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Posts posted by jmac

  1. Make sure you are not running 2 DHCP servers. It sounds like you have a router interfacing your adsl lime going to a switch and your AP connected to that. If you have a DHCP server active in both the router and AP you will have this problem.

  2. My next door neighbor in Pattaya, when in university, went to Canada for English language study as part of her studies with a group. The school in Canada held all their passports for them while they were in Canada. This practice is more widespread than many people believe. Right or wrong.

    BTW, I was in a auto accident (a passenger) in a central province in Thailand 80 km from where I was staying, and was injured. All I had was a copy of all the pages of my passport. I was told to report to the police station and was not allowed to go the hospital as I only had copies of my passport which the police officer ripped up in front of me and said no good. That was the extent of English there and as I had been in the country for 1 month, I did not speak any Thai. After 6 hours I was released and made my to the hospital, but had to return within 2 days with the original passport, which I then had to get the same pages copied for the same officer that ripped them up. That was almost 3 years ago.

  3. You will have to run chkdsd /f from dos. Not under windows. You can either boot dos from diskette or use recovery console. Directions can be found by using google. Too involved to describe here. This is a common problem when the dirty bit gets set on a ntfs boot drive.

  4. Have xp installed in addition to vista and make it dual boot and see if it improves things. No need to remove vista. You can install xp yourself but may need help to do the dual boot thing if you are not knowledgeable.

  5. I agree it has gotten pretty bad. I went in 2 months ago to buy a new TV nuy made the mistake of going alone. The sales people refused to speak with me. I can converse in Thai but they just walked away. Went and bought it somewhere else.

  6. Just go into the bios at boot time and disable the usb ports. Upon reboot the new ports should be discovered and installed. All else fails, delete all usb from device manager, make sure motherboard usb is disabled and reboot. All should be ok.

  7. I received a notice that I have a package to pick up at the post office. I believe I have to go to the post office in Banglemung and not in Pattaya. Does anyone know where it is located? Nothing on the slip gives me a clue, not even a post code.

  8. I got my certificate from Pattaya Immigration yesterday and all I did was fill out the form. had photos and copies done and that was that. No other documents needed. Will go for license renewal today.

  9. To answer those of you who recommended changing banks; I recentlu tried changing banks in the US. It turned to be impossible to open a new account without being there. The requirements can not be met if you do not reside there. They required a notorized document (can be done at embassy in BKK, requiring travel) They also required copies of current utility bills sent to my home address. PO Boxes were not acceptable. All this was with a internet based bank with few physical branches. If anyone knows of any banks that have less stringent requirements please share. The reason for changing was the high fees at Citibank. I was looking for a bank with no foreign fees for atms. I now pay 1% with my backup bank.

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