "land reclamation works fine ( fee??) area" , if this means a landfill, you might find a cheaper one than for the quoted 200,000. And keep in mind the fill has to settle over at least one rainy season and then bake dry, so you can start November / December as earliest date. The prices in Thailand tend to rise , inflation is gallooping . . . ;)

    Aluminum windows "natural" colors ? Non eloxated ? I would demand the brown elox toned ones, and with tinted glas, price just about the same.

    I have seen a moo-ban house on a 100 sqm land, similar style yet much smaller ( around 6 m x 8 m ) for sale here in Kantharalak ( Sisaket area) , at 1,5 million Baht, unfurnished. Your quote is pretty good compared to this. If they can guarantee this price, I don t see anything wrong with it !

  3. Now that is an answer that a retired economics professor can live with.

    And replying to Ricardo: it was a froggy airline, not Air France, name escapes me.

    UTA, perhaps, who used to serve France's far-flung dominions, such as Nouvelle Caledonie ?

    One source that I Googled said that the flight is longer on the return trip because of headwinds. Could the extra cost be because of that?


    Good one, UG, the slight-snag being that since we're talking return-flights, they all have the jetstream in their face from east-to-west, and a beneficial tail-wind when west-to-east, regardless of where the airline is based, or where their passengers purchased their tickets.

    Now if we were talking round-the-world, with flights from west-to-east only, that might be a different matter. B)

    Now folks, these leaves me dazzled and confused ! so could it be that - the flight BKK-LON actually taking ONE MORE HOUR than the reverse - because the Earth's rotation is alongside this flight ? On the trip LON-BKK you fly AGAINST the rotation, thus it takes longer ? If you have ever been aboard such flights, have you dared to do the count ? And why is it so ? Jet Stream ?! Headwinds ?! Does the rotation make a difference ? Our expert professor up front , please !

  4. I was on the Similan two years ago. We arrived at the islands 1,2,3 short after nightfall , just to see hundreds of light of illegal fishing boats floating around and forming a ring around the islands. All this activivty happens all year round ( you just don t see it as in the daytime they hide and hardly any snorkeling- diving live aboursd are going into this area.

    I noticed a lot of these fishing boats are leaking, and have poorly maintenanced engines, all leaking oil and fuels. Also , trash, broken fishing nets, waste, feces, all is thrown overboard. no wonder coral reef are suffering. I don t hink divers are doing much harm to the reefs. The intensive fishing inside a national park , paid with tea money into the hands of the few who are supposed to watch over the fishing ban, is the worst thing that ever can happen to the archipelago. We went to see all the island and around them of the Similan group, so I can speak for what I have witnessed. Around and near the anchoring spots for the fisheries, the water is shiney rainbow from all the leaked fuel. If Mister General wants to see results and protect the area, he is supposed to kick out all these illegal fisheries. Also, the decline of Tuna , Makarel, Barracuda and Sharks is a direct result of cutting right through the migration routes of these fish with big nets , literally sipping off all larger than a finger sea life.

    Yes, there is tons of fishing boats every where, from Phuket to Similan and from Tab Lamu to Similan, but the boats wit the lights are actually fishing for squid, these are attracted by the lights.

    Have to agree with the nets, I remember some 3,4 years ago, when we arrived at Richelieu Rock for the very first dive of the season there. We must have been the first live aboard there.

    The whole rock from bottom to top was covered with a huge net, could not have been long, probably just the night before, as the majority of fish was not dead yet. Fish as small as Clown Fish were caught in it. It took us 3 dives to remove 2/3 of the net. The rest must have been removed by other boats the following days.

    I want to make clear I did not write about any ligths on these boats that used to catch squid. I am speaking about the simple position lights what I saw ! Literally hundreds of boats had formed a line , like pearls on a string, and cut of the sounds between all three islands. Given it a short thinking it looked like they were working with one huge net combined of smaller nets attached to each other, in order to cut off a whole 10- 15 sea miles of open waters and the migration route of fish between the islands ( larger fish feed often between the 15 and 50 meter depths off islands rock )

  5. I was on the Similan two years ago. We arrived at the islands 1,2,3 short after nightfall , just to see hundreds of light of illegal fishing boats floating around and forming a ring around the islands. All this activivty happens all year round ( you just don t see it as in the daytime they hide and hardly any snorkeling- diving live aboursd are going into this area.

