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Posts posted by awd

  1. I think that the Sangha and Ajahn Brahm are incorrect in assuming that women have been ordained. They must relieve themselves of this delusion. If they would explore the nature of self, using Vipassana techiniques, they would see that beneath the superficial mundane constructs such as women, pretty, educated, football fans, etc. that we casually assign to these beings, they are at heart, and at soul, merely beings existing at the moment, neither "men", nor "women", essentially.

  2. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

    John F. Kennedy

    How much has Thaksin taken from Thailand versus how much has he given to Thailand.

    What has he given to Thailand?

    Taken is simple...3000 lifes huge amount of money

    This is perhaps Abhisit's biggest moral failure. He has defended the Army relentlessly in the Rohinga matter and defended the Police and refused to take any action against them in the speed freak et al killings. Abhisit seems only interested in promoting the worst elements of the PAD, the military, the police. This is the primary reason he receives little support from the Thai people.

  3. Comparing Abhisit to Gordon Brown and Thaksin to Suu Kyi; my we are getting creative.

    Do read on - I compare Thaksin to Bush and connect Abhisit and Obama.

    You can't however associate either of my analogies to that of the asinine work of Hun Sen comparing Thaksin to Suu Kyi. That one just doesn't hold tom yam. Suu Kyi the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Obama the same. Hun Sen the Kymer cutthroat, Thaksin the Cambodian betraying his country in a bizzare but unsurprisingly desperte transformation of alliegance.

    I anyway couldn't imagine you or I would want to have either Thaksin or Hun Sen as our leader.

    Anyone but Abhisit; for now anyway!

  4. Thaksin has made a big mistake. He now realized he played this card too early and it backfired.

    He may, or may not, have made a mistake. In any case, his opponents are not known for their strategic abilities. It does liven the debate, and any move that puts international journalism in the forefront of Thai political discussion is very welcome.

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