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Posts posted by Hazri

  1. That's why i always feel aggravated when talking about football with MU supporters. But you're an exception James. You're one of the good guys. If you ever think of changing team in the future, we'll accept you with open arms, right Miss Mig? :)

  2. Yup, we're not unbeaten now coz we've already lost prior to Sunderland. And about Henry, i just admire his spirit to make such a claim when he's actually playing for a different club. Sorry i can't put a long post here. I'm posting from my phone. I can't even quote a reply... Sheesh... I can't even put a smiley either.... double sheesh...

  3. Hello everyone. It seems to me 2010 will be an exciting season. No refuelling, new teams. A bit on Lotus,... Heard that they're getting Trulli as first driver. Not really excited about that. More excited about second driver. IMO, Kobayashi has shown great potential and deserve a full season drive. I heard Jenson took a pay cut to join McLaren. If it's true, do you think that's a good decision?

  4. Well... I'm not too worried about this loss. It's still early in the season. Even MU fumbled a bit. Hehehe... But there's only one club who's ever won the EPL unbeaten. We may not be unbeaten now, but it's sure not easy to beat us. Henry said he's forever a Gunner. Never heard other players have the same feelings about their former clubs. Miss Mig, i'm with you all the way. Arsenal forever!!

  5. Hello everyone. Arsenal supporter here. Been supporting since Bergkamp days. Hi Miss Mig. Now a bit about the loss to Sunderland. I know... It's too painful to bear, but we'll bounce back. However, it's a bit of concern that we couldn't score a goal against them. But i believe this is just a small bump on the road. Arsenal will be ready for Chelsea. The Blues are gonna get some football lessons come match day. Hehehe...

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