    I noticed a lot of these fishing boats are leaking, and have poorly maintenanced engines, all leaking oil and fuels. Also , trash, broken fishing nets, waste, feces, all is thrown overboard. no wonder coral reef are suffering. I don t hink divers are doing much harm to the reefs. The intensive fishing inside a national park , paid with tea money into the hands of the few who are supposed to watch over the fishing ban, is the worst thing that ever can happen to the archipelago. We went to see all the island and around them of the Similan group, so I can speak for what I have witnessed. Around and near the anchoring spots for the fisheries, the water is shiney rainbow from all the leaked fuel. If Mister General wants to see results and protect the area, he is supposed to kick out all these illegal fisheries. Also, the decline of Tuna , Makarel, Barracuda and Sharks is a direct result of cutting right through the migration routes of these fish with big nets , literally sipping off all larger than a finger sea life.

  6. Amazing, I have experienced the same phenomenon with black and grey polyester shirts. While with polyester shirts in blue and white it never occured, the black ones started to expell a stinky odour really soon, and even after washing them 2 times, a few minutes of wearing would bring back the stench.

    You must be right assuming that some organic pigments used in the dying process are sensitive to moisture of our bodily origin. The experience did never occur with cotton Tees or shirts , only with pigment dyed polyesters. It nearly drove me insane when I tried to track the problem down. Used different detergents and ende up handwashing carefully . Nothing helped.

    You may know the experience when you start to smell yourself. It a bloody red flag experience !!! Normally, you don t smell yourself as others do. Other will always be the first to point out that your odours are downsizing your 'handsome' aura. Given the fact that we never realize ourselves how raunchy lurid we actually are, the moment when you start to smell yourself is like being already lightyears away from the person of possible love. I call it simply " too late, pal, she doesn t like your smell" !

    I don't know you personally so can't speak for your personal hygiene only my own. But actually pay attention to the clothes you're wearing when they comment. I have a few shirts, 3 are blue in color and 2 are yellow and they smell almost immediately after wearing them.

    I keep very clean as is my clothes and I do have a lady to clean them though I cleaned my own clothes for more then 30 years previously and there is most definitely something in them likely the dye but possibly the material that sets off a terrible body odor type smell within an hour or so whether I sweat or not even though we use color bleach...

    None of my other shirts have this problem it's distinct and after some thorough investigation I finally narrowed it down..

    BTW a fan works really nicely to air out and dry your clothes indoors without exposing it to the nasty smells outside and making it all stiff. In the absence of a dryer we've been drying our clothes quite quickly that way for years especially when we wash at night when they can get stale smelling and as quick or quicker then outside too. Definitely use some softener too, but in the past I've had a host of issues with some of the softeners available here too so only use Downy now...

  7. if she had been married before, or has children from a boy friend. just tell them that you will gladly pay for a virgin , but not for a woman who seeks for someone to save her from the misrey of never again find a Thai man to get married to her. If the mother insists on sin sod, tell her the daughter is not a virgin any more. so much of my two satang to traditional marriages.

  8. I have no idea, but when i turn on my brain, any West Coast port seems to be easy to reach. Saves you the passage through the Panama Canal plus its hefty fees.

    Other, if you want to import to the Estern USA, you will have to compare prices of delivery to Californian or Washingtonian ports versus the Panama Canal route to , let's say. Newark Port.

    it s all up to you to call up shippers and get a quote. Why bother ThaiVisa members. We are not wiser than you for such a subject.

    you took a chance. good bye.

  9. ah, and I forgot to add . Own experience. When wearing polyester shirts and pants, I soon after begin to smell rising odor. Fact, the collar of polyester shirts I used to wear started to STINK , and laundering did not remove all of the stench ! I have switched to cotton clothing succesfully . . never had this kinda stench reappear again . . . .

  10. Howgh, geriatrickid spoke right ! I just want to add my two Satang, avoid eating butter, buttery cakes and cream topped food ! On most of freshly arrived farang there hangs the smell of old butter and sour milk , I often notice. Joined with your own sweat, a heavy attack to non-sweating Asian's noses ! Take two showers a day, using the good old LUX soap instead of balmy,sticky shower foams ( they actually do not clean the pores deep enough as they should do) , you will notice it when soaping down the first time - your own smell becomes apparently noticeable for yourself then. Rinse, and then soap a second time , you will notice all the odor gone ! If you sweat a lot, why not shower on every occasion. Once in Thailand for a few weeks, the fat lumps of your skin will have been sweated dry . . and such your olfactory character will dwindle. And that 's then a good chance to shop for a decent deodorant and a flask of a manly Eau de Perfume

  11. In the Banglampoo area, go to the corner of the Phra Aathit Road with the Sam Sen Road. There is the Siam Commercial Bank. Walk a little bit into the direction of the river/ old Fort , there is a small Stationery shop about 30 meters away from the bank. The old lady and her family will be pleased to show you their quite still impressive collection of Parker ballpens - best quality you can find in Thailand - and if lucky , they also have Lamy's. Me too, these cheap , thinly writing gel pens were driving me crazy. They are by no way a professional writng tool, yet everyday I can see Thais fumbling and fighting with this cheap crap.

