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Posts posted by awd

  1. Why is Abhisit so scared to have Thaksin in Cambodia? The poor child is absolutely obsessed with Thaksin's location at every moment and yet half the time he doesn't even know where Thaksin is. Abhisit isn't even qualified for the Minister ofFollowing Thaksin's Shadow, let alone trying to govern Thailand. In Abhisit's nightmares, he envisions the AXIS OF EVIL as elections, Thaksin, and freedom of the press.

    I've been keeping fairly close watch on today's proceedings - at the expense of work in some cases - and don't recall him saying anything at all yet, apart from a couple of comments in accordance with the law and how Hun Sen should keep out of Thai affairs. These were on the weekend just to set the record straight.

    Please point me in the right direction.


    Look to the East, my friend!

  2. Why is Abhisit so scared to have Thaksin in Cambodia? The poor child is absolutely obsessed with Thaksin's location at every moment and yet half the time he doesn't even know where Thaksin is. Abhisit isn't even qualified for the Minister ofFollowing Thaksin's Shadow, let alone trying to govern Thailand. In Abhisit's nightmares, he envisions the AXIS OF EVIL as elections, Thaksin, and freedom of the press.

  3. I agree. ASTV is blatantly what it is with no apologies. I can accept that and put that under the Freedom of Speech type of category. Fox is a sham. Not that it is wrong to have conservative views. But right at the letterhead, the "fair and balance" claim is ludicrous. Call a spade a spade and accept that the editorial slant is conservative and let it go at that.

    I don't see other news organizations calling themselves "liberal", even though their editorial slant is in that direction. Why should FOX be the only one that has to play under different rules?

    Most other US news organization lean toward Obama (yes, the Obama that believes that the more Muslims we kill with unmanned drones the safer we will be) which clearly make them conservative. The belief that Obama is a liberal is patently absurd. The Bushobama administration, with its fundamental belief in military resolutions, is not a liberal institution. The military-industrial complex is running America and their present hate-filled half-Irish President is doing no one any good.

  4. If one works hard all day and gets off work at 5pm, the 2:00am closing allows for a mere 9 hours of pouring alcohol down one's throat. That's only 63 hours per week of pouring alcohol down one's throat socially. It forces people who wish to pour alcohol down their throats a respectable 100+ hours per week to supplement their drinking at home or on the job. Who benefits?

  5. goodness. next time, be sure to try and do some research before posting. Notthenation is a parody site and their "stories' are not factual.

    Thank you for clearing this matter up. After subscribing to The Nation for several months I was under the impression that The Nation was a parody newspaper and the "stories" not factual.

    Checked out the notthenation website, and boy, what a laugh!

  6. Keeping this Thai related, the right-wing, pro-military mindlessness of both ASTV and FoxNews are identical. And I agree that Obama, with his incredibly stupid escalation of the War Against Afghanistan and penchant for killing civilians with un-manned drones (essentially a suicide-bomber without the suicide) is inhumane as well.

  7. A quick reminder that "Thai" is not a race of people, but rather a political and geographic term used to describe people of a few races from many places.

    Yes, perhaps to you & myself but many Thais think differently. A Thai will often say "Khon Thai" when referring to ethnic Thai's as they would say "Khon Jeen" referring to enthic Chinese who all may happen to have Thai nationality.

    The distinction between nationalities, religions and ethnicities is often blurred by Thais as if race is the "deciding factor".

    Again, you are confusing race and ethnicity, and political regions and geographic origins. I know Thai citizens who are American born with absolutely no Asian heritage and farangs without Thai citizenship who were born in Thailand and every imaginable combination in between. What we all have in common is that rarely do any of us pay higher prices than a Thai rice farmer making 130 baht per day. Show respect and residency and you'll meet with amazing results. Approach with a chip on your shoulder, wearing your racial pride like a badge, and your lack of humility will be met with consistently higher prices. C'est la vie!

  8. Those of us who don't complain about dual-pricing are probably not paying it. We have driver's licenses, residency, Thai citizenship or just plain good karma and don't get caught out enough on it to really change our lives. To the less karmically fortunate, our condolences.

  9. So far there isn't one example of a listed price being higher for one race over another. Caucasian Thais pay one price and Asian foreigners pay a higher price. It's based on nationality and residency just like it is in our home countries. The main problem that bothers people is they get bored of bar girls and the UBC is so bad that they get sucked into endless double-pricing threads.

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