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Posts posted by FrankBlunt

  1. Just had a quick Google and IBAP had no program for October, December or February. Also, the BBAP website seemed to be down. Are these mutual backslapping / closet backstabbing societies slowly dying a death?

    • Like 1
  2. I noticed that Russian edition is 40 baht. Feels good to be on the lower end of the dual pricing for a change.

    The Russian advertisers are obviously not contributing enough to cover the in-depth journalism costs.

  3. Surely it would have been in your interests just to humour the guy and give an idea of the type of work you need doing? Who knows, maybe he knows just the person you're looking for but I doubt he'll be inclined to help you now?

    • Like 1
  4. Surely anyone with a grain of common sense who has had to rely on visa runs, presenting themselves to immigration or whatever to maintain their existence in Thailand must have been aware that things could change at any time in an adverse way for them. If they have coasted along thus far without any contingency plan or fall-back arrangements in their home country then rather than having SAD leaving parties and bemoaning their luck, blaming the authorities or whatever and looking for sympathy, their leaving parties should be joyous affairs to celebrate the fact they rode their luck for so long. The remaining people should be pleased with the clearing out of a few schemers and chancers.

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  5. I'm sure the scheming owner will have included something in the contracts of both the advertisers and his presenters to minimize the impact on his own pocket.

  6. I have used the Novotel at Kalim from time to time and found it ok. Various membership packages for pools and small gym - perhaps a little on the pricey side if I remember correctly - but facilities ok (towels, hot shower, lockers, sauna etc) and sunset coincides with Happy Hour at the bar, which is nice. In high season you need to experiment with your timings if you want to swim lengths and avoid the tourists but low season normally ok.

  7. Thanks for the feedback, folks. My memory is being jogged by a few blasts from the pasts - Phuket Lager and the Brewery opposite Tesco Lotus to name a couple. Also, the mention of light aircraft reminded me of Destination Air who I think had several attempts to get off the ground but never really got going.

    There does seem to be a few helicopters flying over Patong these days so maybe someone has got their act together?

    As has been mentioned, sometimes barmy businesses are bankrolled by wealthy people who either want a hobby or just like the publicity. I often wonder too if there is a bit of money laundering going on in some businesses but never really thought a great deal about how this would work in practice.

    I've often wondered how that Shooting Café place near the centre of Jungceylon keeps going as there never seems to be much sign of customers there (even when the other restaurants in the area are busy) and they must be paying a huge rent for that location. Seems a strange concept to me - shooting café. Maybe it appeals more to the Russian & Asian tourists?

    I always have sympathy for the brewery place in Jungceylon. I guess its a borderline hair brained scheme but I do like their beer and food so wish them well. Saying that, I'm amazed they have kept going so long given how quiet it normally seems to be whenever I'm there. Being hidden behind that boat doesn't help and I often think they would do much better if the JC management would let them put a few tables and chairs and small outdoor bar on the open deck of that boat.

  8. It seems to me that a lot of new businesses like to start up with launch events, write ups in the local rags etc. Quite often, you will look at these new businesses and quickly shake your head at the misplaced optimism and complete lack of appreciation of what will work out here and instantly mark it down as being doomed to fail. In some cases it may be an ego thing where the new business owner's desire to have his 5 minutes of fame completely overrides the need for sensible business decisions and as such I would also like to see them have one final moment in the spotlight as they skulk away to a chorus of "I told you so".

    Don't get me wrong, I don't derive pleasure from seeing businesses fail and I really like to support those who run with a sound idea and put in the effort to make a success of it. But there are just so many ridiculous start-ups here that it might be interesting to actually record their demise rather than just realise a few months down the road that they just aren't there any more.

    For example, I rode along Nanai the other day and noticed the pool place wasn't there any more. Plenty of write-ups and such when it opened but come on, a higher-end pool hall in Cheap Charlie Nanai?

    The one which really made me shake my head in disbelief was the Joe Conrad Magic Show. Have you ever seen so much money invested in such a non-starter? Plenty of features in the local rags when he started - why can't they do features when it shuts down too? Maybe it is because the newspapers have nothing to gain by reporting such a closure whereas there is potential advertising money, free tickets etc to be had by massaging egos when businesses start?

    I also saw the other day that the Swedish magic bloke in Bangla has also shut down - is now the new Seduction.

    Not sure where I'm going with this - I'm just rambling a bit and probably will be shut down but I don't get out and about around the island as much these days so would be interested to hear of any spectacular failures around the place which I might have read lots about when they first opened.

    Just thought of another from a few years back - Oktoberfest or whatever it was called, just along and on the other side from Simon Cabaret.

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  9. All in all there are 2 things we can learn from this:

    1. don't put money in your shirt pocket and bend over;

    2. don't trust an unnamed salesperson in an unnamed furniture shop in an unnamed place on Phuket.

    Very helpful.

    and a third...

    3. expect to be shot down in flames after starting a well-intentioned forum thread.

  10. ^ Yes I read that too. Hmm. seems someone didn't have their facts straight. lol

    I also wonder why the sexual orientation of the owner is important to some.

    Irishivan didn't say that the sexual orientation was important; he just described the new owner as a "gay Canadian man". Following your analysis of this factual statement (assuming it to be true), you could equally ask as to why the nationality or gender of the owner is important to some.

  11. My only concern is how much I'm being charged and personally I couldn't give a **** where the service charge goes. As such, I do wish the menu prices in such places would show the actual amount it will cost me, rather than just showing the basic rate with the ++ details in small print at the bottom.

    As far as WC goes, it seems to me that the initials "WC" are quite appropriate as I have only dined there (Jungcelyon branch) on a handful of oaccasions but have spent half the night in the WC following a couple of those visits.

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