  12. Reboot the Wlan . .. leaving computer on. And vice versa . .leave Wlan on and Rebloot computer. Either way maybe will help. Other than that belongs to the specialist crew . . I a real dumbass when it comes to computers, but on one thing I have had surprises . . Rebooting most often will help . . ;)

  13. I appreciate gregd 's post ! Some well ducted, analyst short and inbound prediction on what is about to happen. I cannot say much more to it because I am not the linguist to put my thoughts into such words. gregd said it all and it is what I feel inside me since the Club of Rome 1977 did a rough outline on World's - not end - but future. To all the appcrythes - there will be no aprupt end, there will be a rather soft decline, like from swinging with the oil surge into a nightfall when the same oil that thrieves our all-apparent economies, this surge becomes a trickle. It ios a slow, but menaingful progress, and will teach mankind about the superiority of rural life. Unfortunately, the usurpators reign over the armies that will conquer and surpress the farmers. Just don t think the militia when hungry will leave the Eesarn peolle to themselves. Armies will invade and steal the rice for the riches in the cities . . Gold will still be Gold and the farmers will give their gold to get some of the stolen rice back from the thieves . . .

  14. In Germany, the speed the camera clicked will always been reduced by a "tolerance" value of 5% ( not sure , it could be less or more % ) before the ticket is issued. The same could have happened in LOS, it would be worth while to ask police if an acceptable tolerance value has been reduced from the clicked speed, in order to erase possible inaccuracies. The German authorities can hold up a speed ticket in court appeals because of this method, such a claim on exactness of the camera is thus worthless. Maybe you should try to question the 2 kilometers , if not a little tolerance got reduced. If they signal no no, I just think the 400 Baht are not worth all the ballyhoo

  15. Why would Thailand kick farang out except those that are bankrupt, committing crimes and/or living on the street? Granted, that will be a very high percentage, but still, no reason to think that all farang will be kicked out.

    The OP pointed that it will be the situation when disaster is such that your Dollars are just good enough to start the charcoal fires with . . means worthless. Don t make me believe that this is the moment when we will be most welcome to tell them how to grow food . . .

  16. Thais would say , world gone bad , money gone bad , no ploblem, we got rice !

    However like many posters quoted, it is questionable that you will be tolerated in the village community when your dollar is good enuff to wipe your A..E with . ..

    some posters expect anarchism .. that s a wide subject, open to the wildest speculations ! Welcome to the believers of 2012 and Nostradamus !

    my two cents here will be subdued to the fact, that all that moves here - economy and YOU as well - is based on the CHEAP PRICE of OIL and it's AVAILABILITY ! Scientists have long declared that the peak exploration has already been reached.

    For your scare I'd like to admonister, that SOMCHAI cannot tuk-tuk his Cart to the market when the oil hits 150 Baht at the pump, whilst the US of A are wagingf another war of the pumps, and the chinese hold their stakes in the African aftermath ..

    Do the maths. . you are welcome in the sticks in Thailand as long as the farmers don t need a victim onto which they can blame the obvious end of the dreams . . . .

  17. I agree that when you input atv thailand in google or others, you get no results. Matter of fact, these suppliers don t care about webhosting and their pages are in the universum , let alone in the world wide wonders !

    There is actually a VERY good supplier located in Ayutthaya !

    If you look around you can buy cheap chinese made ATV from 45,000 upwards . . I don t think they will ast too long. If you spend 100 K you still get a chinese made, simple

    brakes and cheap tranny. I would aim for better, the Japan imports will suit your needs, a bit costly but they are all out-performed !

    Remember you cannot legally drive them on public roads . . no chance in getting a green book ! However, I guess a decorative plate plus the right amount of dough will inspire a certain breed to give you a temporary pleasure . ..

    It is not allowed to post weblinks on TV . .yet here the ( please forgive me, admins !! ) result of my THREE MONTH Search - thaiatvsales

  18. Hi, many years ago I met Spencer Littlewood, who has abroad knowledge of Sak Yant and related budhism. You can find all his research on Sak Yant if you google for sak yant ajarn spencer !

  19. If you can get your money refunded after a delay or postponing your ticket, is all said in the conditions when you buy your ticket. You should read the small print carefully before posting a complaint. Most tickets can be postponed , added a small fee, however I have never heard of a ticket that could be transferred to another fligth after having missed the original flight of said ticket.

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