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Posts posted by Chonburiram

  1. ...I have a symphony orchestra and a full chorus that live in my storage area and regularly conduct Beethoven's 'Chorale' downstairs in my shop house in Suphanburi...the neighbors are entertained/enraptured...

    Now, that's nothing... I have a Thai boys' choir performing the " Missa Solemnis" every Buddha Day in accent free Latin at our local Wat in Buriram, pah!

    And before you get started - they are accompanied by a trombone choir assembled from the smallest midgets you could find in the whole south east asia! Double pah!

  2. ...It could be 50 TBH per day or even less for the poorest.

    In our soi ( Soi Maha Setee = Street of the Super Rich in the town we live in ) gardeners/ cleaners are picked up at their abodes with Volvos, Tunas etc. by the houseowners or his wifes.

    All necessary tools are provided, iced water ( sometimes when a kid/ grandkid is with them, soft drinks ), brekkie, lunch, packed dinner, fruit/vegetables, empty plastic bottles/cans, clothes, school uniforms/shoes, toys, used phones/computers/TV's, whatever isn't used anymore is given to them.

    During work, they are made as comfortable as possible, umbrellas, fans, aircon, chairs and mats can be used to free will.

    The interaction is characterized by utmost respect.

    After work, they are given 500 - 1000 ฿ + fare + money to buy sweets for the kids. KamalaRider, you have no idea how difficult it is to get a decent non live in help...

    • Like 1
  3. I just noticed that the good General is wearing the same lapel badge as one of my awards (it's the rectangular black badge above his shirt)

    ...I would like to learn more about this badge, if it has an official name etc.

    It's the " Gadum Patiwad " ... you got it awarded, so, you should tell us about it...
  4. Rupert Murdoch is 83. Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence at 70 years of age. Mandela elected president at 76, Mother Teresa got the Nobel prize at 69, Roget published Thesaurus at 73. Anna Mary Robertson Moses was better known to the world as Grandma Moses, a woman who didn't begin to paint until the age of 76.

    Scientists assume, that the first human who will live over 150 years is already born...

  5. Do they always have to pose with the body?

    Back in my civilized first world home country you would be paid an amount of money, recovering a water corpse; so, maybe yes, they have to "pose" with the deceased to stake out a claim... you know, these people/organisations need money to keep working. It's also a good evidence that there was no foul play involved.

  6. everyone pointed you already on the sugar daddy fact...

    I was long enough his "bitter daddy" - since i've changed my approach towards him i learn to appreciate his abilities more and more. Compared to his really successful sister (the pleasure of my live) he is "low maintenance", but also, my personal "learning experience".

    • Like 2
  7. On Sunday, we went to Kawasaki in Pattaya, while my wife was doing the paperwork 3 other customers where in the process buying the z250, all opted for the white model, us included. For my own taste, too much plastic on the bike but what do i know?

    Now i am playing with the idea set a Kawa branch up for the son... did not know they sell these bikes like sliced bread.

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